class of green algae
Also known as: Micromonadophyceae
Learn about this topic in these articles:
annotated classification
- In algae: Annotated classification
Class Prasinophyceae (Micromonadophyceae) Paraphyletic, primarily marine; includes Micromonas (sometimes placed in Mamiellophyceae), Ostreococcus, and Pyramimonas. Class Ulvophyceae Primarily marine; includes Acetabularia,
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evolution and paleontology
- In algae: Evolution and paleontology of algae
Most consider the class Micromonadophyceae to be the most ancient group, and some fossil data support this view. The class Ulvophyceae is also ancient, whereas the classes Charophyceae and Chlorophyceae are more recent.
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