Reproduction and life histories
- Singular:
- alga
- Related Topics:
- dinoflagellate
- seaweed
- red algae
- green algae
- phytoplankton
- On the Web:
- Nature - Scientific Reports - Algae (Feb. 15, 2025)
Algae regenerate by sexual reproduction, involving male and female gametes (sex cells), by asexual reproduction, or by both ways.
Asexual reproduction is the production of progeny without the union of cells or nuclear material. Many small algae reproduce asexually by ordinary cell division or by fragmentation, whereas larger algae reproduce by spores. Some red algae produce monospores (walled, nonflagellate, spherical cells) that are carried by water currents and upon germination produce a new organism. Some green algae produce nonmotile spores called aplanospores, while others produce zoospores, which lack true cell walls and bear one or more flagella. These flagella allow zoospores to swim to a favourable environment, whereas monospores and aplanospores have to rely on passive transport by water currents.
Sexual reproduction is characterized by the process of meiosis, in which progeny cells receive half of their genetic information from each parent cell. Sexual reproduction is usually regulated by environmental events. In many species, when temperature, salinity, inorganic nutrients (e.g., phosphorus, nitrogen, and magnesium), or day length become unfavourable, sexual reproduction is induced. A sexually reproducing organism typically has two phases in its life cycle. In the first stage, each cell has a single set of chromosomes and is called haploid, whereas in the second stage each cell has two sets of chromosomes and is called diploid. When one haploid gamete fuses with another haploid gamete during fertilization, the resulting combination, with two sets of chromosomes, is called a zygote. Either immediately or at some later time, a diploid cell directly or indirectly undergoes a special reductive cell-division process (meiosis). Diploid cells in this stage are called sporophytes because they produce spores. During meiosis the chromosome number of a diploid sporophyte is halved, and the resulting daughter cells are haploid. At some time, immediately or later, haploid cells act directly as gametes. In algae, as in plants, haploid cells in this stage are called gametophytes because they produce gametes.
The life cycles of sexually reproducing algae vary; in some, the dominant stage is the sporophyte, in others it is the gametophyte. For example, Sargassum (class Phaeophyceae) has a diploid (sporophyte) body, and the haploid phase is represented by gametes. Ectocarpus (class Phaeophyceae) has alternating diploid and haploid vegetative stages, whereas Spirogyra (class Charophyceae) has a haploid vegetative stage, and the zygote is the only diploid cell.
In freshwater species especially, the fertilized egg, or zygote, often passes into a dormant state called a zygospore. Zygospores generally have a large store of food reserves and a thick, resistant cell wall. Following an appropriate environmental stimulus, such as a change in light, temperature, or nutrients, the zygospores are induced to germinate and start another period of growth.
Most algae can live for days, weeks, or months. Small algae are sometimes found in abundance during a short period of the year and remain dormant during the rest of the year. In some species, the dormant form is a resistant cyst, whereas other species remain in the vegetative state but at very low population numbers. Some large, attached species are true perennials. They may lose the main body at the end of the growing season, but the attachment part, the holdfast, produces new growth only at the beginning of the next growing season.
The red algae, as exemplified by Polysiphonia, have some of the most complex life cycles known for living organisms. Following meiosis, four haploid tetraspores are produced, which germinate to produce either a male or a female gametophyte. When mature, the male gametophyte produces special spermatangial branches that bear structures, called spermatangia, which contain spermatia, the male gametes. The female gametophyte produces special carpogonial branches that bear carpogonia, the female gametes. Fertilization occurs when a male spermatium, carried by water currents, collides with the extended portion of a female carpogonium and the two gametes fuse. The fertilized carpogonium (the zygote) and the female gametophyte tissue around it develop into a basketlike or pustulelike structure called a carposporophyte. The carposporophyte eventually produces and releases diploid carpospores that develop into tetrasporophytes. Certain cells of the tetrasporophyte undergo meiosis to produce tetraspores, and the cycle is repeated. In the life cycle of Polysiphonia, and many other red algae, there are separate male and female gametophytes, carposporophytes that develop on the female gametophytes, and separate tetrasporophytes.
The life cycles of diatoms, which are diploid, are also unique. Diatom walls, or frustules, are composed of two overlapping parts (the valves). During cell division, two new valves form in the middle of the cell and partition the protoplasm into two parts. Consequently, the new valves are generally somewhat smaller than the originals, so after many successive generations, most of the cells in the growing population are smaller than their parents. When such diatoms reach a critically small size, sexual reproduction may be stimulated. The small diploid cells undergo meiosis, and among pennate (thin, elliptical) diatoms the resulting haploid gametes fuse into a zygote, which grows quite large and forms a special kind of cell called an auxospore. The auxospore divides, forming two large, vegetative cells, and in this manner the larger size is renewed. In centric diatoms there is marked differentiation between nonmotile female gametes, which act as egg cells, and motile (typically uniflagellate) male gametes.