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Gut bacteria influence brain protein modifications by carbohydrates Feb. 11, 2025, 4:24 AM ET (News-Medical)

Molecules, such as the isomers of glyceraldehyde—the atoms of which can have different structural arrangements—are known as asymmetrical molecules. The number of possible structural arrangements for an asymmetrical molecule depends on the number of centres of asymmetry; i.e., for n (any given number of) centres of asymmetry, 2n different isomers of a molecule are possible. An asymmetrical centre in the case of carbon is defined as a carbon atom to which four different groups are attached. In the three-carbon aldose sugar, glyceraldehyde, the asymmetrical centre is located at the central carbon atom.

Carbohydrates. An asymmetrical center in the case of carbon is defined as a carbon atom to which four different groups are attached. This diagram shows the four different groups attached to the carbon atom.

The position of the hydroxyl group (―OH) attached to the central carbon atom—i.e., whether ―OH projects from the left or the right—determines whether the molecule rotates the plane of polarized light to the left or to the right. Since glyceraldehyde has one asymmetrical centre, n is one in the relationship 2n, and there thus are two possible glyceraldehyde isomers. Sugars containing four carbon atoms have two asymmetrical centres; hence, there are four possible isomers (22). Similarly, sugars with five carbon atoms have three asymmetrical centres and thus have eight possible isomers (23). Keto sugars have one less asymmetrical centre for a given number of carbon atoms than do aldehyde sugars.

A convention of nomenclature, devised in 1906, states that the form of glyceraldehyde whose asymmetrical carbon atom has a hydroxyl group projecting to the right is designated as of the d-configuration; that form, whose asymmetrical carbon atom has a hydroxyl group projecting to the left, is designated as l. All sugars that can be derived from d-glyceraldehyde—i.e., hydroxyl group attached to the asymmetrical carbon atom most remote from the aldehyde or keto end of the molecule projects to the right—are said to be of the d-configuration; those sugars derived from l-glyceraldehyde are said to be of the l-configuration. Carbohydrates. sugars containing an "aldehydo group [formula] of the D-configuration."

Representative disaccharides and oligosaccharides
common name component sugars linkages sources
*The linkage joins carbon atom 1 (in the β configuration) of one glucose molecule and carbon atom 4 of the second glucose molecule; the linkage may also be abbreviated β-1, 4.
**Note that raffinose and stachyose are galactosyl sucroses.
cellobiose glucose, glucose β1 → 4* hydrolysis of cellulose
gentiobiose glucose, glucose β1 → 6 plant glycosides, amygdalin
isomaltose glucose, glucose α1 → 6 hydrolysis of glycogen, amylopectin
raffinose** galactose, glucose, fructose α1 → 6, α1 → 2 sugarcane, beets, seeds
stachyose** galactose, galactose, glucose, fructose α1 → 6, α1 → 6, α1 → 2 soybeans, jasmine, twigs, lentils

The configurational notation d or l is independent of the sign of the optical rotation of a sugar in solution. It is common, therefore, to designate both, as, for example, d-(l)-fructose or d-(d)-glucose; i.e., both have a d-configuration at the centre of asymmetry most remote from the aldehyde end (in glucose) or keto end (in fructose) of the molecule, but fructose is levorotatory and glucose is dextrorotatory—hence the latter has been given the alternative name dextrose. Although the initial assignments of configuration for the glyceraldehydes were made on purely arbitrary grounds, studies that were carried out nearly half a century later established them as correct in an absolute spatial sense. In biological systems, only the d or l form may be utilized.

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When more than one asymmetrical centre is present in a molecule, as is the case with sugars having four or more carbon atoms, a series of dl pairs exists, and they are functionally, physically, and chemically distinct. Thus, although d-xylose and d-lyxose both have five carbon atoms and are of the d-configuration, the spatial arrangement of the asymmetrical centres (at carbon atoms 2, 3, and 4) is such that they are not mirror images.

Hemiacetal and hemiketal forms

Although optical rotation has been one of the most frequently determined characteristics of carbohydrates since its recognition in the late 19th century, the rotational behaviour of freshly prepared solutions of many sugars differs from that of solutions that have been allowed to stand. This phenomenon, known as mutarotation, is demonstrable even with apparently identical sugars and is caused by a type of stereoisomerism involving formation of an asymmetrical centre at the first carbon atom (aldehyde carbon) in aldoses and the second one (keto carbon) in ketoses.

Carbohydrates. Hemiacetal and Hemiketal Forms. (alpha)-D-glucose (hemiacetal form), D-glucose (linear, open-chain, or free form), (beta)-D-glucose (hemiacetal form), D-fructose (linear, open-chain, or free form), (alpha)-D-fructose (hemiketal form)

Most pentose and hexose sugars, therefore, do not exist as linear, or open-chain, structures in solution but form cyclic, or ring, structures in hemiacetal or hemiketal forms, respectively. As illustrated for glucose and fructose, the cyclic structures are formed by the addition of the hydroxyl group (―OH) from either the fourth, fifth, or sixth carbon atom to the carbonyl group Carbohydrates. carbonyl groupat position 1 in glucose or 2 in fructose. In the case of five-membered cyclic ketohexose or six-membered cyclic aldohexose, the cyclic forms are in equilibrium with (i.e., the rate of conversion from one form to another is stable) the open-chain structure—a free aldehyde if the solution contains glucose, a free ketone if it contains fructose; each form has a different optical rotation value. Since the forms are in equilibrium with each other, a constant value of optical rotation is measurable; the two cyclic forms represent more than 99.9 percent of the sugar in the case of a glucose solution.

By definition, the carbon atom containing the aldehyde or keto group is called the anomeric carbon atom; similarly, carbohydrate stereoisomers that differ in configuration only at this carbon atom are called anomers. When a cyclic hemiacetal or hemiketal structure forms, the structure with the new hydroxyl group projecting on the same side as that of the oxygen involved in forming the ring is called the alpha anomer; that with the hydroxyl group projecting on the opposite side from that of the oxygen ring is called the beta anomer.

Carbohydrates. alpha anomer and beta anomer formulas

The spatial arrangements of the atoms in these cyclic structures are better shown (glucose is used as an example) in the representation devised by British organic chemist Sir Norman Haworth about 1930; they are still in widespread use. In the formulation the asterisk indicates the position of the anomeric carbon atom; the carbon atoms, except at position 6, usually are not labelled.

Carbohydrates. Haworth formulation of [Beta]-D-glucose

The large number of asymmetrical carbon atoms and the consequent number of possible isomers considerably complicates the structural chemistry of carbohydrates.

Classes of carbohydrates



The most common naturally occurring monosaccharides are d-glucose, d-mannose, d-fructose, and d-galactose among the hexoses and d-xylose and l-arabinose among the pentoses. In a special sense, d-ribose and 2-deoxy-d-ribose are ubiquitous because they form the carbohydrate component of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), respectively; these sugars are present in all cells as components of nucleic acids.

Some naturally occurring monosaccharides
sugar sources
L-arabinose mesquite gum, wheat bran
D-ribose all living cells; as component of ribonucleic acid
D-xylose corncobs, seed hulls, straw
D-ribulose as an intermediate in photosynthesis
2-deoxy-D-ribose as constituent of deoxyribonucleic acid
D-galactose lactose, agar, gum arabic, brain glycolipids
D-glucose sucrose, cellulose, starch, glycogen
D-mannose seeds, ivory nut
D-fructose sucrose, artichokes, honey
L-fucose marine algae, seaweed
L-rhamnose poison-ivy blossom, oak bark
D-mannoheptulose avocado
D-altroheptulose numerous plants

d-Xylose, found in most plants in the form of a polysaccharide called xylan, is prepared from corncobs, cottonseed hulls, or straw by chemical breakdown of xylan. d-Galactose, a common constituent of both oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, also occurs in carbohydrate-containing lipids, called glycolipids, which are found in the brain and other nervous tissues of most animals. Galactose is generally prepared by acid hydrolysis (breakdown involving water) of lactose, which is composed of galactose and glucose. Since the biosynthesis of galactose in animals occurs through intermediate compounds derived directly from glucose, animals do not require galactose in the diet. In fact, in most human populations the majority of people do not retain the ability to manufacture the enzyme necessary to metabolize galactose after they reach the age of four, and many individuals possess a hereditary defect known as galactosemia and never have the ability to metabolize galactose.

d-Glucose (from the Greek word glykys, meaning “sweet”), the naturally occurring form, is found in fruits, honey, blood, and, under abnormal conditions, in urine. It is also a constituent of the two most common naturally found disaccharides, sucrose and lactose, as well as the exclusive structural unit of the polysaccharides cellulose, starch, and glycogen. Generally, d-glucose is prepared from either potato starch or cornstarch.

d-Fructose, a ketohexose, is one of the constituents of the disaccharide sucrose and is also found in uncombined form in honey, apples, and tomatoes. Fructose, generally considered the sweetest monosaccharide, is prepared by sucrose hydrolysis and is metabolized by humans.