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- membrane
The release of proteins or other molecules from a secretory vesicle is most often stimulated by a nervous or hormonal signal. For example, a nerve cell impulse triggers the fusion of secretory vesicles to the membrane at the nerve terminal, where the vesicles release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft (the gap between nerve endings). The action is one of exocytosis: the vesicle and the cell membrane fuse, allowing the proteins and glycoproteins in the vesicle to be released to the cell exterior.
As secretory vesicles fuse with the cell membrane, the area of the cell membrane increases. Normal size is regained by the reuptake of membrane components through endocytosis. Regions bud in from the cell membrane and then fuse with internal membranes to effect recycling.
Sorting of products by chemical receptors
Not all proteins synthesized on the ER are destined for export. Many, such as the hydrolases in lysosomes, remain inside the cell; others become anchored in the membrane of internal organelles or in the cell membrane. It is presumed that each protein has some type of marker that fits a specific location in the cell.
Proteins synthesized on free ribosomes have segments that bind to specific receptors on the outer membrane of mitochondria, chloroplasts, or peroxisomes, allowing these proteins to be taken up only by these organelles. In the case of proteins synthesized in the RER, both the hydrolases destined for lysosomes and the secretory proteins are found initially in the same portion of the ER lumen. Studies have shown that these can be distinguished on the basis of their carbohydrate residues. The carbohydrate residues of lysosomal enzymes become modified in the cis-Golgi by the addition of certain phosphate groups. This critical modification allows the enzymes to bind to specific receptors on the membrane of the Golgi, which then directs them into vesicles leading to a lysosome rather than a secretory vesicle. In the lysosomes, proton pumps create an acidic environment that causes the release of the lysosomal enzyme from the membrane-bound receptors. Much of this sorting activity is mediated by coated vesicles containing the same fibrous outer protein, clathrin, used in endocytosis. These sorting vesicles also contain associated smaller proteins.
Harvey F. Lodish Christopher Chow Michael CuffeThe nucleus
The nucleus is the information centre of the cell and is surrounded by a nuclear membrane in all eukaryotic organisms. It is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear envelope, and it houses the double-stranded, spiral-shaped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules, which contain the genetic information necessary for the cell to retain its unique character as it grows and divides.
The presence of a nucleus distinguishes the eukaryotic cells of multicellular organisms from the prokaryotic, one-celled organisms such as bacteria. In contrast to the higher organisms, prokaryotes do not have nuclei, so their DNA is maintained in the same compartment as their other cellular components.
The primary function of the nucleus is the expression of selected subsets of the genetic information encoded in the DNA double helix. Each subset of a DNA chain, called a gene, codes for the construction of a specific protein out of a chain of amino acids. Information in DNA is not decoded directly into proteins, however. First it is transcribed, or copied, into a range of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules, each of which encodes the information for one protein (or more than one protein in bacteria). The mRNA molecules are then transported through the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm, where they are translated, serving as templates for the synthesis of specific proteins.
The nucleus must not only synthesize the mRNA for many thousands of proteins, but it must also regulate the amounts synthesized and supplied to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, the amounts of each type of mRNA supplied to the cytoplasm must be regulated differently in each type of cell. In addition to mRNA, the nucleus synthesizes and exports other classes of RNA involved in the mechanisms of protein synthesis.
Structural organization of the nucleus
DNA packaging
The nucleus of the average human cell is only 6 micrometres (6 × 10−6 metre) in diameter, yet it contains about 1.8 metres of DNA. This is distributed among 46 chromosomes, each consisting of a single DNA molecule about 40 mm (1.5 inches) long. The extraordinary packaging problem this poses can be envisaged by a scale model enlarged a million times. On this scale a DNA molecule would be a thin string 2 mm thick, and the average chromosome would contain 40 km (25 miles) of DNA. With a diameter of only 6 metres, the nucleus would contain 1,800 km (1,118 miles) of DNA.
These contents must be organized in such a way that they can be copied into RNA accurately and selectively. DNA is not simply crammed or wound into the nucleus like a ball of string; rather, it is organized, by molecular interaction with specific nuclear proteins, into a precisely packaged structure. This combination of DNA with proteins creates a dense, compact fibre called chromatin. An extreme example of the ordered folding and compaction that chromatin can undergo is seen during cell division, when the chromatin of each chromosome condenses and is divided between two daughter cells (see below Cell division and growth).
Nucleosomes: the subunits of chromatin
The compaction of DNA is achieved by winding it around a series of small proteins called histones. Histones are composed of positively charged amino acids that bind tightly to and neutralize the negative charges of DNA. There are five classes of histone. Four of them, called H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, contribute two molecules each to form an octamer, an eight-part core around which two turns of DNA are wrapped. The resulting beadlike structure is called the nucleosome. The DNA enters and leaves a series of nucleosomes, linking them like beads along a string in lengths that vary between species of organism or even between different types of cell within a species. A string of nucleosomes is then coiled into a solenoid configuration by the fifth histone, called H1. One molecule of H1 binds to the site at which DNA enters and leaves each nucleosome, and a chain of H1 molecules coils the string of nucleosomes into the solenoid structure of the chromatin fibre.
Nucleosomes not only neutralize the charges of DNA, but they have other consequences. First, they are an efficient means of packaging. DNA becomes compacted by a factor of six when wound into nucleosomes and by a factor of about 40 when the nucleosomes are coiled into a solenoid chromatin fibre. The winding into nucleosomes also allows some inactive DNA to be folded away in inaccessible conformations, a process that contributes to the selectivity of gene expression.
Organization of chromatin fibre
Several studies indicate that chromatin is organized into a series of large radial loops anchored to specific scaffold proteins. Each loop consists of a chain of nucleosomes and may be related to units of genetic organization. This radial arrangement of chromatin loops compacts DNA about a thousandfold. Further compaction is achieved by a coiling of the entire looped chromatin fibre into a dense structure called a chromatid, two of which form the chromosome. During cell division, this coiling produces a 10,000-fold compaction of DNA.