Invertebrate endocrine systems
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- hormone
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- On the Web:
- MSD Manual - Professional Version - Overview of the Endocrine System (Mar. 28, 2025)
Advances in the study of invertebrate endocrine systems have lagged behind those in vertebrate endocrinology, largely due to the problems associated with adapting investigative techniques that are appropriate for large vertebrate animals to small invertebrates. It also is difficult to maintain and study appropriately some invertebrates under laboratory conditions. Nevertheless, knowledge about these systems is accumulating rapidly.
All phyla in the animal kingdom that have a nervous system also possess neurosecretory neurons. The results of studies on the distribution of neurosecretory neurons and ordinary epithelial endocrine cells imply that the neurohormones were the first hormonal regulators in animals. Neurohemal organs appear first in the more advanced invertebrates (such as mollusks and annelid worms), and endocrine epithelial glands occur only in the most advanced phyla (primarily Arthropoda and Chordata). Similarly, the peptide and steroid hormones found in vertebrates are also present in the nervous and endocrine systems of many invertebrate phyla. These hormones may perform similar functions in diverse animal groups. With more emphasis being placed on research in invertebrate systems, new neuropeptides are being discovered initially in these animals, and subsequently in vertebrates.
The endocrine systems of some animal phyla have been studied in detail, but the endocrine systems of only a few species are well known. The following discussion summarizes the endocrine systems of five invertebrate phyla and the two invertebrate subphyla of the phylum Chordata, a phylum that also includes Vertebrata, a subphylum to which the backboned animals belong.
Phylum Nemertea
Nemertine worms are primitive marine animals that lack a coelom (body cavity) but differ from other acoelomates (animals that lack a coelom) by having a complete digestive tract. Three neurosecretory centres have been identified in the simple nemertine brain; one centre controls the maturation of the gonads, and all three appear to be involved in osmotic regulation.
Phylum Annelida
The cerebral ganglion (brain) of Nereis, a marine polychaete worm, produces a small peptide hormone called nereidine, which apparently inhibits precocious sexual development. There is a complex just beneath the brain that functions as a neurohemal organ. The epithelial cells found in this complex may be secretory as well, but this has not been proved. Neurohormones are released from the infracerebral complex into the coelomic fluid through which they travel to their targets. In the lugworm, Arenicola, there is evidence for a brain neuropeptide that stimulates oocyte maturation.

Phylum Mollusca
Within the phylum Mollusca, the class Gastropoda (snails, slugs) has been studied most extensively. The cerebral ganglion (brain) of several species (e.g., Euhadra peliomorpha, Aplysia californica, and Lymnaea stagnalis) secretes a neurohormone that stimulates the hermaphroditic gonad (the reproductive gland that contains both male and female characteristics); hermaphroditism is a common condition among mollusks. This gonadotropic peptide hormone (a hormone that has the gonads as its target organ) is stored in a typical neurohemal organ until its release is stimulated. For example, phototropic information detected by the so-called optic gland (located near the eye) can direct the release of the gonadotropic hormone. The gonadotropic hormones that cause egg laying in Aplysia and Lymnaea have been isolated, and they are very similar small peptides. The hermaphroditic gonad of Euhadra secretes testosterone (identical to the vertebrate testosterone), which stimulates formation of a gland that releases a pheromone for influencing mating behaviour. The optic gland of the octopus (of the class Cephalopoda) influences development of the reproductive organs on a seasonal basis. It is not known, however, whether any neurohormones are involved or whether this is purely a neurally controlled event.
Phylum Arthropoda
The arthropods are the largest and most advanced group of invertebrate animals, rivaling and often exceeding the evolutionary success of the vertebrates. Indeed, the arthropods are the most successful ecological competitors of humans. There are several major subdivisions, or classes, within the phylum Arthropoda, with the largest being Insecta (insects), Crustacea (crustaceans, including crabs, crayfishes, and shrimps), and Arachnida (arachnids, including the spiders, ticks, and mites). Even within these major classes, few species have been studied. Those that have been studied are large insects (e.g., cockroaches, grasshoppers, and cecropia moths) and crustaceans.
The organizations of arthropod endocrine systems parallel those of the vertebrate endocrine system. That is, neurohormones are produced in the arthropod brain (analogous to the vertebrate hypothalamus) and are stored in a neurohemal organ (like the vertebrate neurohypophysis). The neurohemal organ of insects may have an endocrine portion (like the vertebrate adenohypophysis), and hormones or neurohormones released from these organs may stimulate other endocrine glands as well as nonendocrine targets. A general description of the endocrine systems of insects and crustaceans is given below.
Class Insecta
Neurosecretory, neurohemal, and endocrine structures are all found in the insect endocrine system. There are several neurosecretory centres in the brain, the largest being the pars intercerebralis. The paired corpora cardiaca (singular, corpus cardiacum) and the paired corpora allata (singular, corpus allatum) are both neurohemal organs that store brain neurohormones, but each has some endocrine cells as well. The ventral nerve cord and associated ganglia also contain neurosecretory cells and have their own neurohemal organs; i.e., the multiple perisympathetic organs located along the ventral nerve cord. The insect endocrine system produces neurohormones as well as hormones that control molting, diapause, reproduction, osmoregulation, metabolism, and muscle contraction.
A peptide neurohormone that controls molting is secreted by the pars intercerebralis and is stored in the corpora cardiaca or corpora allata (depending on the group of insects). This brain neurohormone is known as the prothoracotropic hormone (PTTH), and it stimulates the prothoracic glands (also called ecdysial or molting glands). In turn, the prothoracic glands release the steroid ecdysone, which is the actual molting hormone. Ecdysone initiates shedding of the old, hardened cuticle (exoskeleton).
In the 1940s Sir Vincent (Brian) Wigglesworth discovered that distention of the abdomen of the blood-sucking hemipteran bug Rhodnius prolixus following consumption of a blood meal sends neural impulses to the brain and triggers the release of PTTH. A similar mechanism has been found in a herbivorous (plant-eating) hemipteran as well. Size seems to trigger molting in lepidopterans (moths, butterflies), although the mechanism is not understood. Each molt is aided by a small amount of juvenile hormone (JH) secreted by endocrine cells of the corpora allata. Without JH during a critical time of the intermolt period of the last larval stage, either a pupa stage (diapause, or a resting state) or an adult stage is achieved. Juvenile hormone also keeps the epidermis in a larval state and causes it to secrete larval cuticle. Without JH, the epidermis changes and secretes the adult cuticle type. Three different closely related forms of JH have been isolated from seven major insect orders.
Some insects enter diapause during development. Diapause is characterized by cessation of development or reproduction, decrease in water content (dehydration), and reduction in metabolic activities. It usually is preceded by an accumulation of nutrients resulting in hypertrophy of the fat bodies. Environmental factors (such as temperature, photoperiod, and food availability) cause storage of neurohormones, and the corpora allata become inactive. Termination of diapause can be brought about by reversing the environmental conditions that induced the diapause. Although juvenile hormone can terminate diapause, it triggers diapause in some insects. The stage of the life history may be important in determining the role of JH. For example, in imaginal diapause (characterized by cessation of reproduction in the imago, or adult), the absence of JH initiates diapause. In lepidopterans, a peptide that initiates diapause has been isolated from the subesophageal ganglion.
In some insects the pars intercerebralis secretes a neurohormone that stimulates vitellogenesis by the fat body (vitellogenesis is the synthesis of vitellogenin, a protein from which the oocyte makes the egg proteins). This neurohormone is stored in either the corpora cardiaca or the corpora allata, depending on the species. Uptake of vitellogenin by the ovary is enhanced by JH. In most insects, JH also stimulates vitellogenin synthesis by the fat body. There is evidence that other neurohormones secreted by the pars intercerebralis also influence reproduction. Some induce other tissues to secrete pheromones that influence reproductive behaviour of other individuals. In the live-bearing tsetse fly, Glossina, a neurohormone released from the corpora allata stimulates milk glands that provide nourishment to the developing larvae.
All insects produce a diuretic hormone and many produce an antidiuretic hormone as well. Insects feeding exclusively on a liquid diet (such as plant sap or blood) have only the diuretic hormone that allows them to eliminate excess fluid and salts through the malpighian tubules (the insect kidney). These osmoregulatory neurohormones are produced both in the brain and in the ventral nerve cord.
Myotropic and metabolic factors
One or more small peptide neurohormones are produced in the brain and ventral nervous system and are stored in the corpora cardiaca and perisympathetic organs, respectively. These myotropic factors stimulate heart rate as well as contractions of the kidney tubules and digestive tract. The corpora cardiaca were named for the heart-stimulating action produced by extracts of these organs. The glandular portion of the corpora cardiaca is thought to secrete the hyperglycemic hormone that causes a rapid increase in blood levels of trehalose, the “blood sugar” of insects. It is sometimes called the hypertrehalosemic hormone. This hypoglycemic hormone apparently is identical to the myotropic factors in at least one species, the American cockroach. An adipokinetic neurohormone released from the orthopteran corpora cardiaca (locusts, grasshoppers) causes the release of diglycerides into the blood during, and immediately after, flight. It is a peptide similar to the myotropic factors.