- The process of evolution
Genetic differentiation during speciation
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- The Royal Society Publishing - Interface Focus - Extended genomes: symbiosis and evolution (Feb. 26, 2025)
Genetic changes underlie all evolutionary processes. In order to understand speciation and its role in evolution, it is useful to know how much genetic change takes place during the course of species development. It is of considerable significance to ascertain whether new species arise by altering only a few genes or whether the process requires drastic changes—a genetic “revolution,” as postulated by some evolutionists in the past. The issue is best considered separately with respect to each of the two stages of speciation and to the various modes of speciation.
The question of how much genetic differentiation occurs during speciation has become answerable only with the relatively recent development of appropriate methods for comparing genes of different species. Genetic change is measured with two parameters—genetic identity (I), which estimates the proportion of genes that are identical in two populations, and genetic distance (D), which estimates the proportion of gene changes that have occurred in the separate evolution of two populations. The value of I may range between 0 and 1, which correspond to the extreme situations in which no or all genes are identical, respectively; the value of D may range from zero to infinity. D can reach beyond 1 because each gene may change more than once in one or both populations as evolution goes on for many generations.
As a model of geographic speciation, the Drosophila willistoni group of flies offers the distinct advantage of exhibiting both stages of the speciation process. The D. willistoni group consists of several closely related species, some of which in turn consist of several incipient species, subspecies, or both. About 30 randomly selected genes have been studied in a large number of natural populations of these species. The results are summarized in the . The most significant numbers are those given in the levels of comparison labeled 2 and 3, which represent the first and second stages, respectively, of the process of geographic speciation. The 0.230 value for D (figure, level 2) means that about 23 gene changes have occurred for every 100 gene loci in the separate evolution of two subspecies—that is, the sum of the changes that have occurred in the two separately evolving lineages is 23 percent of all the genes. These are populations well advanced in the first stage of speciation, as manifested by the sterility of the hybrid males.
The genetic distance between incipient species (figure, level 3) is the same, within experimental error, as that between the subspecies, or 22.6 percent. This implies that the development of ethological isolation, as it is found in these populations, does not require many genetic changes beyond those that occurred during the first stage of speciation. Indeed, no additional gene changes were detected in these experiments. The absence of major genetic changes during the second stage of speciation can be understood by considering the role of natural selection, which directly promotes the evolution of prezygotic RIMs during the second stage, so that only genes modifying mate choice need to change. In contrast, the development of postzygotic RIMs during the first stage occurs only after there is substantial genetic differentiation between populations, because it comes about only as an incidental outcome of overall genetic divergence.
Sibling species, such as D. willistoni and D. equinoxialis, exhibit 58 gene changes for every 100 gene loci after their divergence from a common ancestor (figure, level 4). It is noteworthy that this much genetic evolution has occurred without altering the external morphology of these organisms. In the evolution of morphologically different species (figure, level 5), the number of gene changes is greater yet, as would be expected.
Genetic changes concomitant with one or the other of the two stages in the speciation process have been studied in a number of organisms, from insects and other invertebrates to all sorts of vertebrates, including mammals. The amount of genetic change during geographic speciation varies between organisms, but the two main observations made in the D. willistoni group seem to apply quite generally. These are that the evolution of postzygotic mechanisms during the first stage is accompanied by substantial genetic change (a majority of values for genetic distance, D, range between 0.15 and 0.30) and that relatively few additional genetic changes are required during the second stage.
The conclusions drawn from the investigation of geographic speciation make it possible to predict the relative amounts of genetic change expected in the quantum modes of speciation. Polyploid species are a special case—they arise suddenly in one or a few generations, and at first they are not expected to be genetically different from their ancestors. More generally, quantum speciation involves a shortening of the first stage of speciation, so that postzygotic RIMs arise directly as a consequence of specific genetic changes (such as chromosome mutations). Populations in the first stage of quantum speciation, therefore, need not be substantially different in individual gene loci. This has been confirmed by genetic investigations of species recently arisen by quantum speciation. For example, the average genetic distance between four incipient species of the mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi is 0.022, and between those of the gopher Thomomys talpoides it is 0.078. The second stage of speciation is modulated in essentially the same way as in the geographic mode. Not many gene changes are needed in either case to complete speciation.
Patterns and rates of species evolution
Evolution within a lineage and by lineage splitting
Evolution can take place by anagenesis, in which changes occur within a lineage, or by cladogenesis, in which a lineage splits into two or more separate lines. Anagenetic evolution has doubled the size of the human cranium over the course of two million years; in the lineage of the horse it has reduced the number of toes from four to one. Cladogenetic evolution has produced the extraordinary diversity of the living world, with its more than two million species of animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms.
The most essential cladogenetic function is speciation, the process by which one species splits into two or more species. Because species are reproductively isolated from one another, they are independent evolutionary units; that is, evolutionary changes occurring in one species are not shared with other species. Over time, species diverge more and more from one another as a consequence of anagenetic evolution. Descendant lineages of two related species that existed millions of years ago may now be classified into quite different biological categories, such as different genera or even different families.
The evolution of all living organisms, or of a subset of them, can be seen as a tree, with branches that divide into two or more as time progresses. Such trees are called phylogenies. Their branches represent evolving lineages, some of which eventually die out while others persist in themselves or in their derived lineages down to the present time. Evolutionists are interested in the history of life and hence in the topology, or configuration, of phylogenies. They are concerned as well with the nature of the anagenetic changes within lineages and with the timing of the events.
Phylogenetic relationships are ascertained by means of several complementary sources of evidence. First, there are the discovered remnants of organisms that lived in the past, the fossil record, which provides definitive evidence of relationships between some groups of organisms. The fossil record, however, is far from complete and is often seriously deficient. Second, information about phylogeny comes from comparative studies of living forms. Comparative anatomy contributed the most information in the past, although additional knowledge came from comparative embryology, cytology, ethology, biogeography, and other biological disciplines. In recent years the comparative study of the so-called informational macromolecules—proteins and nucleic acids, whose specific sequences of constituents carry genetic information—has become a powerful tool for the study of phylogeny (see below DNA and protein as informational macromolecules).
Morphological similarities between organisms have probably always been recognized. In ancient Greece Aristotle and later his followers and those of Plato, particularly Porphyry, classified organisms (as well as inanimate objects) on the basis of similarities. The Aristotelian system of classification was further developed by some medieval Scholastic philosophers, notably Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas. The modern foundations of biological taxonomy, the science of classification of living and extinct organisms, were laid in the 18th century by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus and the French botanist Michel Adanson. The French naturalist Lamarck dedicated much of his work to the systematic classification of organisms. He proposed that their similarities were due to ancestral relationships—in other words, to the degree of evolutionary proximity.
The modern theory of evolution provides a causal explanation of the similarities between living things. Organisms evolve by a process of descent with modification. Changes, and therefore differences, gradually accumulate over the generations. The more recent the last common ancestor of a group of organisms, the less their differentiation; similarities of form and function reflect phylogenetic propinquity. Accordingly, phylogenetic affinities can be inferred on the basis of relative similarity.