hepatitis B
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hepatitis B, infectious disease of the liver, the causative agent of which is known as hepatitis B virus (HBV). The course and severity of illness associated with HBV infection varies widely. Some persons are asymptomatic, for example, whereas others experience acute illness and eliminate the virus from the body. Still others remain infected and develop chronic disease.
The global burden of disease associated with chronic HBV infection is high. In 2022, there were an estimated 1.2 million new cases, and worldwide, an estimated 254 million people are chronically infected with HBV. In about one-third of those individuals—many of whom live in eastern Asia or sub-Saharan Africa—chronic HBV infection leads to the development of complications such as liver failure or liver cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that worldwide, 1 in 3 individuals is infected with either HBV or hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Transmission of HBV
In infected individuals, HBV is present in blood, semen, and vaginal fluids, and the virus is transmitted through contact with those fluids. Globally, perinatal transmission (infection passed from mother to child at the time of birth) and early childhood transmission (via contact with an infected individual) are the major means of HBV infection. Occupational exposure (e.g., in health care settings), sexual contact, and needle sharing (e.g., among intravenous drug users) are other ways in which HBV can be transmitted to uninfected individuals. HBV cannot be spread in food or water, and, although the virus may occur in saliva, it is not spread through kissing, coughing, sneezing, or contact with shared eating utensils.

Symptoms of HBV infection
Hepatitis B has both acute and chronic phases. Acute illness manifests after an incubation period of one to several months. In most individuals, the acute phase is subclinical, with few or no apparent symptoms of illness. A minority of persons, however, develop indications of icteric hepatitis, with a prodromal syndrome characterized by anorexia, nausea, fatigue, and skin rash. Symptoms of liver disease emerge as the condition progresses and include dark urine, pale stools, jaundice with icterus (jaundice of the sclera of the eye), and pain in the abdomen. Acute symptoms last anywhere from one to four months. Rarely, acute infection leads to fulminant liver failure, with widespread necrosis of the liver and encephalopathy resulting in confusion or coma.
In some instances, following acute infection, HBV remains in the body, leading to chronic infection. Whether chronic infection will develop is determined primarily by the age at which a person becomes infected with HBV. Risk for chronic infection is highest among individuals who are infected perinatally and lowest for individuals who are infected in adulthood.
Chronic infection is defined by the onset of symptoms six months beyond the emergence of acute illness. However, similar to the acute phase, chronic infection may produce subclinical symptoms; the majority of persons with chronic hepatitis B may remain asymptomatic for 20 or 30 years. In roughly one-fifth of cases, chronic hepatitis B ultimately progresses to cirrhosis (scarring of the liver). Chronic hepatitis B infection is a significant cause of liver cancer, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma.
Diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B
The presence of HBV in the body results in the production of antibodies against the virus. Examples of antibodies that target HBV include HBsAG (hepatitis B surface antigen), anti-HBc (total hepatitis B core antibody), and HBeAg (hepatitis B e antigen). Different blood tests have been designed to detect the different antibodies and thus are used to diagnose hepatitis B.
In acute HBV infection, treatment (when needed) typically is supportive, centerd primarily on adequate rest and fluid intake. Treatment for chronic HBV infection varies. Agents such as lamivudine and interferon alfa-2b disrupt viral reproduction, enabling the liver to recover some of its function. Some patients develop resistance to lamivudine, requiring the use of a different antiviral drug, such as adefovir or entecavir, alone or in combination with lamivudine. Liver transplantation may be considered in cases of chronic liver failure.
Prevention of hepatitis B
Hepatitis B can be prevented through vaccination. The hepatitis B vaccine typically is given as a series of three or four injections, administered over the course of six months. The first dose of the vaccine is sometimes called the birth dose, since it frequently is given within the first 24 hours of birth. The vaccine is 90 to 95 percent effective in preventing hepatitis B.
Kara Rogers