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- history of ideas
- In intellectual history
…was the source for the hermeneutical skills required for reading complex texts. The interpretation of ancient laws and religious doctrines was the workshop in which were forged the tools that were subsequently used in all historical work.
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- Indian philosophy
- In Indian philosophy: The Purva-mimamsa-sutras and Shabara’s commentary
of meaning and hermeneutics (critical interpretations). Jaimini, who composed sutras about the 4th century bce, was critical of earlier Mimamsa authors, particularly of one Badari, to whom is attributed the view that the Vedic injunctions are meant to be obeyed without the expectation of benefits for oneself. According…
Read More - In Indian philosophy: Hermeneutics and semantics
In their principles of interpretation of the scriptures, and consequently in their theories of meaning (of words and of sentences), the two schools differ radically. Prabhakara defended the thesis that words primarily mean either some course of action (karya) or things connected…
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- philosophy of language
- In philosophy of language: The hermeneutic tradition
As an empiricist, Quine was concerned with rectifying what he thought were mistakes in the logical-positivist program. But here he made unwitting contact with a very different tradition in the philosophy of language, that of hermeneutics. Hermeneutics refers to the practice of interpretation,…
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work of
- Gadamer
- In continental philosophy: Gadamer
…development of the theory of hermeneutics (the philosophical study of interpretation, broadly construed), Gadamer stressed the inevitable historical situatedness of the interpretive process; he therefore rejected the ideal of an objective, or universally valid, interpretation grounded in allegedly universal principles of rationality or logic. He insisted instead that questions of…
Read More - In Hans-Georg Gadamer
…philosopher whose system of philosophical hermeneutics, derived in part from concepts of Wilhelm Dilthey, Edmund Husserl, and Martin Heidegger, was influential in 20th-century philosophy, aesthetics, theology, and criticism.
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- Heidegger
- In Martin Heidegger
humanistic discipline, including literary criticism, hermeneutics, psychology, and theology.
Read More - In phenomenology: Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology
Martin Heidegger, one of Germany’s foremost philosophers of the first half of the 20th century, was inspired to philosophy through Brentano’s work Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles (1862; On the Several Senses of Being in Aristotle). While he was still…
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