- Key People:
- Claude Shannon
- Harry Nyquist
- David Blackwell
- On the Web:
- CiteSeerX - Information Theory Primer (PDF) (Mar. 02, 2025)
While information theory has been most helpful in the design of more efficient telecommunication systems, it has also motivated linguistic studies of the relative frequencies of words, the length of words, and the speed of reading.
The best-known formula for studying relative word frequencies was proposed by the American linguist George Zipf in Selected Studies of the Principle of Relative Frequency in Language (1932). Zipf’s Law states that the relative frequency of a word is inversely proportional to its rank. That is, the second most frequent word is used only half as often as the most frequent word, and the 100th most frequent word is used only one hundredth as often as the most frequent word.
Consistent with the encoding ideas discussed earlier, the most frequently used words tend to be the shortest. It is uncertain how much of this phenomenon is due to a “principle of least effort,” but using the shortest sequences for the most common words certainly promotes greater communication efficiency.
Information theory provides a means for measuring redundancy or efficiency of symbolic representation within a given language. For example, if English letters occurred with equal regularity (ignoring the distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters), the expected entropy of an average sample of English text would be log2(26), which is approximately 4.7. The table Relative frequencies of characters in English text shows an entropy of 4.08, which is not really a good value for English because it overstates the probability of combinations such as qa. Scientists have studied sequences of eight characters in English and come up with a figure of about 2.35 for the average entropy of English. Because this is only half the 4.7 value, it is said that English has a relative entropy of 50 percent and a redundancy of 50 percent.
A redundancy of 50 percent means that roughly half the letters in a sentence could be omitted and the message still be reconstructable. The question of redundancy is of great interest to crossword puzzle creators. For example, if redundancy was 0 percent, so that every sequence of characters was a word, then there would be no difficulty in constructing a crossword puzzle because any character sequence the designer wanted to use would be acceptable. As redundancy increases, the difficulty of creating a crossword puzzle also increases. Shannon showed that a redundancy of 50 percent is the upper limit for constructing two-dimensional crossword puzzles and that 33 percent is the upper limit for constructing three-dimensional crossword puzzles.
Shannon also observed that when longer sequences, such as paragraphs, chapters, and whole books, are considered, the entropy decreases and English becomes even more predictable. He considered longer sequences and concluded that the entropy of English is approximately one bit per character. This indicates that in longer text nearly all of the message can be guessed from just a 20 to 25 percent random sample.
Various studies have attempted to come up with an information processing rate for human beings. Some studies have concentrated on the problem of determining a reading rate. Such studies have shown that the reading rate seems to be independent of language—that is, people process about the same number of bits whether they are reading English or Chinese. Note that although Chinese characters require more bits for their representation than English letters—there exist about 10,000 common Chinese characters, compared with 26 English letters—they also contain more information. Thus, on balance, reading rates are comparable.
Algorithmic information theory
In the 1960s the American mathematician Gregory Chaitin, the Russian mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov, and the American engineer Raymond Solomonoff began to formulate and publish an objective measure of the intrinsic complexity of a message. Chaitin, a research scientist at IBM, developed the largest body of work and polished the ideas into a formal theory known as algorithmic information theory (AIT). The algorithmic in AIT comes from defining the complexity of a message as the length of the shortest algorithm, or step-by-step procedure, for its reproduction.