Statics is the study of bodies and structures that are in equilibrium. For a body to be in equilibrium, there must be no net force acting on it. In addition, there must be no net torque acting on it. shows a body in equilibrium under the action of equal and opposite forces. shows a body acted on by equal and opposite forces that produce a net torque, tending to start it rotating. It is therefore not in equilibrium.
When a body has a net force and a net torque acting on it owing to a combination of forces, all the forces acting on the body may be replaced by a single (imaginary) force called the resultant, which acts at a single point on the body, producing the same net force and the same net torque. The body can be brought into equilibrium by applying to it a real force at the same point, equal and opposite to the resultant. This force is called the equilibrant. An example is shown in .
The torque on a body due to a given force depends on the reference point chosen, since the torque τ by definition equals r × F, where r is a vector from some chosen reference point to the point of application of the force. Thus, for a body to be at equilibrium, not only must the net force on it be equal to zero but the net torque with respect to any point must also be zero. Fortunately, it is easily shown for a rigid body that, if the net force is zero and the net torque is zero with respect to any one point, then the net torque is also zero with respect to any other point in the frame of reference.
A body is formally regarded as rigid if the distance between any set of two points in it is always constant. In reality no body is perfectly rigid. When equal and opposite forces are applied to a body, it is always deformed slightly. The body’s own tendency to restore the deformation has the effect of applying counterforces to whatever is applying the forces, thus obeying Newton’s third law. Calling a body rigid means that the changes in the dimensions of the body are small enough to be neglected, even though the force produced by the deformation may not be neglected.
Equal and opposite forces acting on a rigid body may act so as to compress the body (compression or under tension, respectively. Strings, chains, and cables are rigid under tension but may collapse under compression. On the other hand, certain building materials, such as brick and mortar, stone, or concrete, tend to be strong under compression but very weak under tension.
) or to stretch it ( ). The bodies are then said to be underThe most important application of statics is to study the stability of structures, such as edifices and bridges. In these cases, gravity applies a force to each component of the structure as well as to any bodies the structure may need to support. The force of gravity acts on each bit of mass of which each component is made, but for each rigid component it may be thought of as acting at a single point, the centre of gravity, which is in these cases the same as the centre of mass.
To give a simple but important example of the application of statics, consider the two situations shown in
The force in either case thus becomes intolerably large if the angle θ is allowed to be very small. In other words, the mass cannot be hung from thin horizontal members only capable of carrying either the compression or the tension forces of the mass.
The ancient Greeks built magnificent stone temples; however, the horizontal stone slabs that constituted the roofs of the temples could not support even their own weight over more than a very small span. For this reason, one characteristic that identifies a Greek temple is the many closely spaced pillars needed to hold up the flat roof. The problem posed by equation (71) was solved by the ancient Romans, who incorporated into their architecture the arch, a structure that supports its weight by compression, corresponding to .
A suspension bridge illustrates the use of tension. The weight of the span and any traffic on it is supported by cables, which are placed under tension by the weight. Corresponding to , the cables are not stretched to be horizontal, but rather they are always hung so as to have substantial curvature.
It should be mentioned in passing that equilibrium under static forces is not sufficient to guarantee the stability of a structure. It must also be stable against perturbations such as the additional forces that might be imposed, for example, by winds or by earthquakes. Analysis of the stability of structures under such perturbations is an important part of the job of an engineer or architect.
Rotation about a fixed axis
Consider a rigid body that is free to rotate about an axis fixed in space. Because of the body’s inertia, it resists being set into rotational motion, and equally important, once rotating, it resists being brought to rest. Exactly how that inertial resistance depends on the mass and geometry of the body is discussed here.
Take the axis of rotation to be the z-axis. A vector in the x-y plane from the axis to a bit of mass fixed in the body makes an angle θ with respect to the x-axis. If the body is rotating, θ changes with time, and the body’s angular frequency is ω is also known as the angular velocity. If ω is changing in time, there is also an angular acceleration α, such that
Because linear momentum p is related to linear speed v by p = mv, where m is the mass, and because force F is related to acceleration a by F = ma, it is reasonable to assume that there exists a quantity I that expresses the rotational inertia of the rigid body in analogy to the way m expresses the inertial resistance to changes in linear motion. One would expect to find that the angular momentum is given by
and that the torque (twisting force) is given by
One can imagine dividing the rigid body into bits of mass labeled m 1, m 2, m 3, and so on. Let the bit of mass at the tip of the vector be called m i , as indicated in vector from the axis to this bit of mass is R i , then m i ’s linear velocity v i equals ωR i (see equation [31]), and its angular momentum L i equals m i v i R i (see equation [44]), or m i R i 2 ω. The angular momentum of the rigid body is found by summing all the contributions from all the bits of mass labeled i = 1, 2, 3 . . . :
In a rigid body, the quantity in parentheses in equation (76) is always constant (each bit of mass m i always remains the same distance R i from the axis). Thus if the motion is accelerated, thenRecalling that τ = dL/dt, one may write
(These equations may be written in scalar form, since L and τ are always directed along the axis of rotation in this discussion.) Comparing equations (76) and (78) with (74) and (75), one finds that
The quantity I is called the moment of inertia.
According to equation (79), the effect of a bit of mass on the moment of inertia depends on its distance from the axis. Because of the factor R i 2, mass far from the axis makes a bigger contribution than mass close to the axis. It is important to note that R i is the distance from the axis, not from a point. Thus, if x i and y i are the x and y coordinates of the mass m i , then R i 2 = x i 2 + y i 2, regardless of the value of the z coordinate. The moments of inertia of some simple uniform bodies are given in the Click Here to see full-size tabletable.
The moment of inertia of any body depends on the axis of rotation. Depending on the symmetry of the body, there may be as many as three different moments of inertia about mutually perpendicular axes passing through the centre of mass. If the axis does not pass through the centre of mass, the moment of inertia may be related to that about a parallel axis that does so. Let I c be the moment of inertia about the parallel axis through the centre of mass, r the distance between the two axes, and M the total mass of the body. ThenIn other words, the moment of inertia about an axis that does not pass through the centre of mass is equal to the moment of inertia for rotation about an axis through the centre of mass (I c ) plus a contribution that acts as if the mass were concentrated at the centre of mass, which then rotates about the axis of rotation.
The dynamics of rigid bodies rotating about fixed axes may be summarized in three equations. The angular momentum is L = Iω, the torque is τ = Iα, and the kinetic energy is K = 1/2 Iω 2.