Food microbiology
- Related Topics:
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- protozoology
- plant pathology
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- On the Web:
- Mustansiriyah University - Microbiology (PDF) (Feb. 04, 2025)
Microorganisms are of great significance to foods for the following reasons: (1) microorganisms can cause spoilage of foods, (2) microorganisms are used to manufacture a wide variety of food products, and (3) microbial diseases can be transmitted by foods.
Food spoilage
Foods can be considered as a medium for microbial growth. Considering the vast array of sources, substances, and methods with which food is produced, practically every kind of microbe is a potential contaminant. Given a chance to grow, microbes will produce changes in appearance, flavour, odour, and other qualities of the food. The changes vary according to the type of food degraded but can be summarized by examining the fates of the major nutrients found in food: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
Protein-containing foods, particularly meats, are putrefied by organisms (e.g., Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Clostridium bacteria) that break down the long peptide chains of proteins into amino acids and foul-smelling compounds such as amines, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
Carbohydrates (sugars and starches) are fermented into acids (e.g., the acetic acid in vinegar), alcohols, and gases, especially carbon dioxide. This process is responsible for the bursting of spoiled chocolate cream candies by yeasts.
Fat-containing foods such as dairy products are spoiled by microbes that break down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol. Rancid milk, which can be caused by bacteria, yeast, or mold, is an example of this process.
Improperly canned foods are also subject to spoilage by bacteria, yeasts, and molds. Bacteria such as Bacillus and Clostridium are of particular significance in the canning industry because of the high level of resistance that their spores possess. One example of microbial spoilage of canned foods is “sulfide spoilage” caused by C. nigrificans, in which contents are blackened and have the odour of rotten eggs. Another example is called “flat sour,” in which the spoiled product has an abnormal odour, a cloudy appearance, and a sour taste owing to its lowered pH. Putrefaction caused by C. sporogenes may cause a can to swell and burst, releasing its partially digested contents and a putrid odour.
Food preservation
All methods of food preservation are based upon one or more of the following principles: (1) prevention of contamination and removal of microorganisms, (2) inhibition of microbial growth and metabolism, and (3) killing of microorganisms. Prevention—or, more accurately, minimization—of contamination is achieved by the sanitary handling of raw food products, inhibition of growth by low temperatures (refrigeration or freezing), dehydration by evaporation or by high concentrations of salt or sugar, and killing of microbes by the application of high temperatures and, in some instances, radiation.
Food products from microorganisms
Important food items produced in whole or in part by the biochemical activities of microorganisms include pickles, sauerkraut, olives, soy sauce, certain types of sausage, all unprocessed cheeses except cream cheese, and many fermented milk products such as yogurt and acidophilus milk. In each instance a raw food item, such as cucumbers in the case of pickles or milk protein in the case of cheeses, is inoculated with microorganisms known to produce the changes required for a desirable product. The initial food item thus serves as a substrate that is acted upon by microorganisms during the period of incubation. Frequently the manufacturer uses a “starter culture”—a commercial population of microorganisms already known to produce a good product.
Industrial microbiology and genetic engineering
Many substances of considerable economic value are products of microbial metabolism. From an industrial viewpoint the substrate may be regarded as a raw material and the microorganism as the “chemical factory” for converting the raw material into new products. If an organism can be shown to convert inexpensive raw material into a useful product, it may be feasible to perform this reaction on a large industrial scale if the following conditions can be met.
- The organism.
The organism to be employed (a virus, bacterium, yeast, or mold) must have the capacity to produce appreciable amounts of the product. It should have relatively stable characteristics and the ability to grow rapidly and vigorously, and it should be nonpathogenic.
- The medium.
The medium, including the substrate from which the organism produces the new product, must be cheap and readily available in large quantities.
- The product.
A feasible method of recovering and purifying the desired end product must be developed. Industrial fermentations are performed in large tanks, some with capacities of 190,000 litres (50,000 gallons) or more. The product formed by the metabolism of the microorganism must be removed from a heterogeneous mixture that also includes a tremendous crop of microbial cells and unused constituents of the medium, as well as products of metabolism other than those being sought. Traditional products of industrial microbiology are antibiotics, alcoholic beverages, vaccines, vinegar, and miscellaneous chemicals such as acetone and butyl alcohol.
The development of recombinant DNA technology, however, has made it possible to conceive of virtually unlimited new products made by genetically engineered microorganisms. One example of what can be achieved via recombinant DNA technology is the production of human insulin by a genetically altered strain of E. coli. By inserting the human gene coding for insulin into the E. coli cell, biotechnologists give this bacterium the ability to synthesize the hormone on an industrial scale.
The scientific advances that have made genetic engineering a reality have broad implications for the future. By introducing foreign genes into microorganisms, it may be possible to develop strains of microbes that offer new solutions to such diverse problems as pollution, food and energy shortages, and the treatment and control of disease.