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- development in animals
- In animal development: Circulatory organs
…the lateral plate forms the pericardium, or covering of the heart. The portion of the coelom surrounding the heart becomes separated from the rest of the body cavity and develops into the pericardial cavity.
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- circulatory disorders
- In cardiovascular disease: Chronic constrictive pericarditis
Chronic constrictive pericarditis can affect the surface of the heart and the sac (pericardium) surrounding it. The pericardium becomes thickened and fibrotic, and over a period of time it constricts the heart so that the normal filling of the ventricles during the resting phase of the cardiac…
Read More - In cardiovascular disease: Rheumatic heart disease
…lining), myocardium (heart muscle), and pericardium (the sac that surrounds the heart) that occurs during acute rheumatic fever, an infection with Streptococcus pyogenes organisms. The disease includes those later developments that persist after the acute process has subsided and that may result in damage to a valve, which may in…
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- examination by auscultation
- In auscultation
…peculiar to inflammation of the pericardium, the sac surrounding the heart.
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- In auscultation
- pericarditis
- In pericarditis
pericardium, the membranous sac that encloses the heart. Acute pericarditis may be associated with a number of diseases and conditions, including myocardial infarction (heart attack), uremia (abnormally high levels of urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood), allergic disorders, and infections such as…
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- In pericarditis
role in
- circulatory system
- In circulatory system: Hearts
…a large surrounding sinus, the pericardium. The heart may be suspended by alary muscles, contraction of which expands the heart and increases blood flow into it. The direction of flow is controlled by valves arranged in front of the in-current ostia.
Read More - In cardiovascular disease: Diseases of the pericardium
Pericardial disease may occur as an isolated process or as a subordinate and unsuspected manifestation of a disease elsewhere in the body. Acute pericarditis—inflammation of the pericardium (the sac that surrounds the heart)—may result from invasion of the pericardium by one of a number…
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- human cardiovascular system
- In heart
…thin layer of tissue, the pericardium, covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines the inside. The heart cavity is divided down the middle into a right and a left heart, which in turn are subdivided into two chambers. The upper chamber is called an atrium (or auricle), and…
Read More - In human cardiovascular system: Pericardium
The heart is suspended in its own membranous sac, the pericardium. The strong outer portion of the sac, or fibrous pericardium, is firmly attached to the diaphragm below, the mediastinal pleura on the side, and the sternum in front. It gradually blends with the…
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surgical treatments
- Rehn and Sauerbruch
- In history of medicine: Heart surgery
…Larrey in 1824); and the pericardium could be partially excised for constrictive pericarditis when it was inflamed and constricted the movement of the heart (this operation was performed by Rehn and Sauerbruch in 1913). But little beyond these procedures found acceptance.
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- Williams
- In Daniel Hale Williams
…first recorded repair of the pericardium; some sources, however, cite a similar operation performed by H.C. Dalton of St. Louis in 1891.
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