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- neurotoxin
- toxin
- endotoxin
- toxicity
- systemic poison
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- National Capital Poison Center - What is a poison and what is Poison Control? (Feb. 21, 2025)
Mind-altering drugs commonly abused include amphetamines, cocaine, phencyclidine, heroin, and methaqualone. These drugs are primarily toxic to the central nervous system; amphetamine and cocaine cause stimulation of the system (hallucinations and delirium), and heroin causes the depression of the system (depressed respiration and coma). In contrast, phencyclidine and methaqualone are biphasic, producing first depression (drowsiness) and then stimulation of the central nervous system (delirium and seizures). Amphetamines also affect the gastrointestinal tract (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and stimulate the cardiovascular system (increased blood pressure and heart rate, palpitations, and abnormal heart rhythm). In addition to hallucinations and delirium, cocaine causes euphoria, sexual arousal, confusion, and sympathetic stimulation. Phencyclidine is also known to cause aggression and psychotic behaviour, while methaqualone produces excessive dreaming and amnesia.
Cardiovascular drugs
Digitalis (e.g., digoxin) is a class of drugs used for congestive heart failure, with a very narrow margin of safety. Digitalis overdose usually begins with gastrointestinal symptoms, such as anorexia, nausea, and vomiting, followed by sensory symptoms, such as pain and visual disturbances (Table 3). There are also effects on the central nervous system, characterized by delirium and hallucinations.
The major toxicities of beta blockers (e.g, propranolol and metoprolol) result from the blockage of sympathetic effects on the tracheobronchial tree (lung) and heart. Sympathetic stimulation relaxes smooth muscles in the tracheobronchial wall and makes the heart beat faster and more forcefully. Blockage produced by propranolol or metoprolol can cause bronchoconstriction and heart failure (Table 3).
Drugs for treating asthma, such as theophylline and aminophylline, are structurally similar to caffeine. Like caffeine, which is a stimulant, theophylline and aminophylline also stimulate the central nervous system. Therefore, excitement, delirium, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, and seizures occur with an overdose. With excessive stimulation of the heart, palpitations and irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia) can result, leading to sudden death.
Curtis D. Klaassen King Lit WongPoisons of biological origin
Biotoxins can be conveniently grouped into three major categories: (1) microbial toxins, poisons produced by bacteria, blue-green algae, dinoflagellates, golden-brown algae, etc., (2) phytotoxins, poisons produced by plants, and (3) zootoxins, poisons produced by animals. The geographic distribution of poisonous organisms varies greatly; poison-producing microorganisms tend to be ubiquitous in their distribution. Poisonous plants and animals are found in greatest abundance and varieties in warm-temperate and tropical regions. Relatively few toxic organisms of any kind are found in polar latitudes.
Knowledge of the evolutionary significance and development of most biotoxins is largely speculative and poorly understood. In some instances they may have developed during the evolution of certain animal species as part of the food procurement mechanism (e.g., in snakes; cnidarians, jellyfishes, and their relatives; mollusks, octopuses, and others; and spiders). Biotoxins may also function as defensive mechanisms, as in some snakes, fishes, arthropods (e.g., insects, millipedes), and others. The defense may be quite complex—as in the protection of territorial rights for reproductive purposes—and inhibitory or antibiotic substances may be produced that result in the exclusion of competitive animal or plant species. Certain marine organisms and terrestrial plants may release into the water, air, or soil inhibitory substances that discourage the growth of other organisms; well-known examples include the production of antibiotic substances by microorganisms. Similar chemical-warfare mechanisms are used in battles for territorial rights among the inhabitants of a coral reef, a field, or a forest. Thus biotoxins play important roles in the regulation of natural populations. Of increasing interest has been the discovery that certain substances, which may be toxic to one group of organisms, may serve a vital function in the life processes of the source organism.
Importance to humans
Venom-producing animals and stinging and dermatogenic (i.e., skin-poisoning) plants capable of inflicting pain and sometimes death by means of parenteral contact (i.e., by bringing poisons into the body other than through the digestive tract) constitute environmental hazards. Biotoxic agents may produce their injurious effects by becoming involved in the food supply; ingestion of a poisonous microbial organism, plant, or marine animal or one of their toxic by-products may cause intoxication. An example is that of the shore fishes of many tropical islands; otherwise valuable food fishes are frequently contaminated by a poison called ciguatoxin. The poison, a potent neurotoxin (nerve poison), is accidentally ingested by the fishes in their food; such fish can no longer be used for either human or animal consumption.
Some of the effects produced by biotoxins on humans are of an acute nature, and the injuries they cause are readily discernible. The effects of some of the mycotoxins (poisons produced by fungi) and poisons produced by plants, however, are long-term and chronic; they result in the development of cancerous growths and other chronic degenerative changes that are sometimes difficult to detect.
Microbial toxins
Microbial poisons are produced by the Monera (bacteria and blue-green algae) and Protista (algae, protozoa, and others), and the Fungi. Various classifications have been proposed for the microbial poisons, but none is entirely satisfactory. The problems encountered when dealing with these organisms result from a lack of precise knowledge concerning their biological nature and their phylogenetic relationships; in addition, their poisons show great diversity and chemical complexity. The following outline, however, is useful in dealing with this subject.
Moneran toxins
The prefixes “exo-” and “endo-” are retained in classifying the bacterial toxins mainly for historical reasons rather than because they are found either outside or inside the bacterial cell. The main differences in these toxins lie in their chemical structure.
Poisonous proteins from bacteria are sometimes referred to as bacterial exotoxins. The exotoxins are generally produced by gram-positive organisms (i.e., bacteria that react in certain ways to the staining procedure known as Gram staining); at least two bacteria, Shigella dysenteriae and Vibrio cholerae, that produce exotoxins are gram-negative, however. The exotoxins usually do not contain any nonprotein substances, and most are antigenic; i.e., they stimulate the formation of antibodies. The exotoxins may appear in the culture medium in which the bacteria are growing during the declining phases of growth; in some cases they are released at the time of normal destruction of the cells after death (autolysis). The exotoxins are less stable to heat than are the endotoxins, and they may be detoxified by agents that do not affect endotoxins. They are more toxic than endotoxins, and each exotoxin exerts specific effects which are collectively known as pharmacological properties. Exotoxins are neutralized by homologous antibodies—i.e., the active agents in blood serum produced by a process involving the bacteria against which the serum is to be used.
Endotoxins are antigens composed of complexes of proteins, polysaccharides (large molecules built up of numerous sugars), and lipids (fats). The protein part determines the antigenicity, or quality of being reacted against as a foreign substance in a living organism. The polysaccharide part determines the immunological specificity, or limitations on the types of antibodies that can react with the endotoxin molecule and neutralize it (the immunological reaction). Some of the lipids possibly determine the toxicity. Endotoxins are derived from the bacterial cell wall and, when cells are grown in culture, are released only on autolysis. Endotoxins are not neutralized by homologous antibodies and are relatively stable to heat; all of them have the same pharmacological properties.
The Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are among the most primitive and widely distributed of all organisms. They have extreme temperature tolerances. Some strains of a species are toxic; other strains of the same species are not. Water blooms of blue-green algae have been responsible for the death of fishes, waterfowl, cattle, horses, swine, and other animals. Blue-green algae have also been implicated as causes of human intoxications.
Fungi are plantlike members of the kingdom Fungi (Mycota) that do not contain chlorophyll. A significant number are known to produce poisons of various types. Toxic fungi can be roughly divided into two main categories on the basis of their size: the smaller microfungi and the larger mushrooms. The toxic microfungi are members of one of two classes: Ascomycetes, or the sac fungi, and the Deuteromycetes, or the imperfect fungi (i.e., fungi in which no sexual reproductive stages are known). The large toxic mushrooms, or toadstools, are mostly members of the class Basidiomycetes, although some Ascomycetes, such as the poisonous false morel (Gyromitra esculenta), may attain a size as large as some of the mushrooms.
The ability of certain fungi, such as ergot (Claviceps purpurea) and some mushrooms, to produce intoxication has long been known. During the 19th century it was recognized that molds are responsible for such diseases as yellow-rice toxicoses in Japan and alimentary toxic aleukia in Russia. The eruption of so-called turkey X disease in England in 1960 and the resulting discovery of the substance known as aflatoxin (see Table 4) stimulated study of the subject of mycotoxicology. Because mycotoxins have now been recognized as potential cancer-producing agents (carcinogens) that can become involved in man’s food supply, they have become important in the study of environmental carcinogenesis.
Representative toxic microfungi | ||
toxin | comments | |
Claviceps purpurea (ergot) | ergotoxine, a complex of toxic alkaloids, ergocryptine, ergocornine, ergocristine, and others | causes poisoning in animals and humans; produces vomiting, abdominal pain, numbness, nervous disorders, convulsions, gangrene, and abortion |
Stachybotrys chartarum | stachybotryotoxin | causes a toxicosis in animals and humans; produces stomatitis (inflammatory disease of the mouth), rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the inner surface of the eyelid), failure of blood to clot, blood abnormalities, neurological disturbances, and death |
Aspergillus flavus and other species, Penicillium species | aflatoxin complex (16 or more known toxins) | causes toxicosis in animals and possibly humans; toxins damage liver and kidneys; aflatoxin is one of the most potent liver-cancer-producing agents known |
Fusarium sporotrichioides and other Fusarium species | fusariogenin, epicladosporic acid, fagicladosporic acid | causes alimentary toxic aleukia in animals and humans; produces burning sensation of the mouth, tongue, throat, and stomach; causes nausea, vomiting, headache, cold extremities, hemorrhagic spots, convulsions, anemia, gangrene, death |
Cladosporium epiphyllum and other species of Cladosporium | same as Fusarium species | |
Pithomyces chartarum (Sporidesmium bakeri) | sporidesmin | causes facial eczema (an eruptive severe rash) in cattle; produces sensitization of the skin to sunlight, resulting in scab formation and sores; there may also be severe liver damage |
Fusarium species, Rhizopus species, Aspergillus species, Penicillium islandicum, and others | luteoskyrin, islanditoxin, citrinin, citreoviridin, and others; a large complex of poisons is involved | causes moldy or yellowed rice, which is toxic to animals and humans; the effects in humans have not been well defined; may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, prostration, liver damage, and death; the effects vary greatly because of the various poisons involved |
Poisonous mushrooms, or toadstools as they are commonly called, are the widely distributed members of the class Basidiomycetes, although only a few are known to be poisonous when eaten (see Table 5); some of the poisons, however, are deadly. Most deaths attributed to mushroom poisoning result from eating members of the genus Amanita. Wild mushrooms should be eaten only if they have been accurately identified by an experienced person; the safest procedure is to eat only cultivated species. The problem of toxicity in mushrooms is complex; no single rule or test method exists by which the toxicity of a mushroom can be determined. The most poisonous species closely resemble some of the most prized edible species; in addition, toxicity within a given wild species may vary from one set of ecological conditions or from one geographical locality to the next. Moreover, although some mushrooms that are poisonous when fresh are edible when cooked, dried, salted, or preserved in some other way, others remain poisonous in spite of all preparation procedures. It has also been observed that some people may become poisoned by eating mushrooms that apparently do not affect others. As with microfungi, the mushroom poisons vary in their chemical and biological properties from species to species.
Representative poisonous mushrooms | ||
toxin | type of poisoning | |
lorchel, or false morel (Gyromitra esculenta) | gyromitrin | toxicity to people is variable; causes severe liver damage accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, enlarged and tender liver, coma, convulsions; fatality rate about 15 percent |
fly mushroom, or fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) | muscarine | symptoms develop rapidly and are severe, consisting of severe gastrointestinal disturbances, delirium, hallucinations, convulsions; rarely causes death |
death cap (Amanita phalloides) | amanitine, phalloidine | symptoms develop slowly, about 6–15 hours after eating: extreme abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst, anuria (absence or defective excretion of urine), prostration, weakness, jaundice, cyanosis, convulsion, death; fatality rate about 50 percent; no known antidote but some treatment available |
jack-o'-lantern fungus (Omphalotus olearius) | muscarine | causes gastrointestinal upset, not fatal |
inky cap (Coprinus atramentarius) | unknown | some people experience a peculiar type of intoxication after eating this mushroom and then drinking an alcoholic beverage: giddiness, gastrointestinal upset, prostration, and tachycardia (rapid heart action); the alcohol is believed to increase the solubility and absorption of the poison |
Entoloma sinuatum | unknown | causes gastrointestinal upset, usually not fatal |
Inocybe patouillardii | muscarine | symptoms are similar to A. muscaria poisoning |
Lepiota morgani | unknown | causes gastrointestinal upset; fatalities have been reported |
Mexican hallucinogenic mushroom (Psilocybe mexicana) | psilocybin, psilocin | causes euphoria, loss of sense of distance and size, and hallucinations |
Protistan poisons
The dinoflagellates, important producers of the primary food supply of the sea, are microscopic one-celled organisms that are dependent upon various inorganic nutrients in the water and upon radiant energy for photosynthesis, the process by which they produce their own food supplies. Although dinoflagellates inhabit both marine waters and freshwaters, most species are marine. Dinoflagellates are most often found in cool or temperate waters. During periods of planktonic blooms (times of high concentrations of microscopic organisms in the water) dinoflagellates multiply in large numbers. These planktonic blooms, sometimes referred to as red tide because they discolour the water, are often associated with weather disturbances that may bring about changes in water masses or upwellings. During periods of bloom large numbers of toxic dinoflagellates may be ingested by shellfish; the poisons accumulate in their digestive glands. Animals and humans may in turn be poisoned by eating poisoned shellfish. Certain species of dinoflagellates are capable of producing some of the most toxic substances known. The two species of dinoflagellates most commonly involved in human intoxications have been Gonyaulax catenella along the Pacific coast of North America and G. tamarensis along the eastern coast of North America. Intoxications from these organisms are known as paralytic shellfish poisoning. The symptoms, which begin with a tingling or burning sensation, then numbness of the lips, gums, tongue, and face, gradually spread. Gastrointestinal upset may be present. Other symptoms include weakness, joint aches, and muscular paralysis; death may result. There is no specific treatment or antidote. The poison, variously called paralytic shellfish poison, mussel poison, and saxitoxin, is a complex nonprotein nitrogen-containing compound. Paralytic shellfish poisoning is best avoided by following local public-health quarantine regulations.
Respiratory irritation may result from the inhalation of toxic products in the windblown spray from red-tide areas containing the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium breve, which is found in the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; the nature of the poison is unknown. Deaths of large numbers of brackish-water pond fishes because of Prymnesium parvum have been reported in Israel; the poison is known as prymnesin.