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- physical science
An incompressible fluid flows so that the net flux of fluid into or out of a given volume within the fluid is zero. Since the divergence of a vector describes the net flux out of an infinitesimal element, divided by the volume of the element, the velocity vector v in an incompressible fluid must obey the equation div v = 0. If the fluid is compressible, however, and its density ρ(r) varies with position because of pressure or temperature variations, the net outward flux of mass from some small element is determined by div (ρv), and this must be related to the rate at which the density of the fluid within is changing:
A dissolved molecule or a small particle suspended in a fluid is constantly struck at random by molecules of the fluid in its neighbourhood, as a result of which it wanders erratically. This is called Brownian motion in the case of suspended particles. It is usually safe to assume that each one in a cloud of similar particles is moved by collisions from the fluid and not by interaction between the particles themselves. When a dense cloud gradually spreads out, much like a drop of ink in a beaker of water, this diffusive motion is the consequence of random, independent wandering by each particle. Two equations can be written to describe the average behaviour. The first is a continuity equation: if there are n(r) particles per unit volume around the point r, and the flux of particles across an element of area is described by a vector F, meaning the number of particles crossing unit area normal to F in unit time,describes the conservation of particles. Secondly, Fick’s law states that the random wandering causes an average drift of particles from regions where they are denser to regions where they are rarer, and that the mean drift rate is proportional to the gradient of density and in the opposite sense to the gradient:
where D is a constant—the diffusion constant.
These two equations can be combined into one differential equation for the changes that n will undergo,which defines uniquely how any initial distribution of particles will develop with time. Thus, the spreading of a small drop of ink is rather closely described by the particular solution,
in which C is a constant determined by the total number of particles in the ink drop. When t is very small at the start of the process, all the particles are clustered near the origin of r, but, as t increases, the radius of the cluster increases in proportion to the square root of the time, while the density at the centre drops as the three-halves power to keep the total number constant. The distribution of particles with distance from the centre at three different times is shown in . From this diagram one may calculate what fraction, after any chosen interval, has moved farther than some chosen distance from the origin. Moreover, since each particle wanders independently of the rest, it also gives the probability that a single particle will migrate farther than this in the same time. Thus, a problem relating to the behaviour of a single particle, for which only an average answer can usefully be given, has been converted into a field equation and solved rigorously. This is a widely used technique in physics.
Further examples of field equations
The equations describing the propagation of waves (electromagnetic, acoustic, deep water waves, and ripples) are discussed in relevant articles, as is the Schrödinger equation for probability waves that governs particle behaviour in quantum mechanics (see below Fundamental constituents of matter). The field equations that embody the special theory of relativity are more elaborate with space and time coordinates no longer independent of each other, though the geometry involved is still Euclidean. In the general theory of relativity, the geometry of this four-dimensional space-time is non-Euclidean (see relativity).