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- pathology of oncogene material
- In oncogene
…from its original form, the proto-oncogene. Operating as a positive growth regulator, the proto-oncogene is involved in promoting the differentiation and proliferation of normal cells. A variety of proto-oncogenes are involved in different crucial steps of cell growth, and a change in the proto-oncogene’s sequence or in the amount of…
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- relationship to retrovirus
- In virus: Malignant transformation
…animals (including humans), known as proto-oncogenes, genes that are involved with regulating normal cell growth and development and that also have the potential to change into cancer-causing genes. These proto-oncogenes have deoxynucleotide sequences closely, but not entirely, homologous (i.e., of the same type and order) to the nucleotide sequences of…
Read More - In cancer: Retroviruses and the discovery of oncogenes
…really a cellular oncogene, or proto-oncogene. Molecular hybridization studies demonstrated that the cellular version of src was very similar, but not identical, to the viral src gene. The cellular oncogene form of src was found to be an important regulator of cell growth that became altered when the virus removed…
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- tumour suppressor gene
- In tumour suppressor gene
…another class of genes, called proto-oncogenes, to control cell reproduction. Tumour suppressor genes code for proteins that restrain cell growth, and proto-oncogenes specify proteins that stimulate cell growth. Mutations in either type of gene can disrupt the delicate balance between inhibition and activation of the molecular processes that regulate a…
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- In tumour suppressor gene
role in
- cancer
- In human disease: The role of genetics
… (cancer-causing genes) are derived from proto-oncogenes (normal growth-regulatory cellular genes). When proto-oncogenes become mutated or deregulated, they are converted to oncogenes, which are capable of causing the malignant transformation of cells, including those of humans. Cellular proto-oncogenes code for proteins involved in cell regulation, such as growth factors, their receptors,…
Read More - In human genetic disease: Genetics of cancer
…forms of normal genes (proto-oncogenes) that have sustained a somatic “gain-of-function” mutation. An oncogene may be carried by a virus, or it can result from a chromosomal rearrangement, as is the case in chronic myelogenous leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells characterized by the presence of the…
Read More - In immune system disorder: Genetic causes of cancer
…an oncogene is called a proto-oncogene. Proto-oncogenes stimulate cell growth in a controlled manner that involves the interplay of a number of other genes. However, should a proto-oncogene become mutated in some way, it may become hyperactive, leading to uncontrolled cellular proliferation and the exaggeration of some normal cellular activities.…
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- cell growth
- In cancer: Proto-oncogenes and the cell cycle
…led to the discovery of proto-oncogenes that are integral to the control of cell growth. Proto-oncogenes control the growth and division of cells by coding for proteins that form a signaling “cascade.” This cascade relays messages from the exterior of the cell to the nucleus, where a molecular apparatus called…
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