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- animal communication
- In animal communication: Signal production
This is called stridulation. Arthropods all have hard exoskeletons, and by mounting the comb on one external body part and the sharp edge on the other, they can stridulate by rubbing the two hard parts together. For example, lobsters rub an antenna against the head, beetles rub a…
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use by insects
- In sound reception: Behavioral observations
…these groups produce sounds by stridulation, which usually involves rubbing the covers of the wings together in a particular way. One wing has a serrated surface (a “file”) that runs along an enlarged vein; the other wing has a sharp edge over which the file is scraped. The scraping causes…
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- beetles
- In coleopteran: Sound production
Stridulation, however, is not confined to adult beetles; it occurs also in certain larvae. Some larvae of the Scarabaeoidea, for example, have a series of ridges, or tubercles, on the coxal segment of the middle pair of legs, and the hind legs are modified in…
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- fire ants
- In fire ant
…communicate through chemical secretions and stridulation (sounds produced by rubbing or drumming one body part against another). Adult workers display aggressive behavior when under the threat of attack from neighboring ant colonies, while young fire ants, whose stingers and external skeletons are not yet fully developed, play dead.
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- Heteroptera
- In heteropteran: Sound production and reception
…parts (also called sonification or stridulation) is common among heteropterans but seldom loud enough to attract human attention. Heteropterans produce sounds by moving one roughened member over a roughened area of body surface. Sometimes both roughened parts consist of a series of minute, closely-set, parallel furrows or ridges called a…
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- orthopteran
- In orthopteran: Sound production and hearing
The stridulatory mechanism of grasshoppers involves moving the hindleg across the folded front wing (tegmen). Serrations, or pegs, which vary in shape, number, and location among different species, are located on the inner surface of the femur and rub across special raised veins of the tegmen,…
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