- Also spelled:
- sulphur
Elemental sulfur is found in volcanic regions as a deposit formed by the emission of hydrogen sulfide, followed by aerial oxidation to the element. Underground deposits of sulfur associated with salt domes in limestone rock provide a substantial portion of the world’s supply of the element. These domes are located in the Louisiana swamplands of the United States and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico.
Where deposits of sulfur are located in salt domes, as they are along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the element was recovered by the Frasch process, named after German-born U.S. chemist Herman Frasch. Ordinary underground mining procedures were inapplicable since highly poisonous hydrogen sulfide gas accompanies the element in the domes. Beginning in 1894, the Frasch process, which takes advantage of the low melting point of sulfur (112 °C [233.6 °F]), made sulfur of a high purity (up to 99.9 percent pure) available in large quantities and helped establish sulfur as an important basic chemical commodity. Wells were drilled from 60 to 600 m (200 to 2,000 feet) into the sulfur formation and then lined with a 15-cm (6-inch) pipe in which an air pipe and a water pipe of smaller diameter were concentrically placed. Superheated water, injected into the circular space between the three- and six-inch pipes, penetrated the cap rock through holes on the bottom of the pipe. As the sulfur melted, it settled to the bottom of the deposit. From there it was pumped to the surface by applying air pressure through the central pipe. Several such wells operated under the ocean floor in the Gulf of Mexico. The sulfur was collected in reservoirs, or sumps, and from there transferred to vats or bins to solidify for storage and stockpiling. Vats contained as much as 300,000 tons of sulfur. Frasch-process sulfur produced at the Gulf Coast salt domes constituted the major source of U.S. sulfur production and dominated the world market until approximately 1970. Thereafter, non-Frasch sources such as the purification of sour (high sulfur-content) petroleum, the refining of natural gas, and improved methods for obtaining sulfur from metal sulfides gained a greater share of the market. The Frasch process is still used today in Poland and Russia.
About 9,000,000 tons of sulfur are recovered in the United States each year from natural gas, petroleum refinery gases, pyrites, and smelter gases from the processing of copper, zinc, and lead ores. In most cases sulfur is separated from other gases as hydrogen sulfide and then converted to elemental sulfur by the Claus process, which involves the partial burning of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur dioxide, with subsequent reaction between the two to yield sulfur. Another important source is the sulfur dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by coal-fired steam power plants. In the early 1970s techniques to collect this sulfur dioxide and convert it into usable sulfur were developed.
A few of the non-Frasch processes for sulfur production may be mentioned.
- Sulfur-bearing rock is piled into mounds. Shafts are bored vertically and fires set at the top of the shafts. The burning sulfur provides sufficient heat to melt the elemental sulfur in the rock layers below, and it flows out at the bottom of the pile. This is an old process, still used to some extent in Sicily. The product is of low purity and must be refined by distillation. The air pollution in the area of the process is so great that its operation is limited to certain times of the year when prevailing winds will carry the fumes away from populated areas.
- Rock bearing sulfur is treated with superheated water in retorts, melting the sulfur, which flows out. This process is a modification of the Frasch method.
- Tremendous tonnages of sulfur are available from smelter operations and from power production by combustion of fossil and sour petroleum fuels, some of which contain as much as 4 percent sulfur. Thus, generation of electrical power and heat represent a major source of atmospheric pollution by sulfur dioxide. Unfortunately, recovery and purification of sulfur dioxide from stack gases are expensive operations.
Wherever such metals as lead, zinc, copper, cadmium, or nickel (among others) are processed, much of the sulfuric acid needed in the metallurgical operations may be obtained on the site by converting sulfur dioxide, produced by roasting the ores, to sulfur trioxide, SO3, and thence to sulfuric acid.
Sulfur available in bulk from commercial production usually is more than 99 percent pure, and some grades contain 99.9 percent sulfur. For research purposes, the proportion of impurities has been reduced to as little as one part in 10,000,000 by the application of procedures such as zone melting, column chromatography, electrolysis, or fractional distillation. China, Canada, Germany and Japan led the world in sulfur production in the early 21st century.
Uses of sulfur
Sulfur is so widely used in industrial processes that its consumption often is regarded as a reliable indicator of industrial activity and the state of the national economy. Approximately six-sevenths of all the sulfur produced is converted into sulfuric acid, for which the largest single use is in the manufacture of fertilizers (phosphates and ammonium sulfate). Other important uses include the production of pigments, detergents, fibres, petroleum products, sheet metal, explosives, and storage batteries; hundreds of other applications are known. Sulfur not converted to sulfuric acid is used in making paper, insecticides, fungicides, dyestuffs, and numerous other products.
Sulfur forms compounds in oxidation states −2 (sulfide, S2−), +4 (sulfite, SO32−), and +6 (sulfate, SO42−). It combines with nearly all elements. An unusual feature of some sulfur compounds results from the fact that sulfur is second only to carbon in exhibiting catenation—i.e., the bonding of an atom to another identical atom. This allows sulfur atoms to form ring systems and chain structures. The more significant sulfur compounds and compound groups are as follows.
One of the most familiar sulfur compounds is hydrogen sulfide, also known as sulfureted hydrogen, or stinkdamp, H2S. It is the colourless, extremely poisonous gas responsible for the characteristic odour of rotten eggs. It is produced naturally by the decay of organic substances containing sulfur and is often present in vapours from volcanoes and mineral waters. Large amounts of hydrogen sulfide are obtained in the removal of sulfur from petroleum. It was formerly used extensively in chemical laboratories as an analytical reagent.
All the metals except gold and platinum combine with sulfur to form inorganic sulfides. Such sulfides are ionic compounds containing the negatively charged sulfide ion S2−; these compounds may be considered as salts of hydrogen sulfide. Some inorganic sulfides are important ores of such metals as iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, zinc, and lead.
Several oxides are formed by sulfur and oxygen; the most important is the heavy, colourless, poisonous gas sulfur dioxide, SO2. It is used primarily as a precursor of sulfur trioxide, SO3, and thence sulfuric acid, H2SO4. It is also utilized as a bleach and an industrial reducing agent. Other noteworthy applications include its use in food preservation and for fruit ripening. (See also sulfur oxide.)
Sulfur forms a wide variety of compounds with halogen elements. In combination with chlorine it yields sulfur chlorides such as disulfur dichloride, S2Cl2, a corrosive, golden-yellow liquid used in the manufacture of chemical products. It reacts with ethylene to produce mustard gas, and with unsaturated acids derived from fats it forms oily products that are basic components of lubricants. With fluorine, sulfur forms sulfur fluorides, the most useful of which is sulfur hexafluoride, SF6, a gas employed as an insulator in various electrical devices. Sulfur also forms oxyhalides, in which the sulfur atom is bonded to both oxygen and halogen atoms. When such compounds are named, the term thionyl is used to designate those containing the SO unit and the term sulfuryl for those with SO2. Thionyl chloride, SOCl2, is a dense, toxic, volatile liquid used in organic chemistry to convert carboxylic acids and alcohols into chlorine-containing compounds. Sulfuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, is a liquid of similar physical properties utilized in the preparation of certain compounds that contain sulfur, chlorine, or both.
Sulfur forms some 16 oxygen-bearing acids. Only four or five of them, however, have been prepared in the pure state. These acids, particularly sulfurous acid and sulfuric acid, are of considerable importance to the chemical industry. Sulfurous acid, H2SO3, is produced when sulfur dioxide is added to water. Its most important salt is sodium sulfite, Na2SO3, a reducing agent employed in the manufacture of paper pulp, in photography, and in the removal of oxygen from boiler feedwater. Sulfuric acid is one of the most valuable of all chemicals. Prepared commercially by the reaction of water with sulfur trioxide, the compound is used in manufacturing fertilizers, pigments, dyes, drugs, explosives, detergents, and inorganic salts and esters.
The organic compounds of sulfur constitute a diverse and important subdivision of organic substances. Some examples include the sulfur-containing amino acids (e.g., cysteine, methionine, and taurine), which are key components of hormones, enzymes, and coenzymes. Significant, too, are the synthetic organic sulfur compounds, among them numerous pharmaceuticals (sulfa drugs, dermatological agents), insecticides, solvents, and agents such as those used in preparing rubber and rayon.
Robert C. Brasted