- Related Topics:
- cluster of galaxies
- Local Supercluster
supercluster, a group of galaxy clusters typically consisting of 3 to 10 clusters and spanning as many as 200,000,000 light-years. They are the largest structures in the universe.
In 1932 American astronomers Harlow Shapley and Adelaide Ames introduced a catalog that showed the distributions of galaxies brighter than 13th magnitude to be quite different north and south of the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy. Their study was the first to indicate that the universe might contain substantial regions that departed from the assumption of homogeneity and isotropy. The most prominent feature in the maps they produced in 1938 was the Virgo cluster, though already apparent at that time were elongated appendages that stretched on both sides of Virgo to a total length exceeding 5 107 light-years. This configuration is the kernel of what came to be known later—through the work of Swedish astronomer Erik Holmberg, French-born American astronomer Gérard de Vaucouleurs, and American astronomer George O. Abell—as the Local Supercluster, a flattened collection of about 100 groups and clusters of galaxies including the Local Group. The Local Supercluster is centred approximately on the Virgo cluster and has a total extent of roughly 2 108 light-years. Its precise boundaries, however, are difficult to define inasmuch as the local enhancement in numbers of galaxies above the cosmological average in all likelihood just blends smoothly into the background.
Also apparent in the Shapley-Ames maps were three independent concentrations of galaxies, separate superclusters viewed from a distance. Astronomers now believe superclusters fill perhaps 10 percent of the volume of the universe. Most galaxies, groups, and clusters belong to superclusters, the space between superclusters being relatively empty. The dimensions of superclusters range up to a few times 108 light-years. For larger scales the distribution of galaxies is essentially homogeneous and isotropic—that is, there is no evidence for the clustering of superclusters. This fact can be understood by recognizing that the time it takes a randomly moving galaxy to traverse the long axis of a supercluster is typically comparable to the age of the universe. Thus, if the universe started out homogeneous and isotropic on small scales, there simply has not been enough time for it to become inhomogeneous on scales much larger than superclusters. This interpretation is consistent with the observation that superclusters themselves look dynamically unrelaxed—that is, they lack the regular equilibrium shapes and central concentrations that typify systems well mixed by several crossings.