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- mortar
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- antiaircraft gun
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- CiteseerX - Development of an artillery accuracy model (PDF) (Feb. 09, 2025)
The mortar declined in importance during the 19th century but was restored by World War I, when short-range, high-trajectory weapons were developed to drop bombs into enemy trenches. Early designs in that conflict ranged from the 170-millimetre German Minenwerfer (“mine thrower”), which was almost a scaled-down howitzer, to primitive muzzle-loading devices manufactured from rejected artillery shells. The prototype of the modern mortar was a three-inch weapon developed by the Englishman Wilfred Stokes in 1915. This consisted of a smooth-bored tube, resting upon a baseplate and supported by a bipod, that had a fixed firing pin at its breech end. The bomb was a simple cylinder packed with explosive and fitted with a shotgun cartridge at the rear; its fuze was adapted from a hand grenade. When the bomb was dropped down the barrel of the mortar, it fired automatically as the shotgun cartridge struck the fixed firing pin. The bomb was unstable in flight but sufficiently accurate for its purpose, and it was soon replaced by a teardrop-shaped bomb with fins at the rear, which lent greater stability and accuracy. The Stokes mortar was rapidly adopted or copied by all belligerents.
Some later mortars were built with rifled barrels, since these provided better sealing of the propellant gas and greater stability and accuracy owing to the spin imparted to the bomb. The difficulty here was to arrange for the bomb to be drop-loaded freely and yet engage the rifling once the propelling charge exploded. The U.S.-made M30, a 107-millimetre rifled mortar, used a saucer-shaped copper disk behind the bomb that flattened out into the rifling under gas pressure and provided obturation. In the 120-millimetre French Hotchkiss-Brandt type, a prerifled copper driving band, wrapped around the bomb, expanded under gas pressure and engaged the grooves in the barrel.
Antiaircraft artillery
Heavy weapons and the problem of fire control
The development of antiaircraft guns began in 1909. The manufacture of suitable guns and mountings was not difficult at that time, but the fire-control problem, involving a target moving in three planes at high speed, was almost insoluble. The first fire-control system used complex gun sights that aimed the gun well in front of the target in order to give the shell time to reach it. The first projectiles were shrapnel, since scattered lead balls were sufficient to damage the aircraft of the day.
During World War I, attacks by German zeppelins led the British to produce incendiary shells. Forced to correct fire by visual methods, they fitted the shells with tracer devices, which, by leaving a trail of flame and smoke, indicated the shell’s trajectory in the air. The French invented the “central post” system of fire control, in which an observing instrument in the centre of the battery calculated the aiming information, which was then passed on to the guns. This removed complex sights from the weapons and reduced the number of skilled operators required in a battery. Early warning of approaching aircraft was by visual means and acoustic devices.
In the 1920s work began on the design of “predictors,” mechanical computers that could be given the course, height, and speed of the aircraft as well as the ballistic constants of the gun and could then calculate the gun data necessary to place the shell in the future position of the aircraft. These represented a significant advance in antiaircraft fire, but they still relied upon raw data provided by visual acquisition and tracking. In World War II, radar brought more accurate and timely acquisition and tracking, and the gradual adoption of electrical, rather than mechanical, predictors produced more accurate fire control. Also, rapid-loading and fuze-setting devices were incorporated into gun mountings so that a high rate of fire could be achieved.
The proximity fuze removed the need for fuze setting and thus speeded up the rate of fire, until it was possible for guns of 90- to 100-millimetre calibre to fire at rates up to 60 rounds per minute. However, in the 1950s, when all these techniques were perfected, guided surface-to-air missiles became practical, and, in all major countries except for the Soviet Union, the use of medium and heavy air-defense guns ceased.
Light weapons
Light air-defense guns, of calibres from 20 to 40 millimetres, were developed in the 1930s for protection against dive bombers and low-level attack. The most famous of these was a 40-millimetre gun sold by the Swedish firm of Bofors. Virtually an enlarged machine gun, this fired small exploding shells at a rate of about 120 rounds per minute—fast enough to provide a dense screen of fragments through which the aircraft would have to fly. Fire control was largely visual, though some guns were equipped with predictors and power control.
The advent of lightweight missiles also threatened to render the light gun obsolete in the 1950s, but two decades later the development of electro-optical sights, using television and thermal-imaging technology and allied to computers and powered mountings, led to a resurgence of this class of weapon. In Egyptian hands in October 1973, the Soviet ZSU-23-4, consisting of four 23-millimetre guns mounted on a tracked vehicle, shot down many Israeli fighters over the Sinai Peninsula. The Bofors firm mounted its guns on wheeled vehicles, and the United States fielded a mobile system called Vulcan, which consisted of a six-barreled, Gatling-type gun firing 20-millimetre ammunition.