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As the Industrial Revolution unfolded in the 19th century, the age of wooden-hulled sailing ships gave way to that of steam-powered iron ships. Phenomenal changes took place in nearly every aspect of warship design, operation, and tactics. These changes ended the reign of the majestic ship of the line by the mid-1800s, but another half century elapsed before it was clear what form its replacement as the backbone of fleets would take.
Toward the ironclad
The change from wood to iron came slowly, in considerable part because the introduction of steam power required new techniques and experience in shipbuilding. The general use of iron for warships awaited the full realization of the value of the shell gun and the resulting need for armour, which were first demonstrated in the employment of armoured batteries in the Crimean War and in the battle between the Monitor and Merrimack in the American Civil War. The changes may be summarized under three headings: propulsion, armament, and armour.
Steam for propulsion of vessels was tried with varying success in several countries during the late 18th century. Engines and supporting machinery were at first not adequate for this fundamental advance in ship capability, but useful steam craft appeared in the early 1800s, suitable for operation on inland and coastal water-ways. The earliest steam warship was the Demologos of the U.S. Navy (renamed Fulton after its designer, Robert Fulton). Built in the War of 1812, this well-gunned, double-hulled, low-powered ship, propelled by a single paddle wheel located amidships between the twin hulls, cruised briefly in the New York Harbor area before the war ended and later was destroyed by an accidental fire.
The earliest steam warships in action were small paddle wheelers used by British and American navies against pirates and other weak foes. As engines gradually improved, navies experimented with them in standard warships, first as auxiliaries to sail, which was then essential for endurance. The paddle wheels were particularly vulnerable to enemy fire. In 1843, through the drive of Captain Robert Field Stockton of the U.S. Navy and the inventive skill of John Ericsson, a Swede whom Stockton brought to America, the United States launched the world’s first screw-driven steam man-of-war, USS Princeton, a large 10-gun sloop.
The screw propeller was an old idea going back to Archimedes, but, with Stockton’s assistance, Ericsson had made it effective for large warships, as Sir Francis Pettit Smith was doing at about the same time in England for large merchantmen. By the mid-1840s, boilers, engines, and machinery had improved to the point that thereafter practically all of the new warships had steam propulsion, though they also still carried sails.
Among the advances of this period were two other milestones. In 1834 Samuel Hall of England patented a type of steam condenser that made it possible to use fresh instead of corrosive salt water for boilers. In 1824 James Peter Allaire of the United States invented the compound-expansion steam engine, in which the steam was used in a second cylinder at a lower pressure after it had done its work in the first. Eventually it was made practical by progress in metallurgy and engineering; in 1854 John Elder, shipbuilder on the River Clyde, installed a successful two-stage engine in the merchant steamer Brandon. The higher efficiency was of great importance for ocean-keeping navies.
The basic changes in armament that were to take place in the 19th and 20th centuries had begun in the 18th century. In the British navy steps to make possible heavier long-range guns began with the introduction of strong springs to take up the first shock of the gun’s recoil after firing, aided by inclined-plane wedges behind the trucks to coax the gun forward into firing position after recoil. Flintlocks pulled by a lanyard, instead of match, fired the guns. Sights also improved. In the early 1800s navies began to employ mercury fulminate in percussion caps to initiate firing. Efficient percussion locks came into use within a few years.
Smoothbore guns were still inaccurate, and successful efforts were made to bring back the rifled barrels, as well as the breech loading, of early guns, thus increasing their speed and accuracy of fire. The bore of a rifled gun barrel had spiral grooves cut into it that caused a projectile fired from it to spin in flight; if this projectile was shaped in the form of a cylinder with a cone-shaped forward tip, spin enabled it to fly through the air with its pointed end forward at all times. This improved aerodynamics gave the shell a more accurate course of flight and a longer range. Because a projectile could not be rammed down the muzzle of a rifled barrel, the use of rifling had to await the design of an efficient breech-loading mechanism. In the 1840s, Italian and Austrian inventors brought out sliding-wedge breechblocks. Later the French developed an interrupted screw system, originally an American invention. A British firm produced a rifled breech-loading gun that the Royal Navy used until 1864, when a number of accidents brought a temporary reversion to muzzle-loaders. But defects were eventually remedied, and breech loading brought phenomenal increases in rates of fire.
French 6.5-inch (165-mm) cast-iron rifled guns in the Crimean War demonstrated superiority in range, destructive power, and accuracy. They helped impress all of the navies with the need for rifling. Slower-burning powder was also badly needed. Black powder had gradually been improved during 600 years of use in firearms, but it still retained its primary defect, too-rapid burning (and hence the creation of gas pressures so high that they could burst a gun barrel upon firing). The use of rapid-burning powder required keeping the size of the charge down (and therefore the range) to prevent the bursting of even the best guns. Just before the American Civil War the U.S. Army developed large, perforated, dense grains of black powder that burned more slowly and thus were a start toward the controlled burning ultimately achieved with smokeless powder.
A development equal in importance to the rifling of naval guns was the replacement of solid iron cannonballs with large shells that exploded upon impact. Shell guns in warships’ main batteries were preceded by bombs fired from mortars, small shell guns, and solid hot shot heated to cherry red. A principal architect in bringing big shell guns to sea was Henri-Joseph Paixhans, a general of French artillery. The first large shell guns from Paixhans’ design, chambered howitzers firing a 62.5-pound (28.5-kg) shell (thicker-walled than bombs to penetrate before exploding) was tested in 1824 against a moored frigate with remarkable accuracy and incendiary effect.
The new guns began to come into use afloat in the 1830s, a French squadron firing them in the bombardment of Vera Cruz, Mexico. The U.S. Navy began installation of the new guns, including 16 eight-inch (20-cm) shell guns in the three-decker Pennsylvania, along with 104 32-pounder solid-shot guns. The British made similar installations. There was good reason for navies to proceed cautiously, as the production of shell guns at first encountered many manufacturing problems. (Indeed, in a gala demonstration of the 12-inch shell guns on the USS Princeton for President John Tyler, one of the guns blew up, killing the secretary of the navy and several others.) In the event, improvements in metallurgy, gun construction, and fire control—along with the maneuverability of steam warships—at last led to the important extension of range that the big gun had promised from the beginning.
In 1853 the dramatic destruction of a weaker Turkish squadron by a Russian fleet in the harbour of Sinop of Turkey’s Black Sea coast attracted world attention and increased interest in shell guns. England, the United States, and others built big steam frigates (as they were misleadingly called) with big shell guns. Their great striking power and maneuverability under steam made them the capital ships of the day, superseding the ship of the line for a brief time before the ironclads took over.
Larger guns, increased powder charges, and greater tube pressures were made possible by the replacement of cast iron by built-up wrought-iron guns (later, cast steel and, eventually, forged steel were used). Hoops were shrunk on over the powder chamber and breech end of the tube to give the strength required for the greater internal pressures sustained by these guns upon firing.