Maturation of the Soviet station program
- Key People:
- Tim Peake
- Sigmund Jähn
- Ellen Ochoa
- Valentin Petrovich Glushko
- Related Topics:
- Tiangong
- Salyut
- crewed spacecraft
After failed attempts to establish a second station, the U.S.S.R. managed a 16-day tour in July 1974 by a two-man crew aboard Salyut 3. This military reconnaissance variant resembled its predecessor but had its docking system at the rear rather than at the front.
The Soviet program achieved the operationally significant milestone of reoccupying a space station in 1975 when two crews lived aboard Salyut 4 for 30 and 63 days, respectively, and conducted scientific experiments. By the time Salyut 4 was abandoned, its environmental system had been exhausted, and the internal walls reportedly were laced with a smelly green mold. It served one final function, however, by receiving the prototype of an automated, uncrewed form of the Soyuz spacecraft, called Progress, that was being developed to resupply future stations.
Salyut 5, occupied by two crews in 1976 and 1977, was another reconnaissance platform. Salyut 6, launched in September 1977, introduced the second generation of Soviet space stations. It had a docking system at each end, which permitted Progress resupply ferries to link with an occupied station—i.e., while the crew’s Soyuz was docked at the opposite end. The primary objective of this phase of the program was to extend crew endurance gradually in order to demonstrate that humans could survive in weightlessness for the length of time required for a round-trip journey to Mars, which was considered to be as long as 18 months.
A major problem facing the endurance program was that the contemporary variant of the now-venerable Soyuz was limited to a two-month stay in space; beyond this time, its propellant system would deteriorate. This meant that, for a Salyut crew to remain aboard longer, its ferry would have to be replaced periodically. As a solution, endurance crews not only received Progress ferries but also hosted a succession of visitors who would arrive in a fresh Soyuz, stay for a week or so, and then leave in the older Soyuz so that a usable crew-return craft was always available. By supporting crews for 684 days over a four-year period (with five long-duration crews unloading a dozen resupply craft and hosting 11 visiting crews), Salyut 6 greatly advanced the state of the art in space station operations. One indicator of the rapid maturation of the Soviet program came when the two resident cosmonauts made an impromptu space walk in August 1979 to cut away the frame of a radio telescope that had become fouled at the rear of the station.
A virtual copy of its predecessor, Salyut 7 was launched in April 1982. While extending the endurance record, a succession of crews were scheduled to occupy the station on a continuous basis, handing it over in an operational state. The cosmonauts’ tours of duty would be more lonely because upgrades to the Soyuz—in its new guise it was called Soyuz T—allowed it to remain in space for six months, which obviated the need for frequent visitors. On the other hand, life aboard would be more sociable because weight reduction had enabled the ferry’s third seat to be reinstated. Most of the scientific apparatus to keep Salyut 7’s crews busy was to be delivered in large modules that would dock temporarily with the station. Salyut 7 received two such modules—Cosmos 1443 in 1983 and Cosmos 1686 in 1985—on its front docking system.

Unfortunately, whereas Salyut 6 had had a run of exceptionally good luck, Salyut 7’s very ambitious program was frustrated by a series of operational problems. Nevertheless, crews successfully undertook repairs of malfunctions so serious that, until they actually had been faced and overcome, they would have been considered cause to vacate the station. After a pipe of the space station’s engine developed a propellant leak, specialized tools were fabricated and sent up, and members of the station’s third main crew spacewalked in May 1984 to install a bypass. In February 1985, while temporarily vacant, Salyut 7 suffered a total power failure and started to drift. Four months later, after making a rendezvous without the assistance of the station’s radar docking system, the fourth main crew managed to link their Soyuz T-13 with the inert station and restore it to life. Various setbacks had caused the first three crews to leave the station unattended, and the objective of an in-space handover was not achieved until the Soyuz T-14 crew arrived in September 1985 with the Soyuz T-13 cosmonauts still in residence. Salyut 7’s bad luck continued to the end; when one of the Soyuz T-14 cosmonauts fell ill, the crew was recalled to Earth.
Soviet officials decided to scrap the jinxed Salyut 7 and advance to the next phase, which was to assemble a large modular complex in orbit. At its core would be a base block derived from the Salyut design, which would be outfitted as the crew habitat. In addition to a pair of axial docking systems, it would have a ring of four peripheral docking units around its nose to accept modules mounted at right angles to the base block. Five add-on units would expand the station and provide its primary scientific instruments. To mark the advance, the new station was called Mir (Russian: “peace,” “community,” or “world.”)
Mir’s base block, launched in February 1986, was placed into the same orbital plane as Salyut 7. This allowed Mir’s commissioning crew to shuttle between the two stations in their Soyuz T in order to wrap up Salyut 7’s program and salvage usable apparatus from the older station. Like Salyut 7, Mir was intended to be occupied on a continuous basis, but delays in building the first of the add-on modules led to the station’s being vacated for a time. When the second crew set off for Mir in February 1987, it was in a new form of Soyuz, called Soyuz TM. In April the cosmonauts received the first of the expansion modules, Kvant 1.
Mounted at the rear of the Mir base block, Kvant 1 was primarily an astrophysical observatory, but it also provided systems for attitude control and life support and carried a docking system at the rear for ferries. The second add-on, Kvant 2, carried additional life-support systems and a large air lock. It was first docked axially at the front of the station and then swung around to a perpendicular position by a mechanical arm, an adjustment that made the station L-shaped. Docking of the third module, Kristall, a materials-processing factory, transformed the L configuration into a T. Beginning in September 1989, Mir was continuously inhabited for nearly a decade by a succession of crews. Although in most cases they served a standard six-month tour of duty, Valery Polyakov, a physician, spent a record 14 months aboard in 1994–95. (For a list of human endurance records in space, see the table.)
It had been hoped to complete Mir within three years, use it for several years, and then start assembly of its successor by utilizing the Soviet version of the U.S. space shuttle, called Buran, then under development. By the time Kristall was added in mid-1990, however, the base block already was approaching its five-year design life. Delays in developing Buran meant that Mir’s service life would have to be extended. Then in 1991, on the demise of the Soviet Union, Buran was canceled and funding for Mir reduced. Facing a financial crisis, the newly created Russian Space Agency offered Mir to the international community as a microgravity research laboratory, selling time aboard it for a fee. In the early 1990s, several of Europe’s space agencies accepted the offer and sent astronauts to Mir to conduct a variety of microgravity studies.