The final, insurmountable problems with any form of mechanical scanning were the limited number of scans per second, which produced a flickering image, and the relatively large size of each hole in the disk, which resulted in poor resolution. In 1908 a Scottish electrical engineer, A.A. Campbell Swinton, wrote that the problems “can probably be solved by the employment of two beams of kathode rays” instead of spinning disks. Cathode rays are beams of electrons generated in a vacuum tube. Steered by magnetic fields or electric fields, Swinton argued, they could “paint” a fleeting picture on the glass screen of a tube coated on the inside with a phosphorescent material. Because the rays move at nearly the speed of light, they would avoid the flicker problem, and their tiny size would allow excellent resolution. Swinton never built a set (for, as he said, the possible financial reward would not be enough to make it worthwhile), but unknown to him such work had already begun in Russia. In 1907 Boris Rosing, a lecturer at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, put together equipment consisting of a mechanical scanner and a cathode-ray-tube receiver. There is no record of Rosing actually demonstrating a working television, but he had an interested student named Vladimir Zworykin, who soon emigrated to America.
In 1923, while working for the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Zworykin filed a patent application for an all-electronic television system, although he was as yet unable to build and demonstrate it. In 1929 he convinced David Sarnoff, vice president and general manager of Westinghouse’s parent company, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), to support his research by predicting that in two years, with $100,000 of funding, he could produce a workable electronic television system. Meanwhile, the first demonstration of a primitive electronic system had been made in San Francisco in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth, a young man with only a high-school education. Farnsworth had garnered research funds by convincing his investors that he could market an economically viable television system in six months for an investment of only $5,000. In the event, it took the efforts of both men and more than $50 million before anyone made a profit.
With his first hundred thousand dollars of RCA research money, Zworykin developed a workable cathode-ray receiver that he called the Kinescope. At the same time, Farnsworth was perfecting his Image Dissector camera tube. In 1930 Zworykin visited Farnsworth’s laboratory and was given a demonstration of the Image Dissector. At that point a healthy cooperation might have arisen between the two pioneers, but competition, spurred by the vision of corporate profits, kept them apart. Sarnoff offered Farnsworth $100,000 for his patents but was summarily turned down. Farnsworth instead accepted an offer to join RCA’s rival Philco, but he soon left to set up his own firm.
Then in 1931 Zworykin’s RCA team, after learning much from the study of Farnsworth’s Image Dissector, came up with the Iconoscope camera tube, and with it they finally had a working electronic system.
In England the Gramophone Company, Ltd., and the London branch of the Columbia Phonograph Company joined in 1931 to form Electric and Musical Industries, Ltd. (EMI). Through the Gramophone Company’s ties with RCA-Victor, EMI was privy to Zworykin’s research, and soon a team under Isaac Shoenberg produced a complete and practical electronic system, reproducing moving images on a cathode-ray tube at 405 lines per picture and 25 pictures per second. Baird excoriated this intrusion of a “non-English” system, but he reluctantly began research on his own system of 240-line pictures by inviting a collaboration with Farnsworth. On November 2, 1936, the BBC instituted an electronic TV competition between Baird and EMI, broadcasting the two systems from the Alexandra Palace (called for the occasion the “world’s first, public, regular, high-definition television station”). Several weeks later a fire destroyed Baird’s laboratories. EMI was declared the victor and went on to monopolize the BBC’s interest. Baird never really recovered; he died several years later, nearly forgotten and destitute.
By 1932 the conflict between RCA and Farnsworth had moved to the courts, both sides claiming the invention of electronic television. Years later the suit was finally ruled in favour of Farnsworth, and in 1939 RCA signed a patent-licensing agreement with Farnsworth Television and Radio, Inc. This was the first time RCA ever agreed to pay royalties to another company. But RCA, with its great production capability and estimable public-relations budget, was able to take the lion’s share of the credit for creating television. At the 1939 World’s Fair in New York City, Sarnoff inaugurated America’s first regular electronic broadcasting, and 10 days later, at the official opening ceremonies, Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first U.S. president to be televised.
Important questions had to be settled regarding basic standards before the introduction of public broadcasting services, and these questions were not everywhere fully resolved until about 1951. The United States adopted a picture repetition rate of 30 per second, while in Europe the standard became 25. All the countries of the world came to use one or the other, just as all countries eventually adopted the U.S. resolution standard of 525 lines per picture or the European standard of 625 lines. By the early 1950s technology had progressed so far, and television had become so widely established, that the time was ripe to tackle in earnest the problem of creating television images in natural colours.