Since 1782 eight different dies have been used. They were cut and used for impressing the device on paper—usually a paper wafer pasted to the page of the document, but sometimes directly on the page itself. Two additional dies, used between 1825 and 1871 concurrently with the wafer seals, embossed large wax pendant or hanging seals.
The die of 1782, cut in brass by an unknown engraver, remained in use as late as April 24, 1841. Its impressions, about 2 1/4 inches (57 mm) in diameter, have a quaintly archaic appearance. Distinguishing characteristics are the outer border of modified acanthus leaves; the meagreness of the eagle; olive branch and arrows touching the border; and six-pointed stars. Lacking a counterdie, this die was impressed on a paper wafer, a thin disk of red adhesive serving the double purpose of attaching the wafer to the document and bringing out the device in relief.
The second die, known as the “old treaty seal,” was cut by Washington jeweler and silversmith Seraphim Masi, to whom on May 5, 1825, the Department of State paid $406 “for Treaty Boxes & a great Seal.” Its 4 1/2-inch (114-mm) impressions depict the eagle realistically rather than heraldically. Used concurrently with the seal of 1782, it was reserved for making red-wax pendant seals. Each pendant seal was enclosed, for protection, in a metal case or skippet about 5 inches (127 mm) in diameter and 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) thick. The skippets were usually of sterling silver, although a few were of solid gold, and the skippet top or cover bore a replica of the seal device cast in relief. The old treaty-seal die was never impressed otherwise than as a pendant seal; and it was reserved almost exclusively for use on original instruments of ratification of treaties destined for exchange with foreign governments.
The old treaty seal served for 46 years. Using it, however, was both cumbersome and expensive. In February 1871 Secretary of State Hamilton Fish ordered the purchase of pendant-seal materials discontinued. The last pendant seal was affixed May 25, 1871, to the instrument of ratification of the Treaty of Washington.
The second pendant-seal die is an anomaly, because it was never intended as a seal. That it was so used resulted from accident, ignorance, or oversight. From 1854 the Department of State bought all its pendant-seal skippets from Washington jeweler Samuel Lewis. For casting the skippet covers, which featured a replica of the seal in relief, Lewis had an iron die the device of which was the same size as the treaty seal and a close copy of it. Most noticeable differences are the deeper engraving of the Lewis die and the stronger brow and shaggier feathering of its eagle. In June 1869 Lewis furnished the State Department some wax castings of the seal. Examination of various examples of the pendant seal on instruments of ratification of treaties in the British and Swedish archives reveals that each one was cast from the 1825 die. Another example, which was affixed on April 29, 1871, to the ratification of a treaty signed February 26, 1871, with Italy, and which is in the archives at Rome, is clearly from the Samuel Lewis die.
In April 1841 the State Department replaced the seal of 1782 with a new die. Washington engraver and copperplate printer John Van Ness Throop cut it in cast steel. About the same size as its predecessor, it differs in the style of its engraving. Distinguishing characteristics are the crowding upward of the design; the more vigorous rendering of the eagle; the small five-pointed stars; and the two arcs, instead of a straight line, forming the upper edge of the shield. Moreover, it includes an error. Instead of the prescribed 13 arrows, the eagle grasps only 6. In its earlier years this die was impressed, like the die of 1782, on a paper wafer over red adhesive. About 1863, however, a crude counterdie was provided, and thereafter glue or paste held the wafer to the document.
In November 1877 the seal of 1841 was replaced with a new die. It was cut in steel by Herman Baumgarten, a Washington seal-engraver who also furnished a press with a case and locks. According to a writer who saw this seal in 1882, it consisted of a die and counterdie “permanently fixed in the press,” which was “covered when not in employment with a locked mahogany box.” About the same size as the seals of 1782 and 1841, impressions from this die show a design closely copied from that of 1841, even to the error of 6 arrows instead of 13. This seal can be readily distinguished from its predecessor, however, by the larger size of the stars in the crest.
Criticism of the faulty design of the seal then in use led to an act of Congress approved July 7, 1884, which appropriated $1,000 to “enable the Secretary of State to obtain dies of the obverse and reverse of the seal of the United States, and the appliances necessary for making impressions from and for the preservation of the same.” Theodore F. Dwight, chief of the Department’s Bureau of Rolls and Library, called into consultation authorities on history, heraldry, art, and engraving. These experts agreed they were bound to follow the design adopted by Congress on June 20, 1782. Accordingly, they endeavoured to perfect the aesthetic and heraldic execution of that design. The result was an enlargement of the seal of 1782 that combined artistic improvements with stricter adherence to the original resolution. Tiffany & Co. of New York cut the design in steel; this die was used from April 1885 until January 1904. Differing in size from the earlier seals, its impression measures 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter. Fixed in a screw press fitted with a bronze counterdie, this seal was usually impressed on a paper wafer pasted to the document.
Although the act of 1884 included a provision for cutting the reverse as well as the obverse, and although the Department’s records show payment to Tiffany & Co. on April 23, 1885, for “Dies of the obverse and reverse,” if the reverse was in fact cut, it was then suppressed. The die of 1885 having grown worn from use, Secretary of State John Hay wrote the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee in 1902 that the department needed a new die and an improved press and stand. In due course an act of Congress approved July 1, 1902, appropriated $1,250 for the purpose. Lapsing before the seal had been cut, the appropriation was renewed by an act approved March 3, 1903, which specified recutting “from the original model.” This was understood to mean that the new die must reproduce exactly the design of the seal of 1885. Engraved by Bailey, Banks & Biddle, of Philadelphia, the hardened-steel die was first used on January 27, 1904. Although like the seal of 1885 in both size and design, its impressions have greater depth and differ minutely in the rays of the “glory.” In the 1885 seal all the rays are solid lines; in the 1904 seal every other ray is a dotted line. On July 1, 1955, with public ceremonies, the State Department installed this seal and press in a locked, glass-enclosed cubicle in its main exhibit hall.
In 1986 the Bureau of Engraving and Printing created a new master die based on the 1904 die and struck a new die from it. All future dies will be produced using this master die. The new die replaced the 1904 in the State Department exhibit hall, where it remains bolted and padlocked when not in use.