Historical survey of the Iranian languages
The Iranian protolanguage and its development
By the time Iranian begins to be attested in the 6th century bce, the language is already found differentiated into several distinct languages. Scholars have reconstructed the sound system and some of the grammatical features of Common Old Iranian, the protolanguage that preceded these dialects.
The phonological system that underlay Common Old Iranian was by and large maintained everywhere throughout the Iranian-speaking world. It consisted of the following distinctive consonant sounds:
Unfamiliar symbols are taken from the International Phonetic Alphabet, or are conventional transcriptions (e.g., š for the sh sound in ship, ž for the zh sound in azure, č for ch in church, and ǰ for j in jam). The voiced fricatives (i.e., the first three consonants represented in the fourth column—ɣ, β, and ð), which are produced with vibrating vocal cords and local friction, may be regarded as variants of the voiced stops (e.g., g, b, d); but they are characteristic of Iranian languages generally and especially of the eastern Iranian languages. In addition to these sounds Old Persian had another sibilant sound, often transcribed as ç or ss, which developed from the cluster θr (pronounced as the thr in three). In Middle Persian it fell together with the s sound. The most noticeable alteration of the old sound system is the introduction in some languages of additional series of consonants under the influence of neighbouring languages. Thus, Ossetic has a series of ejective sounds (uttered with a simultaneous glottal stop) on the pattern of the unrelated Caucasian languages; and a number of Iranian languages have a retroflex series (produced with the tongue tip curled up toward the roof of the mouth) as a result of contact with Indo-Aryan languages.
Some of the differences between Iranian languages arose as a result of different developments of the earlier sounds. Thus, the Indo-European sounds ḱ, ǵ, and ǵh resulted in Indo-Iranian ś, ź, and źh, which in turn became s, z, and z, respectively, in Avestan but θ, d, and d in Old Persian. Hence, Indo-European *ḱṃtó- “hundred” became Indo-Iranian *śatá-, attested by Old Indo-Aryan śatá-, and then Avestan sata-, but Old Persian θata-. Nevertheless, θ and d as well as s and z belong to the basic pattern, the difference being merely distributional.
The main source of differentiation is in the variation of consonant cluster development and that of groups of consonants and semivowels. There again it is mainly a question of distributional differences. Thus, the Indo-European group *ḱuˆ became Indo-Iranian *śuˆ, retained in Old Indo-Aryan in the spelling śv of the standard transcription. Indo-Iranian *śuˆ developed variously in Iranian: s in Old Persian, sp in Avestan and Median, ś (written śś) in Khotanese, and š in Wakhī. These developments can be seen in the following forms of the Indo-European word *eḱuˆo- “horse”: Old Indo-Aryan áśva-, Avestan and Median aspa-, Old Persian asa-, Khotanese aśśa-, and Wakhī yaš. Yet another development can be seen in Ossetic, in which the word for “mare,” Avestan aspā-, appears as Digor äfsä and Iron yäfs.

The vowel system of Common Old Iranian consisted of short and long varieties of a, i, and u, and a neutral vowel ə (similar to the a in sofa). That analysis assumes that the Indo-Iranian vocalic r (r̥) had already developed to ər in Proto-Iranian, just as its long counterpart became ar. An early and general monophthongization of the diphthongs ai and au to ē and ō, respectively, also must be considered characteristic, although it should not be ascribed to Common Old Iranian as is sometimes done. This basic system was almost everywhere maintained, sometimes with the addition of one or two distinctive vowel sounds (phonemes).
The Old Iranian stage
Old Persian was the language of the Achaemenid court. It is first attested in the inscriptions of Darius I (ruled 522–486 bce), of which the longest, earliest, and most important is that of Bīsitūn. At Bīsitūn are also inscribed versions of the same text in Elamite and Babylonian, and fragments of an Aramaic version on papyrus documents from Elephantine (modern Jazīrat Aswān) also exist. Old Persian words and names also are to be found in large numbers as loanwords in contemporary Elamite sources and in 5th-century-bce Aramaic documents.
As early as the time of Darius the Great’s successor, Xerxes I (ruled 486–465 bce), the inscriptions show linguistic tendencies characteristic of the development from Old to Middle Persian. After Xerxes the production of original Old Persian inscriptions declined, probably as a result of the wider adoption of Aramaic and Elamite as the usual means of writing. With Artaxerxes III (ruled 359/358–338 bce), Old Persian inscriptions came to an end. The break is marked by Alexander’s destruction of Persepolis in 330 bce.
By far the largest part of attested Old Iranian is written in the language now usually called Avestan, after the Avesta, the name given to the collection of works forming the scripture of the Zoroastrians. The name itself is Middle Persian. In former times this language was called Zend, another Middle Persian word, which refers to the Middle Persian (Pahlavi) commentary on the Avesta. Because the homeland of the Avestan language was long thought to be in Bactria, it was often in the past called Bactrian. Bactrian is now used to designate a different Iranian language belonging to the Middle Iranian period.
Since the beginning of the 20th century it has been generally accepted that the homeland of the Avesta was Khwārezm, which in ancient times included both Merv and Herāt. Merv is now in Turkmenistan, Herāt in northwestern Afghanistan.
The oldest part of the Avesta is known as the Gāthās, the poems composed by Zoroaster (Zarathustra), the founder of the Zoroastrian religion. His date is uncertain but is traditionally ascribed to the 7th to 6th century bce. The so-called Khurda Avesta (“Little Avesta”) is a miscellany of texts of later date, the oldest parts of which may have been composed about 400 bce. The language of the Khurda Avesta is different in many details from that of the more archaic language of the Gāthās, and it may even represent a different dialect. Many uncertainties surround the detailed interpretation of the Avesta as a result of the method of transmission. The Avesta was not recorded until after the language had ceased to be used, except by Zoroastrian priests. The present manuscripts date from the 13th century and later, although they reflect the recording of the priestly tradition in the special Avestan script during the 6th century ce.