Kachchhi language
- Also called:
- Kachchi, Kutchi, Kutchchi, or Kachi
- Related Topics:
- Indo-Aryan languages
Kachchhi language, member of the Indo-Aryan group of the Indo-Iranian division of the Indo-European language family. Kachchhi is spoken by an estimated 885,000 people, primarily in the Kachchh (Katch) district of Gujarat, India, but with considerable numbers in Pakistan, Kenya, Malaŵi, and Tanzania as well.
Kachchhi is a New Indo-Aryan language derived from one of the Prakrit languages. It is surrounded by Sindhi, Kathiawari (a dialect of Gujarati), and Marwari (a dialect of Rajasthani) languages. It has a tremendous amount of give-and-take with Gujarati and uses the Gujarati script (a cursive form of Devanagari) for educational purposes and business transactions.
Some scholars have considered Kachchhi to be a dialect of Sindhi, but the two languages are quite distant from one another geographically, politically, and culturally. Kachchhi does share some phonological features with Sindhi; both have non-Indo-Aryan sounds such as implosives, which are produced by suddenly drawing air into the mouth (rather than the more usual exhaling of air). Notably, there is a geographic band or belt starting from Sindh and stretching to the Kathiawar district in Gujarat where speech patterns include “tight phonation”—a habit that is supportive to implosive sounds. In terms of syntax, Kachchhi uses a large number of compound verbs.

There are distinct regional dialects of Kachchhi, but, as with the other New Indo-Aryan languages, caste differences overlap with geographical divisions and result in additional distinctions (e.g., Lohana, Bhatia, Khoja, and Jain Bania). Kachchhi has an abundance of folk and devotional literature that is for the most part passed on orally.
Kachchhi has been the focus of a language preservation and revitalization movement that began in the 1960s and ’70s. The objectives of this movement have included achieving constitutional recognition for the language (it is recognized as a dialect rather than an independent language), evolving a new script, encouraging the creation and publication of Kachchhi literature and texts for teaching the language at primary schools; and introducing Kachchhi as an optional language at state-run primary and secondary schools. The movement has succeeded in achieving one of its goals, the opening of the Kachchhi Sahitya Academy, which occurred in 1999. A widely circulated newspaper, the Kutch-Mitra Daily, has also helped to preserve the language.