Langley aerodrome No. 5
Langley aerodrome No. 5, aircraft designed and built by Samuel Pierpont Langley in 1896, the first powered heavier-than-air machine to attain sustained flight.
(Read Orville Wright’s 1929 biography of his brother, Wilbur.)
Langley reached the peak of his aeronautical career with the successful flight of his aerodrome No. 5 on the afternoon of May 6, 1896. On the basis of a series of engineering experiments aimed at gathering data on the forces acting on wing shapes in a moving stream of air (1887–91), Langley had concluded that “mechanical flight is possible with engines we now possess.” Determined to provide an impressive demonstration of that fact, he set out to develop a large, powered flying model. With the full resources of the Smithsonian Institution at his command, Langley directed his staff of skilled machinists and instrument makers to begin work on a series of airframes and small, lightweight engines to propel them. Following trials with compressed air, carbonic acid gas, and clockwork power plants, his research focused on the development of small steam engines with flash boilers and a capacity to propel a machine for up to two minutes.

The successful flight of No. 5 was the end product of five years of effort. Time after time, aerodromes, as Langley called the small aircraft, were catapulted off the roof of a houseboat anchored in the Potomac River near Quantico, Va. Each time they fell into the water without flying. Additional effort on the tail and wing design of No. 5 preceded the test of May 26, 1896. On that occasion, the aerodrome flew some 3,300 feet (about 1,000 metres) in sweeping circles, traveling at an estimated speed of about 25 miles (40 km) per hour. The craft was launched on a second, similar flight later that day.
The flights of May 26 represented a turning point in Langley’s experiments. On Nov. 28, 1896, the Smithsonian crew launched the Langley aerodrome No. 6 on a flight lasting more than a minute. Two days later, No. 6 remained aloft for a record 1 minute 45 seconds. Langley ultimately failed in his attempt to achieve successful flight with a full-scale piloted flying machine. Nevertheless, the Langley flights of 1896 marked the beginning of a new era in the history of flight. For the first time, a large flying model with a self-contained power plant had remained in the air for a length of time sufficient to demonstrate that it had unquestionably flown. See also flight, history of.