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- conquest by ʿUmar Tal
- In western Africa: The jihad of ʾUmar Tal
…more powerful Bambara kingdom of Segu. The Macina Fulani were opposed to the idea of a Tijānī power advancing into their own Qādirī zone in the Niger valley and even gave some aid to Segu. After ʿUmar’s forces had conquered Segu in 1861, they continued eastward, and, finding that Ahmadu’s…
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history of
- Bambara states
- In Bambara states
…based on the town of Ségou, between the Sénégal and Niger rivers, and the other on Kaarta, along the middle Niger (both in present-day Mali). According to tradition, the Segu kingdom was founded by two brothers, Barama Ngolo and Nia Ngolo. Initially little more than marauding robber barons, the brothers…
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- In Bambara states
- Mali
- In Mali: The 19th century
…conquered the Bambara kingdom of Ségou in 1861 and the Fulani empire of Macina in 1864. After ʿUmar was killed in a skirmish with the Fulani in 1864, his vast domains were divided among his sons and commanders. His eldest son, Amadou Tal, who had been installed at Ségou, unsuccessfully…
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