The Essence of Christianity
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- discussed in biography
- In Ludwig Feuerbach
…Das Wesen des Christentums (1841; The Essence of Christianity), Feuerbach posited the notion that man is to himself his own object of thought and that religion is nothing more than a consciousness of the infinite. The result of this view is the notion that God is merely the outward projection…
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- influence on Marx
- In Karl Marx: Early years
…Das Wesen des Christentums (1841; The Essence of Christianity) by Ludwig Feuerbach. Its author, to Marx’s mind, successfully criticized Hegel, an idealist who believed that matter or existence was inferior to and dependent upon mind or spirit, from the opposite, or materialist, standpoint, showing how the “Absolute Spirit” was a…
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- translation by Eliot
- In George Eliot: Life with George Henry Lewes
…her translation of Ludwig Feuerbach’s Essence of Christianity, they went to Germany together. In all but the legal form it was a marriage, and it continued happily until Lewes’s death in 1878. “Women who are content with light and easily broken ties,” she told Mrs. Bray, “do not act as…
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contribution to
- Christian philosophy
- In Christianity: Influence of logical positivism
German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach (The Essence of Christianity, 1841) in the 19th century. It was promoted in the early 20th century by George Santayana, John Dewey, and J.H. Randall, Jr., and later by Christian writers such as D.Z. Phillips and Don Cupitt. According to them, true Christianity consists in…
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- Hegelianism
- In Hegelianism: Theological radicalism
…Das Wesen des Christentums (1841; The Essence of Christianity), in which humanity reappropriates its essence, which it had alienated from itself by hypostatizing it in the idea of God. The essence of humanity is reason, will, and love; and these three faculties constitute the consciousness of the human species as…
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- religious rationalism
- In rationalism: Four waves of religious rationalism
Feuerbach’s Wesen des Christentums (1841; Essence of Christianity) applied the myth theory even to belief in the existence of God, holding that “man makes God in his own image.”
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