The Naked Streets
work by Pratolini
Also known as: “Il quartiere”
Learn about this topic in these articles:
discussed in biography
- In Vasco Pratolini
…important novel, Il quartiere (1944; The Naked Streets), offers a vivid, exciting portrait of a gang of Florentine adolescents. Cronaca familiare (1947; Two Brothers) is a tender story of Pratolini’s dead brother. Cronache di poveri amanti (1947; A Tale of Poor Lovers), which has been called one of the finest…
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place in Italian literature
- In Italian literature: Social commitment and the new realism
The Naked Streets] and Metello [1955; Eng. trans. Metello]) and of the Roman subproletariat by Pier Paolo Pasolini (Ragazzi di vita [1955; The Ragazzi] and Una vita violenta [1959; A Violent Life]). There were memories of the north’s struggle against fascist and Nazi
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