The Turner Diaries
The Turner Diaries, novel by William Luther Pierce (under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald), published in 1978. An apocalyptic tale of genocide against racial minorities set in a near-future America, The Turner Diaries has been referred to as “the bible of the racist right,” a “handbook for white victory,” and “a blueprint for revolution.” Pierce was the head of the National Alliance, a neo-Nazi group, and the novel first appeared in serial form in the National Alliance’s publication, Attack!.
Pierce was a former physics professor at Oregon State University and was a follower of George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. Although Pierce claimed to doubt the book’s impact, The Turner Diaries has been credited with influencing the terrorist and criminal activities of groups and individuals like The Order and, most notably, Timothy McVeigh, who bombed a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995, killing 168 people. The publication and distribution of the book by the publishing house Lyle Stuart shortly after McVeigh’s arrest sparked a heated public debate about censorship.
The story
The novel is written in the form of the diaries of a one-time electrical engineer, Earl Turner, supposedly unearthed near Revolutionary Headquarters in the one-hundredth year of the New Era. In the foreword, Turner is described as one of the “men and women whose struggle and sacrifice saved our race in its time of greatest peril.” The diaries describe a society that has completely deteriorated because of the powerlessness of its white citizens, as well as Turner’s patriotic fight to take the country back from a government dominated by Jews, African Americans, and other minorities. Turner begins as a rank-and-file member of a group called “the Organization” and is later invited to join a secret elite faction called “the Order,” which wages a war of political terrorism against “the System” (the United States government). These acts of terrorism are designed to instigate a further crackdown on basic freedoms, thus creating an even more repressive environment, so that the Organization will gain sympathy and converts.

Turner’s adventures begin on September 16, 1991, about two years after the notorious gun raids in which the government, through the enforcement of the Cohen Act, confiscates everyone’s guns. Resisters are forced underground, but key members, called “legals,” remain functioning in society and gathering information. To fund its operations, the Organization commits only “socially conscious” crimes—those against Jews or other minorities. Turner’s unit is assigned a larger undertaking when the System begins issuing passports to all citizens. To thwart the System’s plans, the unit blows up FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. The blast kills approximately 700 people and, because of the damage done to the FBI’s infrastructure, causes a temporary halt in the issuing of passports.
Although he regrets the loss of innocent life, Turner laments that there is no other way to destroy the System. Eventually the Organization takes over much of the West Coast by force. Those who survive are then subjected to the “day of the rope,” in which African Americans as well as whites characterized as having betrayed their race are hanged. Race traitors are those whites who either support minorities through their views and work or—particularly offensive to the Organization—are part of interracial relationships. Despite the looting and the cannibalism of desperate African Americans, the landscape begins to take on a utopian character when surviving whites clean up their homes and property. The farms that have been neglected because of the migrant workers’ expulsion are eventually tended by young white children, eager to do their part for the region’s recovery.
Turner’s last entry records his acceptance of a suicide mission in which he will blow up the Pentagon with a nuclear weapon. He has accepted the mission willingly as punishment for his betrayal of the Order while being tortured by an Israeli police official and his “Negro orderlies.” Turner’s death, as noted in the epilogue, marks “the day of the Martyrs” in the New Era.
Violent influence
The Turner Diaries is written in the style of an adventure novel with elements—including a love interest—clearly intended to appeal to a wide audience. The book is believed to have inspired white supremacists’ crimes in the United States and abroad, including those of Buford Furrow, who wounded five people, three of them children, in 1999 at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles. He also killed a Filipino postal worker. He later remarked that his actions were “a wake-up call to America to kill Jews.” In addition, during the 1998 rampage that killed James Byrd, Jr., one of the most vicious hate crimes in Texas history, John William King declared, “We’re going to start The Turner Diaries early.” In London, David Copeland, who killed three people and wounded 139 others in the 1999 Soho pub bombings, was also believed to have been influenced by the novel.
The book was also a likely inspiration for the 1980s crime wave initiated by a group calling itself The Order. The Order replicated many of the crimes committed by its fictional counterpart, including robbery, counterfeiting, and murder. Other white supremacists refer to the day in 1984 that the real-life leader of The Order, Robert Jay Mathews, died in a fiery standoff with federal authorities as “Martyr’s Day.”
The novel received more widespread attention after the arrest of McVeigh for the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. McVeigh had used an ammonium nitrate fertilizer bomb in a truck much like that described in the book. The time of the Oklahoma bombing was 9:02 am, just 13 minutes earlier than the time of the FBI bombing in the novel. When McVeigh was arrested, pages from the book were found in the front seat of his car. At his trial, witnesses confirmed that McVeigh was fascinated by the book and had recommended it to friends.
By 1995 an estimated 200,000 copies had been sold, mostly through mail order by antigovernment groups. In 1996 Lyle Stuart, a mainstream New York publisher, announced that it would print 50,000 copies and release the book for distribution. Many organizations, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Simon Wiesenthal Center among them, objected and appealed to bookstores to “make an informed decision” about stocking the book. The Canadian Border Services Agency declared the book’s importation illegal under part of its Criminal Code that prohibits the importation of hate propaganda. In the United States, however, Lyle Stuart and the American Booksellers Association maintained that even objectionable material was protected by the First Amendment. The publisher, who had also published The Anarchist Cookbook, took on The Turner Diaries on the condition that a foreword would be added condemning the book’s racist views and that one dollar from every sale would be given to a gun control organization. Pierce received 5 percent of the sales revenues before his death in 2002. By 2000 approximately 500,000 copies had been sold, but in the early 21st century the work was primarily circulated online.
Nancy Egan