- Also called:
- aerial warfare
- Related Topics:
- formation flying
- air cavalry
- kamikaze
- finger four
- bombing
The importance of ECM in long-range bombing became apparent in 1972, when U.S. B-52 Stratofortresses struck targets in North Vietnam. By flying under escort at night and at about 30,000 feet, the B-52s were reasonably safe from MiG fighters and antiaircraft guns, and Wild Weasel and chaff-dropping aircraft helped suppress the SA-2s. But the most important ECM was provided by jammers built into the bombers. These flew in cells of three in order to create “blankets” of radar suppression that largely foiled the SAMs.
The next generation of variable-wing bombers, such as the U.S. B-1 and the Soviet Tu-26 Backfire, were designed to avoid more sensitive electronic warning systems by penetrating enemy airspaces at extremely low altitude. Flying in groups was to be abandoned, since the large radar cross section and radio communication of several bombers would be easily detected. Instead, the new bombers were designed for solo missions and carried standoff weapons such as nuclear-armed cruise missiles, which could be launched beyond the range of SAMs guarding the target areas.
In March 1999 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which had won the Cold War without firing a shot, launched a 78-day bombing campaign against Serbia to stop the mistreatment of ethnic Albanians in the province of Kosovo. By the time the Yugoslav government finally accepted a peace accord in June, aircraft from 13 NATO countries had flown more than 37,000 sorties, of which more than 14,000 were strike missions that dropped 23,614 bombs in an air campaign designed to destroy and disrupt the Yugoslav army and special police units in Kosovo. Strategic targets throughout Yugoslavia, such as the integrated air defense system, military command and control headquarters, petroleum storage facilities, and electrical power stations, were also attacked by aircraft and cruise missiles. Some of the alliance’s most sophisticated weapons systems were used, such as the United States’ B-2 and F-117 stealth bombers, which dropped bombs guided by inputs from the satellite-based global positioning system, or GPS. NATO had begun the campaign with great respect for Serb air defenses; in order to minimize risks from antiaircraft guns and missiles, combat aircraft flew no lower than 1,500 metres (5,000 feet). Only two NATO aircraft were lost in combat, but one was an F-117, supposedly invisible to radar. Air tactics in the jet age were indeed being shaped by electronics as much as they were by aerodynamics.
David MacIsaac The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica