- Latin:
- jus canonicum
The formative period in the East
The early church was not organized in any centralized structure. Over a long period of time, there developed patriarchates (churches believed to have been founded by Apostles) and bishoprics, the leaders of which—either as monarchical bishops or as bishops with shared authority (i.e., collegiality)—issued decrees and regulatory provisions for the clergy and laity within their particular jurisdictions. After the emperor Constantine granted tolerance to Christians within the Roman Empire, bishops from various sees—especially from the Eastern part of the empire—met in councils (e.g., the ecumenical Council of Nicaea). Though these councils are known primarily for their consideration of doctrinal conflicts, they also ruled on practical matters (such as jurisdictional and institutional concerns), which were set down in canons. In the West there was less imperial interference, and the bishop of Rome (the pope) gradually assumed more jurisdictional authority than his counterpart (the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople) in the East. Throughout this period there were often conflicting canons, since there were many independently developed canonical collections and no centralized attempt to bring order out of them until the Middle Ages.
Eastern churches
In addition to the New Testament, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers (the second generation of Christian writers) and the pseudo-Apostolic writings (documents attributed to but not written by the Apostles) contain the oldest descriptions of the customs existing in the East from the 2nd century until the 5th. The sources of all the others are the Doctrina duodecim Apostolorum (2nd century?; Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles), the Didascalia Apostolorum (3rd century; Teaching of the Apostles), and the Traditio Apostolica (Apostolic Tradition), attributed to St. Hippolytus, written in Rome about 220 ce but far more widely distributed in the East. From these documents the Constitutiones Apostolicae (Apostolic Constitutions), in which 85 Canones Apostolicae (Apostolic Canons) were included, were composed about 400 ce.
During the period that followed Constantine’s grant of religious toleration, many synods held in the East legislated, among other things, various disciplinary rules, or canones. In addition to and in place of the law of custom, written law entered the scene. An ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (451 ce) possessed a chronological collection of the canons of earlier councils. This Syntagma canonum (“Body of Canons”), or Corpus canonum orientale (“Eastern Body of Canons”), was subsequently complemented by the canons attributed to other 4th- and 5th-century councils, canonical letters of 12 Greek Fathers and of the 3rd-century Latin bishop of Carthage, St. Cyprian, and the Constitutiones Apostolicae. With the exception of the last, the Quinisext Council (692) accepted this complex, along with its own canons, as the official legal code of the Eastern churches. The canons of the ecumenical Second Council of Nicaea (787) and of the two councils (861 and 879–880) under Photius, patriarch of Constantinople, were added to that.
The systematic collections—and there were many of them—contained canons of councils, ecclesiastical laws (nomoi) of the emperors, or both together (nomocanons). The first known Greek collection of canons that is preserved is the Collectio 50 titulorum (“Collection of 50 Titles”), after the model of the 50 titles of the work known as the Pandecta (“Accepted by All”), composed by the patriarch John Scholasticus about 550. He composed from the Novels (Novellae constitutiones post Codicem) of Justinian the Collectio 87 capitulorum (“Collection of 87 Chapters”). The Collectio tripartita (“Tripartite Collection”), from the end of the 6th century and composed of the entire Justinian ecclesiastical legislation, was the most widely distributed. The nomocanons were expressions of the fusion of imperial and church authority. The Nomocanon 50 titulorum (“Canon Law of 50 Titles”) from about 580, composed of the works of John Scholasticus, remained in use until the 12th century. The edition of the Nomocanon 14 titulorum (“Canon Law of 14 Titles”) was completed in 883 and accepted in 920 as law for the entire Eastern church.
The science of canon law was pursued together with the study of secular law, especially in the schools in Constantinople and Beirut. The Scholia (commentaries) on the Basilica, a compilation of all imperial law from the time of Justinian, promulgated by the Byzantine emperor Leo VI (reigned 886–912), influenced the method of commenting on and teaching canon law. The best-known commentators in the 12th century were Joannes Zonaras and Theodore Balsamon. Matthew Blastares composed his Syntagma alphabeticum (“Alphabetical Arrangement”), an alphabetic manual of all imperial and church law, in 1335 from their works.
Independent churches of Eastern Christianity
The churches of Eastern Christianity that separated from the patriarchal see of Constantinople over a period of several centuries, but primarily during the 5th and 6th centuries, developed bodies of canon law that reflected their isolated and—after the Arab conquests in the 7th century—secondary social position. Among these churches are the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (in Syria), the Ancient Church of the East (the Assyrians), the Armenian Apostolic Church, and the Coptic Orthodox Church (in Egypt). Another independent church is the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
Though these churches developed an extensive body of canon law throughout their histories, Western knowledge of their canon law has been very scant. In the 20th century, however, more than 300 manuscripts dealing with canon law were found in various isolated monasteries and ecclesiastical libraries of the Middle East by Arthur Vööbus, an Estonian-American church historian. These manuscripts cover the period from the 3rd to the 14th century and deal with ecclesiastical regulations of the Syrian churches. Included among these manuscripts are the following: “The Canons of the Godly Monastery of St. Mār Mattai” (630), 26 in number, concerning the jurisdiction of the metropolitan (an archbishop) over the monastery; “The Canons of the Holy Qyriaqos, Which the Patriarch Composed and the Synod of the Saints and Bishops with Him” (794), containing 46 canons dealing with ecclesiastical and moral discipline and with liturgical, cultic, and monastic matters; and “The Canons Which Were Composed by the Holy Synod Which Assembled in Bēt Mār Šīlā [in the region] of Serūg, and Which Consecrated Mār Dionysios as Patriarch of Antioch, the City of God” (896), which originally contained 40 canons, though only 25 remain, dealing with the election and examination of candidates for the hierarchy and clergy, the conduct of priests, marriage, pagan influences, and religious and ecclesiastical duties. These canonical collections come from the West Syrian churches. Other canonical collections of the East Syrian churches were published in the early part of the 20th century.