Latin scholarship
Republic and early empire
From the beginning, Roman scholarship imitated Greek: Hellenistic techniques were applied to the treatment of Latin texts, and Latin grammar adopted Greek categories and terminology. Learned Greeks such as Tyrannion, Alexander Polyhistor, and Parthenius were brought to Rome as prisoners in the Mithradatic Wars. Even before that, as early as about 100 bc, the Roman knight Lucius Aelius Stilo Praeconinus had been teaching and writing about Latin grammar. Marcus Terentius Varro (116–27 bc) by his vast learning and prodigious output influenced almost every branch of scholarship; of his 25 books about the Latin language, books v to x survive in nearly complete form. In scholarship as in other matters the early imperial period was one of great achievement. It was the age of commentators such as Gaius Julius Hyginus, who was in charge of the Palatine Library in Rome founded by Augustus; of editors such as Marcus Valerius Probus (c. ad 20–105), who made critical editions of Plautus, Terence, Lucretius, Virgil, and Horace; of grammarians such as Verrius Flaccus, the author of a vast work on the meaning of words; of the elder Pliny (ad 23/24–79), whose encyclopaedic Historia naturalis (Natural History) was a major sourcebook during the Middle Ages; of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (c. ad 69–after 122), who wrote the lives of poets and grammarians as well as of emperors; and of Aulus Gellius, whose miscellany called Noctes Atticae preserved much ancient learning.
Later empire
The barbarian invasions of the 3rd century marked the beginning of a testing time for Latin as well as for Greek scholarship, and the scholars of the 4th and 5th centuries—such as Aelius Donatus, the grammarian and teacher of rhetoric; Servius, the learned commentator on Virgil; Priscian, the Greek author of the most famous Latin grammar of antiquity; and Macrobius, who during the first half of the 5th century wrote the learned miscellany called Saturnalia—were epitomizers and compilers living on inherited capital. In the Western Empire the knowledge of Greek was practically extinct, and the earlier literature of Rome itself was threatened with extinction. The classics were still the staple of such education as there was, but the dominance of rhetoric favoured only certain authors; classical poets such as Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and Terence were protected by critics and commentators, but among earlier authors Ennius and Lucilius disappeared and Plautus narrowly escaped. The book, in the form of the vellum or parchment codex, was superseding the papyrus roll, and authors who were not recopied were doomed to oblivion.
The early Middle Ages
The period during which the Merovingian dynasty founded by Clovis (c. 466–511) was in power was a dark age for learning, but there was no complete breach with the past. Under the influence of the church the barbarian invaders wished to base their civilization on the Latin model, and since it was the language of the church, Latin continued to be the language of literature. Although interest in antiquity for its own sake had little part in the late imperial and early medieval ideal, under the protection of the church learning survived in the medieval schools, and classical texts provided a grounding in grammar, a training in logical thought, and a philosophical premise for theology. Flavius Cassiodorus, a retired statesman who founded a monastery at Vivarium, in southern Italy, sometime after ad 540, encouraged his monks to copy pagan as well as Christian authors, a practice that spread later to other monasteries, particularly those of the Benedictine order. About 563 the Irish missionary Columba (c. 521–597) founded a church and monastery on the island of Iona in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, and soon afterward Irish missionaries converted the whole of Scotland and established monasteries in the north of England. Later Irish missions led by Columban (c. 543–615) founded Luxovium (Luxeuil) in the Vosges Mountains of Gaul (590), Bobbio on the Trebbia (c. 612–614), and St. Gall in Switzerland; Corbie near Amiens was founded from Luxovium a century later, and these monasteries played a leading role in the preservation of ancient literature. In England, Aldhelm (c. 639–709) and Bede (672/673–735) were men of considerable learning. At this time learning was also alive in Visigothic Spain, as is shown by the vast encyclopaedia of Isidore of Sevilla (c. 560–636), which was of great importance for the remainder of the Middle Ages. During the late 7th and 8th centuries the successors of Columban converted first the Frisians and then much of Germany; they founded the important monasteries of Fulda (744), Lorsch, in Hesse (764), and Hersfeld (c. 770), while Reichenau, on Lake Constance (724), and nearby Murbach (727) were founded by a refugee from Visigothic Spain.
The Carolingian Renaissance
Pippin III the Short (reigned 751–768) began ecclesiastical reforms that Charlemagne continued, and these led to revived interest in classical literature. Charlemagne appointed as head of the cathedral school at Aachen the distinguished scholar and poet Alcuin of York, who had a powerful influence on education in the empire. Many ancient texts were now copied into the new Carolingian minuscule, and the palace library allowed its books to be copied for other libraries, so that learning was rapidly diffused. Latin poetry of some merit was composed at and about the imperial court, and Einhard’s life of Charlemagne (probably written c. 830–833) is modeled on the biographies of Suetonius. Learned work was resumed, and the historian Paul the Deacon (Paulus Diaconus) abridged the abridgement of the lexicon of Verrius Flaccus that had been made by Festus during the 2nd century ad. The nearest approach in the Middle Ages to a humanistic scholar was Servatus Lupus, abbot of Ferrières (c. 805–862), who collected, copied, and excerpted ancient manuscripts on a large scale. Despite the splitting up of the Carolingian Empire in 843 and the troubles resulting from the barbarian attacks on Europe of the 9th and 10th centuries, the educational apparatus created by the so-called Carolingian Renaissance provided enough momentum to keep the classical tradition going until a new impulse arrived to carry it on to fresh developments.
The later Middle Ages
A renewed period of intellectual activity in the ancient Benedictine foundation of Monte Cassino heralded the renaissance of the 12th century. Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) was familiar not only with Virgil but also with Lucan, Statius, and Ovid, and The Divine Comedy’s picture of the cosmos is deeply indebted to Aristotle’s On the Heavens. William of Malmesbury (died c. 1143) and John of Salisbury (1115/20–1180) were considerable Latin scholars. During the 13th century a group of scholars in Padua around Lovato Lovati (1241–1309) and Albertino Mussato (1261–1329) were active humanists. Lovato read Lucretius and Catullus, studied Seneca’s tragedies in the famous Codex Etruscus, and found and read some of the lost books of Livy. Both men wrote Latin poetry, Mussato composing a Senecan tragedy, the Ecerinis, designed to open the eyes of the Paduans to the danger presented by Cangrande della Scala, the tyrant of Verona, by describing the tyrannical conduct of their own former despot, Ezzelino III.