- Key People:
- St. Pius X
- Marcel Lefebvre
- Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther
- Related Topics:
- political system
- ideology
- neotraditionalism
- paleoconservatism
- On the Web:
- BBC Sounds - A Point of View - The Meanings of Conservatism (Jan. 14, 2025)
The political and social changes that took place in Japan after the Meiji Restoration (1868) were significant and extensive, involving the abolition of feudal institutions and the introduction of Western political ideas such as constitutional government. However, despite institutional innovations and the dislocation resulting from rapid industrialization, political developments continued to be shaped primarily by traditional loyalties and attitudes. Except for the period of military government during the 1930s and ’40s, conservative rule in Japan has been nearly uninterrupted since the beginning of party politics in the 1880s. Conservative parties—the two most important of which merged to form the Liberal-Democratic Party in 1955—were dominated by personalities rather than by ideology and dogma; and personal loyalties to leaders of factions within the party, rather than commitment to policy, determined the allegiance of conservative members of the Diet. As one American scholar, Nathaniel B. Thayer, described them, the factions
have adopted the social values, customs, and relationships of an older Japan.…The old concepts of loyalty, hierarchy, and duty hold sway in them. And the Dietman (or any other Japanese) feels very comfortable when he steps into this world.
The Liberal-Democratic Party has been intimately linked with big business, and its policies have been guided primarily by the objective of fostering a stable environment for the development of Japan’s market economy. To this end, the party has functioned primarily as a broker between conflicting business interests.
In the early 21st century there was a resurgence of Japanese nationalism, much of it centring on how the history of Japan in the 20th century—particularly the period before and during World War II—was to be taught. Conservative nationalists insisted that the Japanese military had done nothing wrong and had indeed acted honourably and that stories of widespread war crimes were fabricated by Japan’s enemies, both foreign and domestic. Just how pervasive and influential this resurgent nationalism might be remains to be seen.