- Also called:
- court of law
- Related Topics:
- jury
- judge
- shadow docket
- sheriff
- bailiff
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Distinct from the type of lawmaking just described is a more conscious and explicit type of judicial legislation that is somewhat less controversial. It is directed toward the rules of procedure by which the courts operate; in the United States and elsewhere, the rules of procedure are generally subsumed under the concept known as due process (known outside the United States as fair procedure). This is a technical area in which expert knowledge of the type possessed by judges and lawyers is needed, in which constant attention to detail is required, and in which major problems of social, economic, or political policy are seldom explicitly encountered. Some legislative bodies, able or willing to devote only sporadic attention to the day-to-day problems of the management of litigation, have delegated the power to regulate procedure to the courts themselves. This is not ad hoc judicial lawmaking as a by-product of deciding cases but openly acknowledged promulgation of general rules for the future, in legislative form, by courts rather than legislatures.
An outstanding example of judicial rule making is found in the United States, where Congress has delegated to the Supreme Court broad power to formulate rules of civil, criminal, and appellate procedure for the federal courts. The Supreme Court also exercises the power to amend the rules from time to time as experience indicates that changes are desirable. Although Congress reserves the power to veto the rules promulgated by the Supreme Court, it has felt no need to do so. These rules of procedure often reflect highly significant biases toward one interest or another; examples include rules regarding the ways in which individual citizens can be aggregated into a “class” so that they can pursue their grievances collectively in the federal court system.
Other legislative bodies, including those of some U.S. states and most of the countries of continental Europe, have been unwilling to place so much trust in the courts and have retained for themselves the power to regulate procedure. The results have been varied. Courts sometimes become so immersed in day-to-day decision making that they fail to pay adequate attention to the proper functioning of the judicial machinery and perpetuate rules that are unduly rigid, unrealistic, and unsuited to the needs of litigants, which was the case in England and the American colonies during the 18th and first part of the 19th century. When such a situation exists, reform through legislative action is necessary. Apart from the occasional necessity of major sweeping changes, however, experience in common-law countries indicates that procedural rule making is better vested in the courts than in legislative bodies.
Review of administrative decisions
Administrative agencies of various kinds (e.g., the Food and Drug Administration in the United States) exist alongside the courts in nearly every country. Some do substantially the same kind of work as is done by courts and in substantially the same manner; others, however, have quite different functions (e.g., the issuing of licenses and the payment of social-welfare benefits).
The relationship between such agencies and regular courts differs markedly between common-law and civil-law countries. In common-law countries the actions of administrative agencies are subject to review in the ordinary courts. If the agency decides controversies in substantially the same manner as a court but in a different and more limited area, judicial control takes much the same form of appellate review as is provided for the decisions of lower courts. The objective of reviewing the record of the proceedings is to determine whether the administrative agency acted within the scope of its jurisdiction, whether there was any evidence to support its conclusion, whether procedures were fair, and whether the governing law was correctly interpreted and applied. Administrative decisions are seldom upset by the courts, because most judges believe that administrative agencies have expertise in their area of specialization. However, the agencies can be and occasionally are overruled, which reflects the large degree of judicial control over other agencies of government that characterizes common-law systems. If the administrative agency does not engage in formal adjudication, it produces no record of its proceedings for judicial review. Nevertheless, the agency’s decisions can be challenged in court by way of trial rather than appeal. The same problems are presented for judicial determination: did the agency act within its jurisdiction, did it correctly follow the law, and was there any rational or factual basis for its action? The United Kingdom has experienced a dramatic increase in the frequency of this type of litigation.
In many civil-law countries, the ordinary courts have no control over administrative agencies. Their decisions are reviewed by a special tribunal that is engaged exclusively in that work and that has nothing to do with cases of the type that come into the courts. Its function is solely appellate and is limited to the specialized areas entrusted to the administrative agencies. The prototype of this type of tribunal is France’s Conseil d’État, which decides and advises on issues put to it by the president, cabinet, or parliament. Such tribunals also have been established in other countries, including Belgium, Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Turkey.
Enforcement of judicial decisions
The method of enforcing a judicial decision depends upon its nature. If it does nothing more than declare legal rights, as is true of a simple divorce decree (merely severing marital ties, not awarding alimony or the custody of children) or a declaratory judgment (e.g., interpreting a contract or a statute), no enforcement is needed. If a judgment orders a party to do or to refrain from doing a certain act, as happens when an injunction is issued, the court itself takes the first step in enforcing the judgment by holding in contempt anyone who refuses to obey its order and sentencing him to pay a fine or to go to jail. Thereafter, enforcement is in the hands of the executive branch of government, acting through its law-enforcement and correctional authorities.
In routine criminal cases and in civil cases that result in the award of monetary damages, courts have little to do with the enforcement of their judgments. Instead, this is the function of the executive branch of government, acting through sheriffs, marshals, jailers, and similar officials. The courts themselves have no machinery for enforcement.
Some judgments issued by courts are extremely controversial and encounter intense public opposition (e.g., the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States ordering racial desegregation of the public schools in 1954). When voluntary compliance with such a judgment is refused, forcible methods of enforcement are necessary, sometimes extending to the deployment of armed forces under the control of the executive branch. The withdrawal of executive support seldom occurs, even when decisions are directed against the executive branch itself; when such executive support is withheld, however, the courts are rendered impotent. Judges, being aware of their limited power, seldom render decisions that they know will have so little support that they will not be enforced.