- Also called:
- animal feed
- Related Topics:
- hay
- silage
- mangel-wurzel
- roughage
- concentrate
Pasture grasses and legumes, both native and cultivated, are the most important single source of feed for ruminants such as cattle, horses, sheep, and goats. During the growing season they furnish most of the feed for these animals at a cost lower than for feeds that need to be harvested, processed, and transported. Hundreds of different grasses, legumes, bushes, and trees are acceptable as feeds for grazing animals. The nutritive value of the cultivated varieties has been studied, but information is incomplete for many of those that occur naturally.
Hay is produced by drying grasses or legumes when they approach the stage of maximum plant growth and before the seed develops. This stage has been shown to give maximum yields of digestible protein and carbohydrates per unit of land area. The moisture content is typically reduced below 18 percent in order to prevent molding, heating, and spoilage during storage. Legume hays, such as alfalfa and clovers, are high in protein, while the grasses (such as timothy and Sudan grass) are lower in protein and vary considerably depending on their stage of maturity and the amount of nitrogen fertilization applied to them. Stored hay is fed to animals when sufficient fresh pasture grass is not available.
Silage is made by packing immature plants in an airtight storage container and allowing fermentation to develop acetic and lactic acids, which preserve the moist feed. Storage may be in upright tower silos or in trenches in the ground. The initial moisture concentration of the forage should be between 50 and 70 percent, depending on the type of silage. Lower moisture levels can cause difficulty in obtaining sufficient packing to exclude air and may result in molding or other spoilage. Too high a moisture content causes nutrient losses by seepage and results in the production of excessively acidic, unpalatable silage. Ensiled forage can be stored for a longer period of time with lower loss of nutrients than dry hay. The nutritive value of silage depends on the type of forage ensiled and how successfully it has been cured. Corn, sorghums, grasses, and sometimes leguminous forages are used in making silage.
Root crops
Root crops are used less extensively as animal feed than was true in the past, for economic reasons. Beets (mangels), rutabagas, cassava, turnips, and sometimes surplus potatoes are used as feed. Compared with other feeds, root crops are low in dry-matter content and protein; they mostly provide energy.
Straw and hulls
Quantities of straw remaining after the harvesting of wheat, oats, barley, and rice crops are used as feed for cattle and other ruminants. The straws are low in protein and very high in fibre; digestibility is low. Straw is useful in maintaining mature animals when other feeds are in short supply, but it is too low in nutrition to be a satisfactory feed for extended periods unless supplemented with other feeds that supply the protein, digestible energy, and minerals needed for growth and production. Treatment of straw with alkali markedly increases the digestibility of the cellulose, augmenting its value as a source of energy for animals.
Corncobs, cornstalks, cottonseed hulls, and rice hulls can also be used as sources of fibre in ruminant diets. Rice hulls are lower in value, while the others are similar to straw.
John K. Loosli Palmer J. Holden