Prospects in the 21st century
In a world increasingly knit together by trade and communications technology, it seems ever more unlikely that the single nation-state can on its own successfully handle the universal enemies of poverty, hunger, disease, natural disaster, and war or other violence. Some thinkers believe that only a form of world government can make decisive headway against those evils, but no one has yet suggested convincingly either how a world government could be set up without another world war or how, if such a government did somehow come peacefully into existence, it could be organized so as to be worthy of its name. Even effective global cooperation among national governments can be extremely difficult, as the examples of the United Nations and other international bodies have shown. Nevertheless, those bodies have had many accomplishments, and the European Union (EU) has been particularly successful. The EU began as an attempt to bury the long-standing rivalry between France and Germany through economic cooperation. By the early 21st century it had come to include almost all the states between the Russian frontier and the Atlantic Ocean. Though its overall constitutional structure remained weak, and agreement on how to sufficiently strengthen it seemed unattainable, the EU’s common laws and policies were playing a large part in the lives of its citizens. The forces of Euroskepticism, however, were never fully vanquished, and indeed they won a substantial victory in 2016 when voters in Britain approved a referendum calling for the country’s withdrawal from the EU.
Yet Western democracy also faces other problems that may prove too big for it to solve. The great experiment of European imperialism has long since collapsed, but its legacy of corruption, war, and poverty, especially in Africa, seemed even more challenging at the beginning of the 21st century than it did 50 years previously. In many countries, nationalism, nativism, and xenophobia still distort voters’ judgments in matters of foreign policy, as greed misleads them over economic policy. Class conflicts have been muted rather than resolved. Demagogues abound as much as they did in ancient Athens. The incompatible claims of the city-states ruined ancient Greece, and modern civilization may yet be imperiled by the rival claims of the nation-states. At least one thing is clear, however: if human beings, as political animals, are to progress further, they cannot yet rest from seeking new forms of government to meet the ever-new needs of their times.
Hugh Brogan