Substantive issues in materialism
- Also called:
- physicalism
- Key People:
- Alfred North Whitehead
Reductionism, consciousness, and the brain
The main attraction of materialism is the way in which it fits in with a unified picture of science—a picture that has become very plausible. Thus, chemistry is reducible to physics inasmuch as there is a quantum-mechanical theory of the chemical bond. Biology is mainly an application of physics and chemistry to the structures described in natural history (including the natural history that one can explore through powerful microscopes). Increasingly, biological explanations resemble explanations in engineering, in which material structures are described and then the laws of physics and chemistry are used to explain the behaviour of these structures. (In the biological case, of course, these structures are often dynamic in the sense that their molecules are continually being replaced.) Through the influence of neurophysiology and also cybernetics (the science of information and control, which can be applied also to automata), scientific psychology is also fitting well into the same mechanistic scheme.
There is a recalcitrant residue, however, in the phenomena of consciousness. Here mental events seem, indeed, to be correlated with physical events; but, if the mental events are not the very same as the physical events, one is left with apparently ultimate (or irreducible) physical-mental laws that do not fit happily into unified science, and one is thus faced with a situation unlike that of the rest of science. Looking at science generally, one expects ultimate laws to relate simple entities, such as fundamental particles. A physical-mental law, however, would have to refer to something very complex—a brain process involving perhaps millions of neurons, with each neuron being itself an almost fantastically complex entity. There would be a multitude of physical-mental laws, which would look like excrescences on the face of science. Because they would not fit into the network of scientific laws, Feigl called them “nomological danglers.” To get rid of the need for these danglers is one of the chief goals of materialism. Of course, an immaterialist might assert that mental entities exist and also that there are no physical-mental laws. But it might be hard for him to reconcile this position with the empirical evidence; and in any case he would be faced with the problem of how to distinguish the free exercise of such anomalous physical-mental interaction from mere chance behaviour.
The development of computers and other devices to take over much of the more routine sort of human behaviour led to attempts on the part of scientists and technologists, such as the American Marvin Minsky, to develop real artificial intelligence (AI). So far, the success that these scientists hoped for has not been achieved. The American theoretical linguist Noam Chomsky has argued on the basis of his theories of the mental structures underlying language learning and use that the brain is quite unlike any already-understood type of mechanism. Indeed, any physicalistic materialist must certainly concede that there are very deep problems about the brain, which can no longer be thought of as a bundle of conditioned reflex mechanisms or the like, as it often seemed to be to many psychologists until Chomsky’s theories gained wider acceptance in the 1960s and ’70s. The physicalist can stress, however, that the investigator’s ignorance need not lead him to assume that he will never be able to find an explanation of intelligence and of linguistic abilities in terms consonant with his present notion of a physical mechanism. (There is also the possibility that physical laws not yet discovered might be needed to explain the workings of the brain. So long as these turned out to be basic laws of physics, such discoveries would not imply a shift to emergentist materialism.)
Logic, intentionality, and psychical research
Some philosophers, such as the British philosopher J.R. Lucas, tried to produce positive arguments against a mechanistic theory of mind by employing certain discoveries in mathematical logic, especially Kurt Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem, which implies that no axiomatic theory could possibly capture all arithmetical truths. In general, however, philosophers have not found such attempts to extract an antimaterialist philosophy from mathematical logic to be convincing. Nevertheless, the problems of mechanizing intelligence, including the mathematical abilities of human beings, do pose unsolved problems that the materialist is obliged to take seriously.
Perhaps the most common challenge to materialism has come from philosophers who hold that it cannot do justice to the concept of intentionality, which the German philosopher Franz Brentano made the distinguishing mark between the mental and the nonmental. (A related objection is that materialism cannot do justice to the distinction between behaviour and mere bodily movements.) Brentano held that mental events and states somehow point toward objects beyond themselves (or have a “content”). Many contemporary philosophers agree with Brentano that purely physical entities cannot have this property. If it is said, for example, that magnetized spots on a hard disk can refer beyond themselves in the way that thoughts do, then it is commonly replied that, in themselves, the spots on the disk have no reference or content—for this belongs only to the thoughts in the mind of a person who reads the disk. The materialist reply may be to argue, however, that there is a fundamental unclarity in the very notion of intentionality (this is roughly Quine’s position) or else to argue that purely physical systems can, after all, possess intentionality.

Finally, the alleged spiritualistic and other phenomena reported in psychical research are sometimes adduced against materialism. The materialist, however, can well afford to postpone discussion of these phenomena until such time as they are accepted by the general scientific community, which on the whole still remains skeptical of them.
John Jamieson Carswell Smart