- Also called:
- adjective law
- Key People:
- Gnaeus Flavius
Originally, procedure in English local and feudal courts resembled quite closely that of other countries with a Germanic legal tradition. Unlike the continental European countries, however, England never romanized its indigenous procedure but instead developed a procedure of its own capable of substantial growth and adjustment. England’s ability to do this was likely a result of two factors, both related to the strong monarchical system that followed the Norman Conquest (1066): the creation of the jury system and the establishment of a centralized royal court system. The jury allowed the flexibility of lay participation while offering a substitute for the antiquated methods of proof of the traditional Germanic law—ordeal, trial by battle, and wager of law. The central courts led to the creation of a definite legal tradition, the common law, and to the administration of justice through permanent professional judges and their attendant clerks, instead of the popular assemblies or groups of wise men who rendered justice elsewhere.
In the years immediately after the Norman invasion, royal courts could be used only if permitted by a special royal writing, or writ, issued in the name of the king. Such a writ might, for example, direct the defendant to return the land or explain why he refused to do so or, later on, direct the sheriff to bring the defendant before the court so that he could be required to answer for his conduct. Writs were at first issued only when there was a complaint that local or feudal courts were not rendering justice. Later, they were issued in cases involving land and gradually standardized and extended to cover almost all aspects of civil justice. Suitors sought royal justice because it offered good enforcement—the sheriff, a royal official, was responsible for carrying out judicial orders—and because they liked its procedure—royal courts abandoned much of the awkward Germanic law of proof in favour of trial by jury sooner than did local courts.
As the system of royal courts developed, counsel came to play a central role. The parties, through their counsel, formulated the issues to be settled through their pleadings before the court in London. After the pleading stage, counsel would try the issues before a jury in the county where the facts arose. The mechanics of pleading, originally oral and simple, gradually became highly complex. The plaintiff had to plead facts that came within the writ used to start the action; the defendant generally could either deny the facts asserted by the plaintiff or assert specific defenses. (For modern pleading practices, see below Preliminaries to proceedings: Pleadings.) Common law permitted appeals from most judicial rulings but required the parties to wait until the case was over before seeking review.
The complexities of the common-law procedure led some parties to request relief directly from the king, who was then the ultimate fountainhead of justice. The king regularly transferred such requests to the royal chancery—that is, the office of the lord chancellor—which, in this way, developed into another court called the chancery. The chancery court was supposed to deal equitably with cases in which the strict rules of the common law failed. In the course of time this function of the chancery developed into a body of well-defined rules known as “equity.” Until the 16th century the chancellors were generally ecclesiastics; hence, procedure in chancery to obtain equity was to some extent influenced by canonical procedures. In particular, there was no jury trial, no writ circumscribing a precise cause of action, and no in-court testimony of witnesses. Instead, litigants could compel (by court orders called subpoenas) the out-of-court statements of witnesses, whose sworn testimony would be recorded as the basis for the chancellor’s decision. Equity also differed from common law in allowing immediate appeal of every judicial ruling, a practice that made suits in equity notoriously slow. The procedure of the common-law courts and the existence of a separate procedure for equity matters were both adopted in the United States.
In the 19th century there were substantial reforms of legal procedure in both England and the United States. These involved several related approaches: (1) a reform in court organization, doing away with separate courts of equity and establishing a more rational system of appeals courts, (2) a reform of pleading, largely abandoning the need to plead a specific cause of action based on writs, (3) the grant to judges of limited power to promulgate rules of procedure, and (4) the development of the law of evidence. In the United States the first three of these principles were initially embodied in the New York Code of Civil Procedure of 1848, which many other states subsequently adopted. In the 20th century the notion gained ground that legislation was too slow and too inexpert a means for the adoption of new procedural rules. This belief led to the Rules Enabling Act of 1934, which authorized the Supreme Court of the United States to adopt (subject to congressional veto) Rules of Civil Procedure for the federal district courts, though some matters, such as subject-matter jurisdiction, remained governed by acts of Congress. There were similar developments in many of the states and also in England and Wales. At present most U.S. states, even those that do not directly adopt federal rules, have procedural regimes that closely resemble that of the federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
Many of these simplifications made it easier for a case to reach trial. Once at trial, however, the case encountered the law of evidence. While 19th-century legislatures were rewriting procedural rules, the courts were creating an elaborate and often very technical body of doctrine concerning who could testify about what in a trial. This growing body of law enabled courts to exercise greater control over trial outcomes. An error in the admission of evidence was enough for an appellate court to reverse a verdict.
In some respects the two trends in 19th-century procedure counteracted one another: simplified pleading and court reform made it easier to get to trial on the merits; evidentiary doctrines created the opportunity for numerous errors at trial. By the end of the century a frequently voiced criticism was that appellate courts granted too many new trials as a result of evidentiary errors. Responding to this complaint, 20th-century reforms in all common-law countries preserved the law of evidence but no longer viewed small errors as sufficient for reversal of a judgment.