religious persecution
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- significance in American colonies
- In Baptist: Colonial period
…the colonies, Baptists laboured under legal disabilities. The public whipping of Obadiah Holmes in 1651 for his refusal to pay a fine that had been imposed for holding an unlawful meeting in Lynn, Massachusetts, caused John Clarke to write his Ill News from New England (1652). Fourteen years later Baptists…
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avoidance by
- Mamluk dynasty
- In Egypt: Religious life
…rulers of Egypt had seldom interfered with the lives of their Christian and Jewish subjects so long as these groups paid the special taxes (known as jizyah) levied on them in exchange for state protection. Indeed, both Copts and Jews had always served in the Muslim bureaucracy, sometimes in the…
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- Marcus Aurelius
- In Marcus Aurelius: Roman emperor
…in the matter of Christian persecution. Although Marcus disliked the Christians, there was no systematic persecution of them during his reign. Their legal status remained as it had been under Trajan (reigned 98–117) and Hadrian: Christians were ipso facto punishable but not to be sought out. This incongruous position did…
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effect on
- Anabaptists
- In The Protestant Heritage: The suffering of persecution
The alternative Reformation movements were made up of men and women who were prepared to suffer for their faith at the hands of both civil authorities and Catholic and other Protestant ecclesiastical leaders. The story of the rise of Anabaptism is one of persecution,…
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- In The Protestant Heritage: The suffering of persecution
- Bahāʾīs
- In Bahāʾī Faith: History
Large-scale persecutions of his adherents, the Bābīs, followed.
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- early Christians
- In Christianity: Church-state relations
Nero’s persecution, which was local and short, was condemned by Tacitus as an expression of the emperor’s cruelty rather than as a service to the public good. Soon thereafter, however, the profession of Christianity was defined as a capital crime—though of a special kind, because one…
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- Jewish mysticism
- In Judaism: Medieval German (Ashkenazic) Hasidism
…had their own problems—notably the persecutions that began during the First Crusade—which resulted in a mysticism strongly imbued with asceticism.
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- missionaries
- In Christianity: First transition, to 500 ce
…engage in emperor worship, and persecutions ensued. In the persecutions so many Christians bore witness (Greek: martyria) that the word martyr quickly evolved into its current meaning. Christian faith—not least that of young women such as Saints Blandina, Cecilia, Perpetua, and Felicity—made an impact, and many who beheld that witness…
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- mystery religions
- In mystery religion: Mystery religions and Christianity
…period of toleration, the pagan religions were prohibited. The property of the pagan gods was confiscated, and the temples were destroyed. The precious metal used to coin Constantine’s gold pieces was taken from heathen temple treasuries. To show the beginning of a new era, the capital of the empire was…
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practice by
- Decius
- Julian
- In Julian: Policies as emperor
…toleration to outright suppression and persecution of Christians. Pagans were openly preferred for high official appointments, and Christians were expelled from the army and prohibited from teaching classical literature and philosophy. The latter action led Ammianus, who admired Julian’s virtues and was himself an adherent of the traditional religion, to…
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- Roman Empire
- In Hellenistic religion: Religion from the Augustan reformation to the death of Marcus Aurelius: 27 bc–ad 180
…expressed in wars, riots, and persecutions, such as the Jewish–pagan riots in Alexandria in ad 38 and 115–116, the Jewish–Roman wars of ad 66–70 and 132–135, and the beginning of the persecution of Christians under the Roman emperor Nero in ad 64. Another cause of tension was the elaboration of…
Read More - In ancient Rome: The rise of Christianity
The first persecution, that of Nero, was related to a devastating fire in the capital in 64, for which the Christians were blamed or, perhaps, only made the scapegoats. In any case, their position as bad people (mali homines of the sort a governor should try to…
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- In Hellenistic religion: Religion from the Augustan reformation to the death of Marcus Aurelius: 27 bc–ad 180
- Shāpūr II
- In Shāpūr II: Persecution of Christians.
…was engaged abroad, ordered the persecution and forcible conversion of the Christians; this policy was in force throughout his reign.
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- Third Reich
- In Germany: The totalitarian state
…toward increasingly extreme measures of persecution. SA terrorism, legislation expelling Jews from the civil service and universities, boycotts of Jewish businesses and professionals, and the eventual expropriation of Jewish-owned properties had by 1938 led to the emigration of roughly half of the 1933 Jewish population of 500,000 people. Until the…
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