Care of crops during growth
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Practices required for a vegetable crop growing in the field include cultivation; irrigation; application of fertilizers; control of weeds, diseases, and insects; protection against frost; and the application of growth regulators if necessary.
Cultivation refers to stirring the soil between rows of vegetable plants. Because weed control is the most important function of cultivation, this work should be performed at the most favourable time for weed killing, when the weeds are breaking through the soil surface. When the plants are grown on ridges, it is necessary to cover the basal plant portion with soil in the case of such vegetables as asparagus, carrot, garlic, leek, onion, potato, sweet corn, and sweet potato.
Vegetable production requires irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions, and irrigation is frequently used as insurance against drought in more humid regions. In areas having intermittent rain for five or six months, with little or none during the remainder of the year, irrigation is essential throughout the dry season and may also be needed between rainfalls in the rainy season. The two types of land irrigation generally suited to vegetables are surface irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. A level site is required for surface irrigation, in which the water is conveyed directly over the field in open ditches at a slow, nonerosive velocity. Where water is scarce, pipelines may be used, eliminating losses caused by seepage and evaporation. The distribution of water is accomplished by various control structures, and the furrow method of surface irrigation is frequently employed because most vegetable crops are grown in rows. Sprinkler irrigation conveys water through pipes for distribution under pressure as simulated rain.
Irrigation requirements are determined by both soil and plant factors. Soil factors include texture, structure, water-holding capacity, fertility, salinity, aeration, drainage, and temperature. Plant factors include type of vegetable, density and depth of the root system, stage of growth, drought tolerance, and plant population.
Fertilizer application
Soil fertility is the capacity of the soil to supply the nutrients necessary for good crop production, and fertilizing is the addition of nutrients to the soil. Chemical fertilizers may be used to supply the needed nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Chemical tests of soil, plant, or both are used to determine fertilizer needs, and the rate of application is usually based on the fertility of the soil, the cropping system employed, the kind of vegetable to be grown, and the financial return that might be expected from the crop. Methods of fertilizer application include scattering and mixing with the soil before planting; application with a drill below the surface of the soil at the time of planting; row application before or at planting time; and row application during plant growth, also called side-dressing. Plowed down broadcast fertilizers have recently been used in combination with high analysis liquid fertilizers applied at planting or as a side-dressed band. Mechanical planting devices may employ fertilizer attachments to plant the fertilizer in the form of bands near the seed. For most vegetables, the bands are placed from two to three inches (five to 7.5 centimetres) from the seed, either at the same depth or slightly below the seed.
Weed control
Weeds (plants growing where they are not wanted) reduce crop yield, increase production cost, and may harbour insects and diseases that attack crop plants. Methods employed to control weeds include hand weeding, mechanical cultivation, application of chemicals acting as herbicides, and a combination of mechanical and chemical means. Herbicides, selective chemical weed killers, are absorbed by the plant and induce a toxic reaction. The amount and type of herbicide that can be safely used to protect vegetable crops depends on the tolerance of the specific crops to the chemical. Most herbicides are applied as a spray, and the appropriate time for application is determined by the composition of the herbicide and the kind of vegetable crop to be treated. Preplanting treatments are applied before the crop is planted; preemergence treatments are applied after the crop is planted but before its seedlings emerge from the soil; and postemergence treatments are applied to the growing crop at a definite stage of growth.
Disease and insect control
The production of satisfactory crops requires rigorous disease- and insect-control measures. Crop yield may be lowered by disease or insect attack, and when plants are attacked at an early stage of growth the entire crop may be lost. Reduction in the quality of vegetable crops may also be caused by diseases and insects. Grades and standards for market vegetables usually specify strict limits on the amount of disease and insect injury that may be present on vegetables in a designated grade. Vegetables remain vulnerable to insect and disease damage after harvesting, during the marketing and handling processes. When a particular plant pest is identified, the grower can select and apply appropriate control measures. Application of insect control at the times specific insects usually appear or when the first insects are noticed is usually most effective. Effective disease control usually requires preventive procedures.
Diseases are incited by such living organisms as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Harmful material enters the plant, develops during an incubation period, and finally causes infection, the reaction of the plant to the pathogen, or disease-producing organism. Control is possible during the inoculation and incubation phases, but when the plant reaches the infection stage it is already damaged. Typical plant diseases include mildew, leaf spots, rust, and wilt. Chemical fungicides may be used to control disease, but the use of disease-resistant plant varieties is the most effective means of control.
Vegetable breeders have developed plant varieties resistant to one or more diseases; such varieties are available for the bean, cabbage, cucumber, lettuce, muskmelon, onion, pea, pepper, potato, spinach, tomato, and watermelon.
Insects are usually controlled by the use of chemical insecticides that kill through toxic action. Many insecticides are toxic to harmful insects but do not affect bees, which are valuable for their role in pollination.