Frost protection
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- origins of agriculture
- vegetable
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Frost protection may be accomplished by increasing the amount of heat radiated from the soil when frost is likely to occur. Irrigation on the day before a predicted frost provides additional moisture in the soil to increase the amount of heat given off as infrared rays. This extra heat protects the plants from frost injury. A continuous supply of water provided by sprinkler irrigation may also protect plants from frost. As the water freezes on the plant leaves, it loses heat that is absorbed by the plant leaves, maintaining leaf temperature at 32° F (0° C). Because of the sugars and other substances in plant cells, the freezing point of cell sap is somewhat lower than 32° F.
Growth regulators
It is sometimes desirable to retard or accelerate maturity in vegetable crops. A chemical compound may be applied to prevent sprouting in onion crops. It is applied in the field sufficiently early for absorption by the still-green foliage but late enough to avoid suppressing the bulb yield. Another substance may be used to end the dormancy, or rest period, of newly harvested potato tubers intended for planting. The treated seed potatoes have uniform sprout emergence. The same substance is applied to celery from two to three weeks before harvest to elongate the stalks and increase the yield and is also used to accelerate maturity in artichokes. A chemical compound, applied when adverse weather conditions prevail during the period of fruit setting, has been used to encourage fruit set.
The stage of development of vegetables when harvested affects the quality of the product reaching the consumer. In some vegetables, such as the bean and pea, optimum quality is reached well in advance of full maturity and then deteriorates, although yield continues to increase. Factors determining the harvest date include the genetic constitution of the vegetable variety, the planting date, and environmental conditions during the growing season. Successive harvest dates may be obtained either by planting varieties having different maturity dates or by changing the sequence of planting dates of one particular variety. The successive method is applicable to such crops as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, muskmelon, onion, pea, sweet corn (maize), tomato, and watermelon. Certain varieties of the carrot, celery, cucumber, lettuce, parsley, radish, spinach, or summer squash can be sown in succession throughout most of the year in some climates, thus prolonging the harvest period.
Hand harvesting is employed along with various mechanical aids for broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, muskmelon, and pepper crops. Many vegetables grown for processing and some vegetables destined for the fresh market are mechanically harvested. Harvesting operations may be performed by a single machine in a single step for such vegetable crops as the bean, beet, carrot, lima bean, onion, pea, potato, radish, spinach, sweet corn, sweet potato, and tomato. Designers of harvesting machinery have been working to develop a multiple-picking harvester capable of adjustment for use with more than one crop. Vegetable breeders have been able to produce vegetables with characteristics suitable for machine harvesting, including compact plant growth, uniform development, and concentrated maturity.