- Also called:
- coelenterate
- Related Topics:
- jellyfish
- box jellyfish
- hydroid
- hydrocoral
- Scyphozoa
Tissues and muscles
Cnidarians consist of two cell layers: an outer ectoderm and an inner endoderm (the gastrodermis) that lines the coelenteron. Between these is sandwiched the mesoglea, a largely noncellular layer composed of a jellylike material permeated by a complex network of supporting fibres that may be microscopically thin or very thick. The fibres and jelly are elastic. In medusae, mesoglea comprises the bulk of the animal and forms a resilient skeleton. In polyps, the water-filled coelenteron acts as a hydrostatic skeleton, which, in concert with the mesoglea, maintains the form of these animals.
Muscles in cnidarians are extensions of the bases of ectodermal and endodermal cells. Individual muscle cells are relatively long and may occur in dense tracts in jellyfish or sea anemones. Most cnidarian muscles, however, are thin sheets at the base of ectodermal and endodermal layers.
In polyps, ectodermal muscles are oriented lengthwise along the cylindrical body and tentacles; endodermal ones are usually circular. Contraction of circular muscles against coelenteric fluid causes the polyp’s body to elongate; contraction of longitudinal muscles causes it to shorten. Similar layers of muscles extend and contract the tentacles. Bending results from unequal contractions of longitudinal muscles on opposite sides of the body.
In medusae, all muscles are ectodermal, restricted to the concave oral surface (subumbrellar surface), and organized into circular and radial tracts. Contraction of circular muscles squeezes the subumbrellar space, forcing out contained water and causing the medusa to move by jet propulsion. Recovery of the elastic mesoglea re-extends contracted muscle fibres. Radial muscle contraction distorts the bell, directing the water jet at angles to the longitudinal axis of the bell, allowing the medusa to steer.
Support mechanisms and skeletons
Most members of what is usually considered a soft-bodied group have some sort of skeleton aside from the hydrostatic system described above. Both external and internal skeletons occur in the phylum, but only among polyps.

Most hydroid polyps secrete a horny, chitinous external skeleton that is essentially a tube around the polyp and the network of stolons that interconnect members of a colony. As well as being protective, it confers stiffness for support and has joints for flexibility. A few scyphozoan polyps have comparable chitinous skeletons. Unlike those of hydroids, hydrocoral skeletons are composed of calcium carbonate and are internal by virtue of being shallowly penetrated by channels of living tissue. Hydrocorals, which include the order Milleporina (millepores), commonly called fire coral, and the precious red coral used for jewelry, form encrusting or branching skeletons similar to those of anthozoan corals.
An anthozoan coral polyp, which resembles a sea anemone, can nearly completely retract into the calcareous cup it secrets around itself. This external skeleton underlies a continuous, superficial layer of tissue. Non-reef-forming corals typically are solitary or form small, rather delicately branched colonies, their polyps being relatively large and widely spaced. In some species of reef-forming corals, polyps are so tightly packed that their individual units share common walls. Skeletons may be encrusting, massive, or arborescent (treelike). The latter type of skeleton is delicate and typical of quiet waters at depth or in lagoons, while the former two predominate where water motion is strong. Skeleton is laid down in massive corals at a rate of about one centimetre per year; branching corals may grow considerably more rapidly. The largest corals represent cooperative efforts of up to 1,000,000 tiny individuals precipitating calcium carbonate over centuries. Few attain such proportions, however, and even the largest are eventually broken down by boring organisms such as algae, worms, sponges, and barnacles, as well as by physical processes.
The last major category of cnidarian skeletons, formed by the anthozoan subclass Alcyonaria and the order Antipatharia, are internal. Sea fan and sea whip skeletons consist of the horny protein gorgonin with calcareous spicules fused to form a solid or jointed central rod. Soft coral spicules are discrete, mostly microscopic objects of diverse shapes that vary from needle-like to club- and anchor-shaped. Located in the ectoderm, spicules stiffen the colony. In some species the several spicules that form a protective cup around each polyp may be several millimetres long. The alcyonarian Tubipora is known as the organ-pipe coral after the form of its red calcareous skeleton. Blue corals (the order Helioporacea) have skeletons of crystalline calcareous fibres fused into sheets, which are used for jewelry. Colonies of black coral resemble bushes and may stand more than three metres tall. Their skeletons, made entirely of proteinaceous material similar to gorgonin, are likewise used for jewelry.
Sea anemones do not produce hard skeletons, although their close relatives in the order Zoanthinaria incorporate foreign objects (sand grains, sponge spicules) into their body walls, which gives them rigidity and toughness. Small anemones that live high in the intertidal zone commonly inhabit abandoned barnacle tests (shells), thereby acquiring some of the benefits of a skeleton.
Nervous system and organs of sensation
Medusae have a more highly developed nerve net than do polyps, a feature that is associated with the more active way of life of medusae. Swimming is coordinated by the nervous system. Nervous systems that are capable of conducting nerve impulses both quickly and slowly give these animals considerable behavioral responsiveness and flexibility. Ganglia or other accumulations of nerve cell bodies are not found in cnidarians, but there are gap junctions between neurons and between neurons and effectors, which allow the transmission of nerve impulses. Statocysts, located between the tentacles or near the tentacular base, inform the animal of its orientation with respect to gravitational forces. Light-sensitive ocelli (external patches of pigment and photoreceptor cells organized in either a flat disk or a pit) occur in some medusae of each of the three classes that possess this stage. Such sensory structures are closely associated with a nerve net.
In the past nematocysts were considered independent effectors; that is, they were thought to fire upon appropriate stimulation, without mediation by the nervous system. Evidence, however, favours there being some organismal control over their firing, which may consist only of adjusting the threshold for firing, or the selectivity. Some scientists believe that nervous complexes associated with batteries (groups) of cnidae are the mechanism of control.
Digestion, respiration, and excretion
Food is taken in and wastes are discharged through the mouth. Extracellular digestion occurs in the coelenteron, which has, in all except hydrozoans and some tiny members of the other classes, radial projections of the wall into the coelenteron that increase the surface area. Ingested material is broken down somewhat in the coelenteron and then taken up by endodermal cells for final intracellular digestion.
Respiration and excretion in cnidarians are carried on by individual cells that obtain their oxygen directly from water—either that in the coelenteron or that of the environment—and return metabolic wastes to it. Thus, all physiological functions are carried out at no more than the tissue level of differentiation.
Defense and aggression: nematocysts
Cnidae range from only about 10 to 100 micrometres (0.0004 to 0.004 inch) long, but they are among the most complex intracellular secretion products known. Each consists of a spherical or cigar-shaped capsule with an eversible, hollow tubule extending from one end. In the unfired state, the tubule is coiled within the capsule. When a cnidarian contacts a predator or prey item, the capsule opens and the tubule everts. The tubule may be adhesive, or it may entangle the object. Both types serve to hold food items. A third type of tubule is armed with spines that penetrate predator or prey. Toxins contained in the capsule are injected through the tubule into the object being held. Each cnida can be fired only once. Undifferentiated interstitial cells of the ectoderm and endoderm appear to be the source of the cnidoblasts (cells that produce cnidae).