- Related Topics:
- catfish
- knifefish
- Cypriniformes
- Otophysi
- Anotophysi
A few ostariophysans have the capability to emerge from their aquatic abode and move over land, climb walls, or even glide or fly through the air. The walking catfish (Clarias batrachus), an exotic species in southern Florida, uses its pectoral fin spines as anchors to prevent jackknifing as its body musculature produces snakelike movements and can progress remarkable distances over dry land. Using suction disks and fins, the mountain stream catfishes (Sisoridae and Astroblepidae) can climb vertical rock walls above the water surface.
The small hatchetfishes, or flying characins (Gasteropelecidae), of South America normally swim near the surface of the water but are capable of jumping clear and flying short distances. They vibrate enlarged pectoral fins rapidly back and forth by using highly specialized musculature on the shoulder girdle.
Air breathing
Although gills are typical respiratory structures in fishes, many freshwater species occupy habitats where the oxygen may be depleted occasionally or where droughts may force them to live out of water temporarily. These fishes have evolved a variety of air-breathing organs, most of which are outgrowths or pouches from the pharynx, branchial (gill) chamber, or digestive tube. Some catfishes (Clarias and Heterobranchus) of Asia and Africa have branched respiratory structures extending above the gill chambers; others (Heteropneustes) have elongated, tubular, lunglike sacs extending backward as far as the caudal fin (tail). The electric eel is a mouth breather; gaseous exchange takes place through the wrinkled mucous membrane lining the mouth cavity. Some fishes actually swallow air into the lower part of the digestive tract, which then also serves as a respiratory structure. In the armoured catfishes (Doras, Plecostomus, Callichthys) of South America, the thin-walled stomach serves this function. The loaches swallow air into a reservoir-like bulge from the intestine and void the remaining gases through the anus.
Communication and sensory perception
Sounds produced by ostariophysans are usually associated with the swim bladder. Minnows produce noises by expelling air through the pneumatic duct, which connects the swim bladder with the digestive tract, and the mouth; loaches do the same by expulsion through the anus. In several catfish families the expanded ends of a springlike mechanism (derived from modified portions of the fourth vertebra) are attached to the swim bladder. The contraction of muscles extending from the spring mechanism to the skull cause the springs and bladder wall to vibrate rapidly, producing a growling or humming noise. In other catfishes the rubbing or grating movements of the dorsal and pectoral spines produce sounds.
The sense of hearing in the Otophysi is more highly developed than in any other fishes. The walls of the swim bladder are set in vibration by waves of underwater sound, and the Weberian ossicles then increase the amplitude of these vibrations, transmitting them to the internal ears. This combination is analogous to that of a hydrophone and endows these fishes with a remarkable sensitivity to sound. The normal frequency range detectable by otophysans is from 16 to 7,000 hertz (cycles per second); for some characins the maximum is 10,000 hertz. (For comparison, the frequency range of human hearing extends from about 20 hertz to about 20,000 hertz.)
Among other functions, sound production and hearing in fishes may assist in bringing schooling fishes together; even more significant is the role of sound in reproduction. Experiments with North American cyprinids provide evidence that sounds are produced by both sexes and may serve for sexual recognition. A male is able to distinguish the calls of females of his own species from those of closely related species. Consequently, sounds may serve as isolating mechanisms in maintaining the genetic integrity of the species. For fishes living in muddy waters, sounds may be a vital communication link between individuals, especially in the breeding season. The combination of sound production and acute hearing is correlated with the dominant role of otophysans in fresh waters.
Electric organs
Members of the order Gymnotiformes and of the siluriform family Malapteruridae possess the unusual capacity to generate electricity. The best known and most powerful of this group is the electric eel (Electrophorus electricus). The electrical organs, three on each side of the body, are derived from modified muscle tissue. The force of the discharge has been measured at 350 to 650 volts and can produce a current strong enough to stun animals as large as a horse or a human. The electric catfish (Malapterurus electricus) can deliver shocks up to 450 volts, but this power is apparently used only as a defensive measure. The electrical organ of this species, also derived from muscle tissue, consists of a specialized gelatinous coat of tissue that sheathes most of the body just under the skin.
Other gymnotid eels and knifefishes (Gymnotus and other genera) produce currents of low voltage only, emitting a continuous series of pulses (from 35 to 1,700 hertz), which create an electrical field around the fish. When this field is broken, either by a moving animal or by inanimate objects in the vicinity, the fish can locate animals or objects, which otherwise would be difficult to see at night or in muddy water. Experiments indicate that electrical cues may also facilitate social interactions. Perception of electrical stimuli occurs in specialized electrical receptors in the skin, and portions of the brain are enlarged to process electrosensory information.
Taste and smell
Catfishes and other fishes living in muddy waters have relatively poor vision but possess chemosensory acuity. Lips, barbels, and most of the body are covered with innumerable taste buds. Experiments have proved that taste plays a leading role in the location of food by these fishes.
Studies on the sense of smell have isolated odours emanating from mucus produced in the skin, from secretions of the gonads, and from other body parts. These odours, chemical signals called pheromones, provide a means of communication between individuals of the same or different species. Certain minnows (Cyprinidae) can discriminate between the odours of at least 15 species of fishes belonging to eight different families. The social behaviour of bullheads (Ictalurus) and other ostariophysans is related to a system of communications using chemical signals. An individual not only recognizes individuals of other species but can identify and remember the identification of a particular individual of its own species after a time lapse of three weeks. Territorial and communal behaviour are evidently influenced by different pheromones.
Alarm substances
In 1938 Austrian biologist Karl von Frisch introduced an injured minnow (Phoxinus) into a school of the same species and observed that the school rapidly retreated and appeared very frightened. By experimentation he demonstrated that a chemical substance released from the lacerated skin produced a fright reaction when perceived through the nasal organs of other fishes. This “alarm substance,” secreted by specialized cells in the epidermis, is released only when the skin is injured. Alarm substances are present in almost all species of ostariophysans tested (except for a few species of Characidae, Hemiodontidae, Chilodontidae, and Rhamphichthyidae) and are absent in all non-ostariophysan fishes examined. Although the fright reaction appears to be important insurance for the individual against predation, the alarm substances are of greatest value among those species exhibiting social behaviour by warning other members of the school. Alarm substances and the fright reaction have contributed markedly to the biological success of the Ostariophysi.