- Related Topics:
- mormyrid
- mooneye
- Osteoglossiformes
- Hiodontiformes
- Notopteroidei
Mormyridae and Gymnarchidae are of particular interest because they have electrical organs. Electrical discharges from these organs are in the form of pulses, the frequency and nature of which are different in each species. In nature, electrical discharges ranging from an output of about 120 to 300 pulses per second have been recorded.
The flow pattern of the electric field around the fish is distorted by the different conductivity of objects that pass into it. These variations are detected by modified nerve cells (mormyromasts) in the skin. The greatly varying conductivity differences among animals and inorganic objects make it possible for mormyrids to use their electrical organs to distinguish between prey, predators, and obstacles in the turbid water they often inhabit. Discharges from the organs also serve as signals to other mormyrids.
Some mormyrs tend to swim with little body movement, using instead the dorsal fins for propulsion. This unusual swimming method is probably associated with the use of electric organs in navigation and detection; Gymnarchus, for example, swims with its body held straight, propulsion being provided by undulations of the dorsal, or back, fin. Since electrical organs lie near the tail, side-to-side movements of the tail end (as in normal swimming movement) would constantly change their position relative to that of the receptor organs, which are in the head area.
Rigid-bodied swimming like that of the mormyrs also occurs in the featherbacks (Notopteridae), which use the long anal fin for propulsion. There is no electrical organ in the notopterids, however; the rigid body of these fishes may be correlated with the long gas-filled swim bladder that extends into the tail end of the body.
All other osteoglossomorphs swim by using the body musculature and caudal (tail) fin in the usual manner. Pantodon has greatly expanded winglike pectoral fins (behind the gills), which are used for short flights in the air, either to escape predators or to catch insects. It habitually swims or drifts just below the water surface and leaps from the water by means of a powerful thrust of the pectorals, sending the fish 30 cm (about 12 inches) or more vertically out of the water. Short horizontal flights of about 1 metre (about 3 feet) are also executed.
Some species of Osteoglossidae (Heterotis, Arapaima, and Pantodon), Notopteridae (Chitala, Notopterus, Papyrocranus, Xenomystus), and the Gymnarchidae are able to breathe air at the surface; thus, they can live in areas where the water is deoxygenated.
The notopterid Xenomystus produces sounds that are used as warnings and in courtship. Swim bladder structure in other Notopteridae suggests that they are also capable of emitting sounds. In all Notopteroidei and the Hiodontiformes, the swim bladder is closely connected with the inner ear, a condition that may be an aid to hearing. Except for the osteoglossid Heterotis, all osteoglossomorphs are carnivorous—the smaller species (and young of all species) feeding on insects and other invertebrates, the larger species on fish. Heterotis feeds on microscopic plants and animals filtered from the water.
Osteoglossomorph fishes occupy a diversity of habitats in rivers and lakes, often in turbid waters or in regions with dense aquatic vegetation. A few species seem to require open waters, and some notopterids can even tolerate slightly brackish water.
Form and function
All living osteoglossomorphs have strongly toothed jaws. The jaws are not protrusible, but in piscivorous (that is, fish-eating) species the gape is sometimes considerable. The Mormyridae show a great variety in head shape and mouth form. Many insectivorous (insect-eating) species have a small mouth at the tip of a long, curved, tubular snout; they feed by probing among rocks or in soft mud. Piscivores have larger mouths and short snouts.
The mouth is large in all Osteoglossidae, which, like the Notopteridae and the Hiodontiformes, have a more typical head shape than do the Mormyridae. Heterotis has complex spiraled structures lying above the gill arches on each side of the head and opening into the pharynx. Food particles, drawn into the pharynx with the respiratory current, are filtered out and concentrated in these organs.
In all Mormyridae and in the Gymnarchidae, a short length of body musculature toward the tail is modified to form the electric organ. These muscles have lost the ability to contract and have undergone considerable cellular reorganization, from slender fibres of ordinary muscle into thin, flat, electroplates, the structures in which electricity is produced. There are about 300 to 400 electroplates in mormyrid electric organs and about 600 to 800 in those of Gymnarchus. The brain, particularly the cerebellum, of mormyrs is the largest known among fish; the cerebellum is associated with the electroreceptor organs (mormyromasts) in the skin (see mechanoreception: Ampullary lateral-line organs).
A well-developed swim bladder is present in all osteoglossomorphs. In the air-breathing osteoglossids, pantodontids, and gymnarchids, it is highly vascularized (that is, has many blood vessels), and its inner surface is honeycombed with tiny pits.
Paired extensions in the Notopteridae and Hiodontidae connect the swim bladder with the auditory region of the skull. In the African genus Papyrocranus, diverticula (outpocketings) of the swim bladder actually penetrate the skull, a condition that probably improves hearing. Posteriorly, the swim bladder in notopterids extends beyond the abdominal cavity and runs back on either side of the vertebral column. In the early embryos of Mormyridae and Gymnarchidae, a pair of thin tubes extends forward from the swim bladder into the skull; later the tubes atrophy, leaving an isolated vesicle—a blister, or balloonlike structure—within the skull surrounded by the semicircular canals of each ear.
The inner ear shows various modifications; in notopterids, gymnarchids, and mormyrids, the upper portion (for balance) is completely separated from the lower part (for hearing).
In the Mormyridae and the genus Pantodon (Osteoglossidae), the anal fin shows considerable sexual dimorphism in shape—that is, the anal fin of males differs from that of females. These differences may be related to spawning activity.