- Related Topics:
- pelican
- frigate bird
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- Pelecani
The breeding of pelecaniform birds is essentially restricted to places free of mammalian predators. Tropic birds, boobies, and frigate birds typically breed on oceanic islands or on small islets and stacks off continental coasts. Where man introduced predators (such as cats) to isolated islands, pelecaniforms and other marine birds were often eliminated from their traditional breeding grounds. On Ascension Island and St. Helena in the South Atlantic, for example, tropic birds, frigate birds, and boobies, which used to breed in large numbers on the main islands, have either been exterminated or have been forced to confine their nesting to sites on small offshore islets. Pelicans and cormorants are not normally found on islands far from continental land but breed on islands in lakes or offshore or in other protected sites such as trees standing in water or on cliffs. Anhingas breed in trees or bushes close to the sheltered waters where they prefer to feed.
Pelecaniform breeding, whether on the ground or in trees, is typically colonial, apparently because of the scarcity of safe places. If they are to breed at all, all the birds of an area must crowd into the available space. In practice, most colonies have a fairly definite upper limit of density determined by the distance that an incubating bird can reach out to repel intruders. Nests of the gannet (Morus bassanus) have an average density of about 1 per square metre (about 0.84 per square yard); those of the guanay cormorant average about 3.5 per square metre (about 2.9 per square yard).
In some species, colonial breeding has become obligatory, and single pairs or small groups do not breed successfully. Other species breed colonially only where there is a shortage of space for nesting. The masked booby (Sula dactylatra), for example, breeds in dense colonies on islets off Ascension Island but in dispersed patterns on Christmas Island (Pacific). Breeding in a number of species is normally dispersed; the red-footed cormorant (Phalacrocorax gaimardi) of South America, for instance, often nests on cliffs where only scattered sites are available. Similarly, tropic birds nest in holes or crevices in cliffs or under the shelter of rocks or bushes. The sites are thus normally well dispersed, and in some places there is intense competition for them.
Courtship behaviour
During courtship (except in tropic birds) the male typically selects a nest site and then displays from this site to passing females. In the male advertising display of boobies (“sky-pointing”) and of cormorants and anhingas (“wing-waving”), the head and tail are raised and the wings partially raised. The boobies have species-specific positions of the wings and tail; the cormorants and anhingas wave either their wing tips or their whole wings, to a varying degree. In many species a particular call is associated with the display. In the “rattling” display of frigate birds, the male leans back on his tail, extends his wings along the ground, and with his bill pointing vertically throbs his inflated scarlet throat (gular) sac, vibrates his wings, and claps his bill.
In most pelecaniforms, when a female has finally joined a male at the nest site, he may go and fetch nest material, which is then added to the nest structure by the female, alone or with the assistance of the male. There is no courtship feeding in the pelecaniforms, but in tropic birds there are a few records of one adult feeding the other during incubation. Copulation normally occurs on the nest site, without any special precopulatory or postcopulatory displays. The pair-bond, once established, is reinforced by such activities as joint nest building and defense and preening of one bird by the other. Certain displays functioning in individual recognition are performed in the air or on the ground when one of a pair returns to the nest and also occur during the “handling” of nest material, which continues during incubation. The boobies have a “head-wagging” recognition display; the cormorants and anhingas have a comparable “kink-throat” display; similarly, the frigate birds use a “rattling” display.
In tropic birds, which do not normally have nest sites in the open, courtship display is aerial. Birds fly around in a group, calling, and then two individuals may leave the group and fly together, the upper bird depressing his tail (especially the long central feathers) during gliding or hovering; the flights often end with one or both birds flying into a nest cavity. Tropic birds do not collect nest material but probably sometimes enlarge nest cavities with their bills or feet.
In all or nearly all pelecaniform families, mating frequently occurs with the same partner in successive years, and in many populations the same nest site may be occupied repeatedly. Since most species nest colonially, fighting over nest sites is common. It is particularly intense in the gannet and in populations of tropic birds when nest sites are in short supply.
Breeding seasons
Outside the tropics, egg laying by pelicans, boobies, and cormorants occurs typically in the spring, and the laying period extends over one to three months. In the tropics there is greater diversity in both the timing and extent of the laying period. Although many tropical populations have distinct laying periods at the same season in each year, a number of those in relatively seasonless environments have been known to lay in every month of the year. The blue-footed booby (Sula nebouxii) in the Galapagos, for example, is known to breed at intervals of less than a year. In other populations, laying is synchronized but occurs at nonannual intervals; the brown booby (S. leucogaster) on Ascension Island has laying periods roughly every eight months. For the cormorants (P. carbo and P. africanus) of Lake Victoria, conditions are favourable for breeding during about eight months in each year, but the scarcity of islands free of predators forces the birds to occupy the few safe colonies in relays.