- Byname:
- The Great Elector
- German:
- Der Grosse Kurfürst
- Born:
- Feb. 16, 1620, Cölln, near Berlin
- Died:
- May 9, 1688, Potsdam, near Berlin (aged 68)
- House / Dynasty:
- Hohenzollern dynasty
- Notable Family Members:
- father George William
- son Frederick I
The year 1661, in which Louis XIV assumed the reins of government in France, ushered in an era of vast power struggles in Europe. In the conflict erupting between Austria and Spain, on the one side, and France and Sweden, on the other, the Elector hoped to maintain the balance of power by preventing either side from achieving predominance. He sought not a simple policy of neutrality but rather, as he recommended to his successor in his political testament of 1667, to advance the interests of his house by always joining the weaker power against the stronger. Here lies the basis for the continual shifts in his policy of alliances: “Brandenburg’s intermittent fever,” which became proverbial in the 17th century.
In 1672, when Louis XIV prepared for the invasion of Holland, Frederick William, still true to his policy of supporting the weaker power, allied himself with the Dutch states-general. Their sole European ally, he concluded an aid agreement with them, fully aware of the danger from France to his territories of Cleves on the lower Rhine. But after the unexpectedly rapid collapse of the Netherlands forced him to make a separate peace with France in 1673, the Elector adopted a policy of neutrality, which he abandoned only when the Holy Roman Empire declared war against France. In July 1674 he joined the alliance of the Habsburg emperor, Spain, and the Netherlands. Frederick William’s military expectations were disappointed by the slow progress of the allies on the upper Rhine. He also suffered a more serious personal loss with the death of the gifted young heir to the throne, Karl Emil.
When the Swedes invaded Brandenburg, the Elector turned northward, and under his command his army, in June 1675, scored its first independent victory. In a contemporary folk song Frederick William was for the first time called the “Great Elector.” In the same year, allied with the Emperor and with Denmark, he once more began to retrieve the spoils of the Thirty Years’ War from the Swedes. For the second time he gained western Pomerania by the sword, only to lose it again under French pressure. Abandoned by his allies, he had to yield the fruits of his victory in the Peace of Saint-Germain-en-Laye in 1679.
Later policies.
Frederick now decided to gain in alliance with France what he could not obtain by opposing it. In 1679 he concluded a secret pact with France, committing himself, in return for large subsidies, to support French candidates in the next elections for king of Poland and for emperor. The alliance endured as long as the Elector believed that Louis XIV would help him gain possession of western Pomerania. When he realized that this hope was vain, Frederick William changed political partners, for the last time, in 1685. The Elector’s disillusionment with Louis XIV coincided with the assumption by William of Orange (later King William III of Great Britain) of his historical role as founder of the Grand Alliance. against Louis XIV. The Elector, impressed that William was a prince of Orange and his own nephew, concluded a defense pact with the Netherlands in 1685. He drew still closer to William’s side with the issuance of the Edict of Potsdam on Nov. 8, 1685, in which he granted asylum to all Huguenots expelled from France by Louis XIV after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Thus, at the end of his life, the Great Elector returned to the political ties of his early years. He did not live to witness the great shift in the European balance of power that his nephew was to effect through his landing in England and his succeeding the Catholic Stuart King James II. But he was aware of William’s plans when he died in 1688, the year of England’s Glorious Revolution.
The Great Elector bequeathed to his son Frederick (after 1701, Frederick I, king of Prussia) a well-organized state, widely respected for its sound finances and efficient army. Frederick William had gone far toward integrating his inherited and acquired territories by establishing national institutions and central administrative bodies. He did, however, endanger the further integration by endowing the children of his second marriage, contracted in 1668 with Dorothea of Holstein-Glücksburg, with semi-autonomous principalities. Many of his ambitious plans were not realized. Just as he was unable to provide a pathway to the Baltic for his country, his attempt to establish a colony on the Guinea coast of Africa remained only an episode in Brandenburg–Prussian history. He was far more successful in the economic field. The systematic colonization of the sparsely populated country, the improvement of trade routes through canal construction, and the establishment and operation of factories after the mercantilist model were begun under Frederick William. In this area, too, the Elector established a tradition that was broadened by his 18th-century successors.
Frederick William adopted the so-called government in council form of monarchical rule, whereby the ruler exercised his power with the aid of his principal council and functioned almost as a president. He always listened to his advisers’ opinions but made all important decisions himself.
The political views of all rulers of that period were rooted in religion. For the Great Elector royal power was a God-given duty, a common Christian viewpoint that was given a special character by the Elector’s Calvinist beliefs, which bind the ruler, just as the least of his subjects, to prove himself visibly in his daily duties. Here lies the religious basis of Frederick William’s ambition for political power and of his immense, yet restrained, energy, which is still evident today in Andreas Schlüter’s famous equestrian statue of the Great Elector in Berlin.
Stephan Skalweit