Arachnids, ACA-WOL
When it comes to creepy-crawlies, arachnids are some of the first critters that might come to mind. This arthropod group includes spiders, daddy longlegs, and scorpions, among other creatures that many of us would prefer to avoid.
Arachnids Encyclopedia Articles By Title
acarid, (subclass Acari or Acarida or Acarina), any member of the subgroup of the arthropod class Arachnida that......
arachnid, (class Arachnida), any member of the arthropod group that includes spiders, daddy longlegs, scorpions,......
Australian funnel-web spider, (family Atracidae), any of about 35 species and three genera of spiders native to......
Bagheera kiplingi, species of jumping spider noted for its largely plant-based diet. The herbivorous nature of......
black widow, (genus Latrodectus), any of about 30 species of comb-footed spiders distinguished by an hourglass-shaped......
book lung, form of respiratory organ found in certain air-breathing arachnid arthropods (scorpions and some spiders).......
brown recluse, (Loxosceles reclusa), venomous light tan or yellow spider most common in the western and southern......
chigger, (suborder Prostigmata), the larva of any of approximately 10,000 species of mites in the invertebrate......
comb-footed spider, (family Theridiidae), any of more than 2,500 species and around 130 genera of spiders distributed......
crab spider, (family Thomisidae), family of spiders that are crablike in shape and, like many crabs, often walk......
daddy longlegs, (order Opiliones), any of more than 6,000 species of arachnids (class Arachnida) that are known......
false scorpion, any of the 1,700 species of the order Pseudoscorpiones (sometimes Chelonethida) of the arthropod......
funnel weaver, (family Agelenidae), large family of more than 1,000 species and nearly 100 genera of spiders known......
garden spider, (Araneus diadematus), a member of the orb weaver family Araneidae (order Araneida) characterized......
giant huntsman spider, (Heteropoda maxima), massive cave-dwelling spider, sporting the largest leg span of any......
goliath birdeater, (Theraphosa blondi), South American tarantula that is widely considered to be the largest known......
joro spider, (Trichonephila clavata), large and visually striking orb weaver spider. Native to Asia, including......
jumping ant spider, (Myrmarachne formicaria), species of jumping spider that mimics a redwood ant (Formica rufa)......
jumping spider, (family Salticidae), any of more than 5,000 species of spiders (order Araneida) known for their......
lynx spider, (family Oxyopidae), any of several groups of active spiders (order Araneida) that do not build a nest......
mite, any of numerous species of tiny arthropods, members of the mite and tick subclass Acari (class Arachnida),......
nursery-web spider, (family Pisauridae), any member of a family of spiders (order Araneida) noted for the female......
ogre-faced spider, (family Deinopidae), small family of spiders so named for the fact that one of their pairs of......
orb weaver, any spider of the family Araneidae (Argiopidae or Epeiridae) of the order Araneida, a large and widely......
peacock spider, (genus Maratus), genus of nearly 100 species of small, predominantly Australian jumping spiders......
pirate spider, any member of the family Mimetidae (order Araneida), noted for its habit of eating other spiders.......
ray spider, any spider of the family Theridiosomatidae (order Araneida), known for their conelike webs. Most ray......
red spider, any of the plant-feeding mites of the family Tetranychidae (subclass Acari). Red spiders are a common......
redback, (Latrodectus hasselti), species of black widow spider that is native to Australia, the females of which......
sac spider, (family Clubionidae), any member of a relatively common, widespread family of spiders (order Araneida)......
scorpion, (order Scorpiones or Scorpionida), any of approximately 1,500 elongated arachnid species characterized......
sheet-web weaver, (family Linyphiidae), a rather common group of small spiders (order Araneida) numbering about......
silk spider, (genus Nephila), any of a genus of the class Arachnida (phylum Arthropoda), so named because of the......
spider, (order Araneida or Araneae), any of more than 46,700 species of arachnids that differ from insects in having......
- Introduction
- Arachnid, Size, Range
- Predator, Web-building, Venom
- Internal features
- Nervous System, Senses, Arachnid
- Reproduction, Silk, Venom
- Venom, Silk, Predators
- Reproduction, Life Cycle, Molting
- Mating, Reproduction, Courtship
- Egg Sacs, Reproduction, Anatomy
- Prey Capture, Venom, Web-Building
- Webs, Silk, Predators
spitting spider, any member of the family Scytodidae (order Araneida). Most species have six pearly-white eyes......
sunspider, (order Solifugae), any of more than 1,000 species of the arthropod class Arachnida whose common name......
tailless whip scorpion, (order Amblypygi, sometimes Phrynichida), any of 70 species of the arthropod class Arachnida......
tarantula, (family Theraphosidae), any of more than 1,000 species and some 160 genera of hairy and generally large......
tick, (suborder Ixodida), any of about 825 species of invertebrates in the order Parasitiformes (subclass Acari).......
trap-door spider, any member of the spider family Ctenizidae and certain members of the families Antrodiaetidae,......
vinegarroon, species of whip scorpion...
wandering spider, (family Ctenidae), family of more than 600 species and nearly 50 genera of large, nocturnal spiders......
water spider, (Argyroneta aquatica), species of aquatic spider that is the only spider known to spend nearly its......
whip scorpion, (order Uropygi, sometimes Thelyphonida), any of approximately 105 species of the arthropod class......
wolf spider, (family Lycosidae), large family of more than 2,300 species and 135 genera of spiders named for their......