Biology, LEV-MIS

How do plants feed themselves? How did dogs evolve from wolves? What good is the appendix in humans, anyway? Such questions fall within the domain of biology, which seeks to understand living organisms and their vital processes (although the jury’s still out on what our appendixes are for). Biology’s diverse fields include botany, ecology, evolution, genetics, medicine, physiology, and zoology.
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Biology Encyclopedia Articles By Title

levator muscle
levator muscle, any of the muscles that raise a body part. In humans these include the levator anguli oris, which......
Lewis blood group system
Lewis blood group system, classification of human blood based on the expression of glycoproteins called Lewis (Le)......
lichen, any of about 15,000 species of plantlike organisms that consist of a symbiotic association of algae (usually......
life cycle
life cycle, in biology, the series of changes that the members of a species undergo as they pass from the beginning......
ligament, tough fibrous band of connective tissue that serves to support the internal organs and hold bones together......
limbic system
limbic system, group of structures in the brain that governs emotions, motivation, olfaction (sense of smell),......
lipid storage disease
lipid storage disease, any of a group of relatively rare hereditary disorders of fat metabolism, characterized......
list of fungi
The fungus kingdom contains more than 99,000 known species distributed throughout the world. Fungi are extremely......
list of geneticists
This is a list of prominent geneticists, organized alphabetically by country of birth or residence. Geneticists......
listeriosis, disease caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. The bacterium has been isolated from humans......
liver, the largest gland in the body, a spongy mass of wedge-shaped lobes that has many metabolic and secretory......
liver cancer
liver cancer, any of several forms of disease characterized by tumours in the liver; benign liver tumours remain......
lophophore hypothesis
lophophore hypothesis, viewpoint that conodonts, small toothlike structures found as fossils in marine rocks over......
louping ill
louping ill, viral disease mainly of sheep and red grouse, causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. The......
lung, in air-breathing vertebrates, either of the two large organs of respiration located in the chest cavity and......
lung plague
lung plague, an acute bacterial disease producing pneumonia and inflammation of lung membranes in cattle, buffalo,......
lupus erythematosus
lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation in various parts of the body. Three......
Lutheran blood group system
Lutheran blood group system, classification of human blood based on the presence of substances called Lutheran......
Lyme disease
Lyme disease, tick-borne bacterial disease that was first conclusively identified in 1975 and is named for the......
lymph, pale fluid that bathes the tissues of an organism, maintaining fluid balance, and removes bacteria from......
lymphangitis, bacterial infection of the lymphatic vessels. The condition is caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus......
lymphatic system
lymphatic system, a subsystem of the circulatory system in the vertebrate body that consists of a complex network......
lymphedema, an abnormal condition in which poor function of the lymphatic system allows fluid to build up in the......
lymphoblast, immature white blood cell that gives rise to a type of immune cell known as a lymphocyte. The nucleus......
lymphocyte, type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that is of fundamental importance in the immune system because......
lymphocytic choriomeningitis
lymphocytic choriomeningitis, inflammation of the meninges (membranes covering the central nervous system) and......
lymphoid tissue
lymphoid tissue, cells and organs that make up the lymphatic system, such as white blood cells (leukocytes), bone......
lymphoma, any of a group of malignant diseases of the lymphatic system, usually starting in the lymph nodes or......
lysosome, subcellular organelle that is found in nearly all types of eukaryotic cells (cells with a clearly defined......
macronucleus, relatively large nucleus believed to influence many cell activities. It occurs in suctorian and ciliate......
macrophage, type of white blood cell that helps eliminate foreign substances by engulfing foreign materials and......
macular degeneration
macular degeneration, group of blinding disorders that cause the gradual deterioration of the retina in the eye.......
maggot, soft-bodied grub that is the larva of many dipterous flies. About half of fly species produce larvae that......
major histocompatibility complex
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), group of genes that code for proteins found on the surfaces of cells that......
malaria, serious relapsing infection in humans, characterized by periodic attacks of chills and fever, anemia,......
malformation, in biology, irregular or abnormal structural development. Malformations occur in both plants and......
malnutrition, physical condition resulting either from a faulty or inadequate diet (i.e., a diet that does not......
malpighian tubule
malpighian tubule, in insects, any of the excretory organs that lie in the abdominal body cavity and empty into......
mammalogy, scientific study of mammals. Interest in nonhuman mammals dates far back in prehistory, and the modern......
mammary gland
mammary gland, milk-producing gland characteristic of all female mammals and present in a rudimentary and generally......
mange, skin disease of animals caused by mite infestations, characterized by inflammation, itching, thickening......
mantle, in biology, soft covering, formed from the body wall, of brachiopods and mollusks; also, the fleshy outer......
marble bone disease
marble bone disease, rare disorder in which the bones become extremely dense, hard, and brittle. The disease progresses......
Marburgvirus, genus of viruses in family Filoviridae, known for causing severe disease in humans and other primates.......
Marek’s disease
Marek’s disease, highly contagious, often fatal malignancy of chickens that affects the nerves and visceral organs......
Marfan syndrome
Marfan syndrome, rare hereditary connective tissue disorder that affects most notably the skeleton, heart, and......
marine biology
marine biology, the science that deals with animals and plants that live in the sea. It also deals with airborne......
marine bioluminescence
marine bioluminescence, heatless light generated chemically by marine organisms. Bioluminescence is exhibited by......
mass extinction event
mass extinction event, any circumstance that results in the loss of a significant portion of Earth’s living species......
masseter, (from Greek masasthai, “to chew”), prominent muscle of the jaw. The masseter arises from the zygomatic......
mast cell
mast cell, tissue cell of the immune system of vertebrate animals. Mast cells mediate inflammatory responses such......
maternal imagination
maternal imagination, idea that maternal thoughts during pregnancy are transmitted directly to the developing fetus,......
matsutake mushroom
matsutake mushroom, (Tricholoma matsutake), prized edible and medicinal wood-dwelling fungus of the family Tricholomataceae......
measles, contagious viral disease marked by fever, cough, conjunctivitis, and a characteristic rash. Measles is......
mechanism, in philosophy, the predominant form of Materialism, which holds that natural phenomena can and should......
mechanoreception, ability of an animal to detect and respond to certain kinds of stimuli—notably touch, sound,......
medulla oblongata
medulla oblongata, the lowest part of the brain and the lowest portion of the brainstem. The medulla oblongata......
meiosis, division of a germ cell involving two fissions of the nucleus and giving rise to four gametes, or sex......
melanocyte, specialized skin cell that produces the protective skin-darkening pigment melanin. Birds and mammals......
melanoma, a spreading and frequently recurring cancer of melanocytes, specialized skin cells that produce the protective......
melioidosis, a bacterial infection in humans and animals caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei (Pseudomonas pseudomallei).......
melorheostosis, rare disorder of unknown cause in which cortical bone overgrowth occurs along the main axis of......
membrane, in biology, the thin layer that forms the outer boundary of a living cell or of an internal cell compartment.......
Mendelian inheritance
Mendelian inheritance, the principles of heredity formulated by Austrian-born botanist, teacher, and Augustinian......
meninges, three membranous envelopes—pia mater, arachnoid, and dura mater—that surround the brain and spinal cord.......
menopause, permanent cessation of menstruation that results from the loss of ovarian function and therefore represents......
MERS, acute viral respiratory illness that is characterized primarily by cough, fever, and shortness of breath......
mesentery, a continuous folded band of membranous tissue (peritoneum) that is attached to the wall of the abdomen......
mesonephros, permanent kidney of amphibians and most fish, developing posterior to and replacing the pronephros......
messenger RNA
messenger RNA (mRNA), molecule in cells that carries codes from the DNA in the nucleus to the sites of protein......
metabolic bone disease
metabolic bone disease, any of several diseases that cause various abnormalities or deformities of bone. Examples......
metabolic syndrome
metabolic syndrome, syndrome characterized by a cluster of metabolic abnormalities associated with an increased......
metabolomics, the study of metabolites, the chemical substances produced as a result of metabolism, which encompasses......
metachromatic leukodystrophy
metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD), rare inherited metabolic disease in which the lack of a key enzyme causes loss......
metamorphosis, in biology, striking change of form or structure in an individual after hatching or birth. Hormones......
metanephros, permanent kidney in reptiles, birds, and mammals, developing by the 10th week in human embryos from......
metaphase, in mitosis and meiosis, the stage of cell division characterized by the alignment of the chromosomes......
metaplasia, in zoology, the conversion of one type of living cell or group of cells into another as a means of......
methemoglobinemia, decrease in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells (erythrocytes) due to the presence......
microcephaly, congenital condition in which an infant’s head is smaller than the typical size for its age and sex.......
microglia, type of neuronal support cell (neuroglia) occurring in the central nervous system of invertebrates and......
microRNA (miRNA), small molecule in cells, typically about 21–25 nucleotides in length, that plays a crucial role......
microsporidian, any parasitic fungus of the phylum Microsporidia (kingdom Fungi), found mainly in cells of the......
microtubule, tubular structure of indefinite length, constructed from globular proteins called tubulins, which......
microvillus, any of numerous microscopic bristlelike protrusions that occur on the surface of a wide variety of......
midbrain, region of the developing vertebrate brain that is composed of the tectum and tegmentum. The midbrain......
middle age
middle age, period of human adulthood that immediately precedes the onset of old age. Though the age period that......
midget, in human anatomy, a person of very small stature whose bodily proportions, intelligence, and sexual development......
migraine, condition characterized by painful recurring headaches, sometimes with nausea and vomiting. Migraine......
mildew, a conspicuous mass of white threadlike hyphae and fruiting structures produced by various fungi. Mildew......
Miller-Urey experiment
Miller-Urey experiment, experimental simulation conducted in 1953 that attempted to replicate the conditions of......
Minamata disease
Minamata disease, Disease first identified in 1956 in Minamata, Japan. A fishing port, Minamata was also the home......
mirror neuron
mirror neuron, type of sensory-motor cell located in the brain that is activated when an individual performs an......
miscarriage, spontaneous expulsion of the embryo or fetus from the uterus before the 20th week of pregnancy, prior......
missing link
missing link, hypothetical extinct creature halfway in the evolutionary line between modern human beings and their......

Biology Encyclopedia Articles By Title