Economics & Economic Systems, JIZ-LET

Economic system, any of the ways in which humankind has arranged for its material provisioning. One would think that there would be a great variety of such systems, corresponding to the many cultural arrangements that have characterized human society.
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Economics & Economic Systems Encyclopedia Articles By Title

jizyah, historically, a tax (the term is often incorrectly translated as a “head tax” or “poll tax”) paid by non-Muslim......
John Birch Society
John Birch Society, private organization founded in the United States on Dec. 9, 1958, by Robert H.W. Welch, Jr.......
Johnson, Harry Gordon
Harry Gordon Johnson was a Canadian-born economist who managed to synthesize divergent economic viewpoints. He......
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th president of the United States (1963–69). A moderate Democrat and vigorous leader......
Johnson, Simon
What is Simon Johnson known for? Simon Johnson is known for his extensive contributions to the field of political......
joint venture
joint venture, partnership or alliance among two or more businesses or organizations based on shared expertise......
joint-stock company
joint-stock company, a forerunner of the modern corporation that was organized for undertakings requiring large......
Jones, Mother
Mother Jones was a labour organizer, widely known in the United States as a fiery agitator for the union rights......
Jones, Richard
Richard Jones was a British economist and clergyman. Jones was educated at Cambridge University, graduating in......
Jouhaux, Léon
Léon Jouhaux was a French Socialist and trade-union leader who was one of the founders of the International Labour......
Juche, state ideology of North Korea and official ideology of the Workers Party of Korea. Typically translated......
Juglar, Clément
Clément Juglar was a French physician and economist who made detailed studies of cycles in business and trade.......
junk bond
junk bond, Bond paying a high yield but also presenting greater risk than comparable securities. Junk bonds can......
jāgīrdār system
jāgīrdār system, form of land tenancy developed in India during the time of Muslim rule (beginning in the early......
Kaczyński, Jarosław
Jarosław Kaczyński is a Polish politician who served as prime minister of Poland (2006–07) and later as deputy......
Kaczyński, Lech
Lech Kaczyński was a politician who served as president of Poland (2005–10). Kaczyński and his identical twin,......
Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich
Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich was a Soviet Communist Party leader and supporter of Joseph Stalin. As a young Jewish......
Kahneman, Daniel
Daniel Kahneman was an Israeli-born psychologist and a corecipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2002 for......
Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin was a communist leader and statesman who was the formal head of the Soviet state from......
Kamenev, Lev
Lev Kamenev was an Old Bolshevik and prominent member of the Communist Party and Soviet government during the decade......
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Rosabeth Moss Kanter is an American social scientist and writer whose interests centre on the dynamics of corporate......
Kantorovich, Leonid Vitalyevich
Leonid Vitalyevich Kantorovich was a Soviet mathematician and economist who shared the 1975 Nobel Prize for Economics......
Kapital, Das
Das Kapital, one of the major works of the 19th-century economist and philosopher Karl Marx (1818–83), in which......
Kardelj, Edvard
Edvard Kardelj was a Yugoslav revolutionary and politician, a close colleague and chosen successor of Josip Broz......
Kautsky, Karl
Karl Kautsky was a Marxist theorist and a leader of the German Social Democratic Party. After the death of Friedrich......
Kawakami Hajime
Kawakami Hajime was a journalist, poet, and university professor who was one of Japan’s first Marxist theoreticians.......
Kehew, Mary Morton Kimball
Mary Morton Kimball Kehew was an American reformer who worked to improve the living and working conditions of mid-19th-century......
keiretsu, large clusters of companies that dominated the Japanese economy between the 1950s and the early 2000s,......
Kelley, Florence
Florence Kelley was an American social reformer who contributed to the development of state and federal labour......
Keynes, John Maynard
John Maynard Keynes was an English economist, journalist, and financier best known for his economic theories (Keynesian......
Keynes, John Neville
John Neville Keynes was a British philosopher and economist who synthesized two poles of economic thought by incorporating......
Keynesian economics
Keynesian economics, body of ideas set forth by John Maynard Keynes in his General Theory of Employment, Interest......
kharāj, a special Islāmic fiscal imposition that was demanded from recent converts to Islām in the 7th and 8th......
Khmer Rouge
Khmer Rouge, radical communist movement that ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 after winning power through a guerrilla......
Khrushchev, Nikita
Nikita Khrushchev was the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1953–64) and premier of the......
Kim Il-Sung
Kim Il-Sung was the communist leader of North Korea from 1948 until his death in 1994. He was the country’s premier......
Kim Jong Il
Kim Jong Il was the ruler of North Korea from 1994 to 2011. He succeeded his father, Kim Il-Sung, who became the......
Kim Jong-Un
Kim Jong-Un is a North Korean political official who succeeded his father, Kim Jong Il, as leader of North Korea......
King, Mervyn
Mervyn King is a British economist who served as governor of the Bank of England (BOE; 2003–13). King, the son......
Kirkland, Lane
Lane Kirkland was an American labour union leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor–Congress......
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Jeane Kirkpatrick was an American political scientist and diplomat, who was a foreign policy adviser under U.S.......
Klein, Lawrence R.
Lawrence R. Klein was an American economist whose work in developing macroeconometric models for national, regional,......
Knight, Frank Hyneman
Frank Hyneman Knight was an American economist who is considered the main founder of the “Chicago school” of economics.......
Knights of Labor
Knights of Labor (KOL), the first important national labour organization in the United States, founded in 1869.......
Komsomol, in the history of the Soviet Union, organization for young people aged 14 to 28 that was primarily a......
Kondratyev, Nikolay D.
Nikolay D. Kondratyev was a Russian economist and statistician noted among Western economists for his analysis......
Koopmans, Tjalling C.
Tjalling C. Koopmans was a Dutch-born American economist who shared—with Leonid Kantorovich of the Soviet Union—the......
Korean Workers’ Party
Korean Workers’ Party (KWP), North Korean political party that from its foundation (1946) in the early years of......
Košice government
Košice government, pro-Soviet Czechoslovak provisional government that inaugurated far-reaching socialist programs......
Kravchuk, Leonid
Leonid Kravchuk was the president of Ukraine from 1991 to 1994. For 30 years a Communist Party functionary, he......
Kremer, Michael
Michael Kremer is an American economist who, with Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, was awarded the 2019 Nobel......
Kreps, Juanita Morris
Juanita Morris Kreps was an American economist and public official, best remembered as the first woman to serve......
Kronshtadt Rebellion
Kronshtadt Rebellion, (March 1921), one of several major internal uprisings against Soviet rule in Russia after......
Krugman, Paul
Paul Krugman is an American economist and journalist who received the 2008 Nobel Prize for Economics for his work......
Krupskaya, Nadezhda Konstantinovna
Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya was a revolutionary who became the wife of Vladimir I. Lenin, played a central......
Kun, Béla
Béla Kun was a communist leader and head of the Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919. The son of a Jewish village......
Kuznets, Simon
Simon Kuznets was a Russian-born American economist and statistician who won the 1971 Nobel Prize for Economics,......
Kydland, Finn E.
Finn E. Kydland is a Norwegian economist, who, with Edward C. Prescott, won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences......
Köhler effect
Köhler effect, phenomenon that occurs when a person works harder as a member of a group than when working alone.......
Köhler, Horst
Horst Köhler was a German economist and politician who served as managing director of the International Monetary......
kōlakretai, Athenian financial administrators of the 6th and 5th centuries bce. Their title (“collectors of legs”)......
Kōtoku Shūsui
Kōtoku Shūsui was a Socialist leader, one of the first proponents of radical political action in Japan. His execution......
K’ung, H.H.
H.H. K’ung was a banker and businessman who was a major figure in the Chinese Nationalist government between 1928......
labour, in economics, the general body of wage earners. It is in this sense, for example, that one speaks of “organized......
Labour and Socialist International
Labour and Socialist International (LSI), organization in existence from 1923 until the advent of World War II......
Labour Party
Labour Party, British political party whose historic links with trade unions have led it to promote an active role......
labour, division of
division of labour, the separation of a work process into a number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate......
labour, hours of
hours of labour, the proportion of a person’s time spent at work. Hours of labour have declined significantly since......
Labour, Liberation of
Liberation of Labour, first Russian Marxist organization, founded in September 1883 in Geneva, by Georgy Valentinovich......
Labriola, Antonio
Antonio Labriola was a philosopher who systematized the study of Marxist socialism in Italy. The first in his nation......
Laffer, Arthur
Arthur Laffer is an American economist who propounded the idea that lowering tax rates could result in higher revenues.......
Lagarde, Christine
Christine Lagarde is a French lawyer and politician who was the first woman to serve as France’s finance minister......
laissez-faire, policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society.......
land, in economics, the natural resource used in production. In classical economics, the three factors of production......
Landrum-Griffin Act
Landrum-Griffin Act, a legislative response to widespread publicity about corruption and autocratic methods in......
Lange, Friedrich Albert
Friedrich Albert Lange was a German philosopher and Socialist, important for his refutation of materialism and......
Lange, Oskar Ryszard
Oskar Ryszard Lange was a Polish-born economist who taught in the United States and Poland and was active in Polish......
Lansbury, George
George Lansbury was a leader of the British Labour Party (1931–35), a Socialist and poor-law reformer who was forced......
Lansky, Meyer
Meyer Lansky was one of the most powerful and richest of U.S. crime syndicate chiefs and bankers. He had major......
Laspeyres index
Laspeyres index, index proposed by German economist Étienne Laspeyres (1834–1913) for measuring current prices......
Lassalle, Ferdinand
Ferdinand Lassalle was a leading spokesman for German socialism, a disciple of Karl Marx (from 1848), and one of......
Latin American Central of Workers
Latin American Central of Workers, (CLAT), regional Christian Democrat trade union federation linked to the World......
Lauderdale, James Maitland, 8th earl of, Baron Lauderdale of Thirlestane
James Maitland, 8th earl of Lauderdale was a Scottish politician and economic writer. Lauderdale was educated at......
Lavrov, Pyotr
Pyotr Lavrov was a Russian Socialist philosopher whose sociological thought provided a theoretical foundation for......
Law, John
John Law was a Scottish monetary reformer and originator of the “Mississippi scheme” for the development of French......
Le Duan
Le Duan was a Vietnamese communist politician. Le Duan was a founding member of the Indochina Communist Party in......
Le Duc Tho
Le Duc Tho was a Vietnamese politician who, acting as an adviser to North Vietnam, negotiated a cease-fire agreement......
Left Communist
Left Communist, in Soviet history, one of a group within the Communist Party which in the first half of 1918 opposed......
Left Party
Left Party, German political party that ruled East Germany as the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) and now......
Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty Association
Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty Association, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court, on May 30, 1991, partly upheld......
lend-lease, system by which the United States aided its World War II allies with war materials, such as ammunition,......
Lenin, Vladimir
Vladimir Lenin was the founder of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), inspirer and leader of the Bolshevik......
Leon Trotsky on Lenin
Leon Trotsky’s essay on Vladimir Lenin is historically significant not because it is trustworthy in its judgments......
Leontief, Wassily
Wassily Leontief was a Russian-born American economist who has been called the father of input-output analysis......
Lerner index
Lerner index, in economics, a measure of the market power of a firm. Formalized by the Russian-British economist......
Lerner, Abba P.
Abba P. Lerner was a Russian-born economist whose contributions included theoretical works on inflation, unemployment,......
Leroux, Pierre
Pierre Leroux was a French pantheistic philosopher, economist, pacifist, government official, and champion of socialism......
Letelier, Orlando
Orlando Letelier was a Chilean lawyer, economist, and diplomat who was closely identified with Chilean president......

Economics & Economic Systems Encyclopedia Articles By Title